
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Fantasie
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80 Chs


In the pantheon of adversaries formidable enough to challenge an evil dragon, only the mightiest of warriors, valiant heroes, legendary champions, and hallowed paladins from the grand temples, are deemed worthy to be called "strong enemies." For such a dragon, few others merit this title.

Even if the foes of the malevolent dragon Lance were not these illustrious figures, they were certainly not malevolent themselves. The thought of these noble souls being cursed to serve as undead minions weighed heavily on her conscience, igniting a pang of guilt within her.

To distract from such grim notions, she found solace in penning her thoughts in a diary. It was a way to sidestep the unsettling subject of necromancy, a practice both petty and cruel in her eyes.

In her notes, she often reminded herself never to cross the dragon Lance, lest she become another footnote in his grim ledger. And speaking of Lance, was he not a black dragon? Renowned for their spell immunity and strong physicality, black dragons also possessed the fearsome ability to unleash devastating breath attacks.

Yet, when compared to other draconic brethren, the golden, red, or frost dragons, the black dragons' prowess often fell short. Among these, the red dragons were particularly ferocious, frequently starring as the arch-villains in many a legendary tale, with black dragons a close second.

Under ordinary circumstances, Lance, being a black dragon, would likely falter in a clash against a more stronger red dragon. The red's superior strength and draconic might would overwhelm him.

However, Lance was no ordinary black dragon. His repertoire extended beyond the typical; he was versed in magic, a rarity among his kind, and held credentials akin to those of a high-level mage. This anomaly allowed him abilities like summoning the undead, marking him as a dark summoner among dragons, a rarity indeed.

Lucia pondered whether even the mighty golden, red, or frost dragons could easily best Lance, given his unique talents.

"Have you ever heard of a black dragon who can conjure dark entities?" she mused aloud, turning to Lance with a mix of curiosity and awe.

"Lance, should a red dragon challenge you, do you think you could prevail?" she asked tentatively.

"I don't know," came his noncommittal reply.

"But with your vast array of combat skills, surely you stand a chance against a red dragon, right? Perhaps not a clear victory, but at least a draw?" she pressed, eager to gauge the extent of his arcane prowess.

"If your physical strength matched that of a red dragon, I truly believe you could defeat one," Lucia suggested, her voice tinged with a blend of hope and admiration.

Lance, with a contemplative flick of his tail, pondered her words. "Why does it matter so much to a young dragon like you to assess my combat power? Do you doubt my strength as a black dragon?"

It was true; in the draconic lore passed down through generations, there were numerous accounts of red dragons overpowering black dragons in their fierce encounters. The memory of such defeats was a bitter inheritance, casting a shadow over his kind. Red dragons were known for their sheer violent force, and black dragons for their cunning and malice. Should these two ever meet, a clash was almost inevitable, and history favored the red in such battles.

Yet, what did this historical disadvantage mean for Lance? He was not just any black dragon. There were ordinary black dragons, and then there was Black Dragon Lance. He had honed his body beyond the typical capabilities of his brethren; his physical prowess was unparalleled within his lineage.

"I am not like the others," Lance asserted, a deep growl resonating within his throat. "I've refined my strength to surpass that of my kin. I do not fear a confrontation with a red dragon. However, I see no reason to provoke one just to prove my superiority."

In the midst of their discussion, Lucia's gaze drifted, catching a glint of sunlight on Lance's scales. "Lance! Your dragon scales—"

"What about my dragon scales?" he inquired, puzzled by her sudden shift in focus.

"Under the sunlight, they shimmer with an array of colors, not just pure black as one would expect."

Lucia turned her head, her eyes wide with disbelief. She had always known black dragons to possess scales of a deep, unvarying black. This was the image held not just by her but by all who knew of them. Yet, there before her, Lance's scales defied these expectations, gleaming with a myriad of hues that danced under the sunlight.

It was a stunning, almost magical sight. She wasn't mistaken, upon closer inspection, the scales of the evil dragon Lance indeed bore a colorful sheen, a vibrant black that captivated her senses.

"This...this is extraordinary," she murmured, her words a whisper of awe and wonder. "Your scales, they are unlike any black dragon's I've ever known or heard of. They are not just black; they are beautifully iridescent."

"Mutations? Evolution?" Lance mused, his voice echoing through the cavern. "As a pure-blooded black dragon, I wonder, if evolution were possible, in what direction would it take me? Currently, my form is considered the pinnacle within the Dragon Clan."

"Don't make such a fuss," Lance chided gently, seeing the confusion on Lucia's face. "Have you ever observed a crow closely? Despite appearing black, their feathers too shimmer with iridescent colors."

"I don't believe it," Lucia replied skeptically. In her world, crows were harbingers of darkness, often disliked and feared, their cries considered omens of bad luck.

"If you're ever curious, I could introduce you to the Crow People of the Demon Clan," Lance offered with a hint of mischief.

"No, no, no, no, I absolutely do not want to visit the Demon Clan," Lucia responded quickly, shaking her head vehemently. The thought alone was terrifying. The Demon Clan, with its vampires transforming into bats at night to feed, ogres dragging unsuspecting victims into the depths to devour them, succubi draining life overnight, and demons playing twisted games with human souls, represented a nightmare to her.

Demons were the sworn enemies of humanity, an immensely formidable foe. If she could avoid it, she would never willingly encounter a demon in her life.

As these thoughts raced through her mind, her perception of Lance's danger level escalated. "The evil dragon must have had dealings with the demons, perhaps even lived among the Demon Clan for a time," she speculated, eyeing him warily.

"He is a black dragon who has lived for 3455 years," she reminded herself aloud.

"You're a young dragon; there's no need to be overly fearful of demons," Lance reassured her.

"But I've heard that demons devour everything," Lucia countered, her fear evident. "I'm worried that if we go there, they might see me as just another meal."

"That's a exaggerated concern," Lance conceded. "Indeed, some lower demons, lacking intelligence, consume anything they encounter. Facing a young dragon with limited combat skills, they might indeed attack."

"Become strong, strong enough to control not only your own fate but the fate of others as well," Lance advised, his tone serious yet encouraging.

"Okay!" Lucia replied, her voice filled with newfound resolve. She fantasized about becoming so powerful that she could defeat her adversaries with the slightest effort.

"And if I want to become stronger, do I just need to sleep every day?" she asked naively, a hopeful glint in her eyes.

Lance paused, perplexed by her question. "Why does this little dragon I've taken under my wing daydream so much?" he wondered silently, amused yet challenged by her whimsical notion of growth.

If he could gain strength simply by sleeping, why then did he confront fearsome beasts and monstrous entities in his youth?

"Would it not be simpler to just sleep continuously?"

While it's true that young dragons grow and gain strength as they slumber, their power gains are inherently capped.

"To truly become strong, one must engage in rigorous training."

"Sleeping can bolster your strength, true, but its benefits are finite and won't let you master your fate. Should you venture into the human world and stir chaos, it's likely a hero will emerge to challenge you. If you desire power enough to shape your own destiny, you must train beyond mere rest."

"Train like a human, you mean?"


"I'll guide you."

"Is there room for refusal?"

"Only if you fancy being hunted down as prey."

"You evil dragon, you're coercing me into this, aren't you?"

"It's not necessarily a disadvantage. This dragon boasts numerous accolades. Under my exacting tutelage, it won't be long before you're recognized as a formidable force."

"I'll undertake training with you."

"Then we start this afternoon."

"So soon?"

"The sooner we start, the quicker you'll grow strong."

"You're right. What shall we begin with? Spells? Combat techniques? Card crafting? Summoning?"

"Physical conditioning."


"Charge at the mountain!"

Lucia's violet eyes widened with trepidation.

"Charge... at the mountain? As in, literally colliding with it?"

"Perhaps we should start with something smaller. Let's tackle the mountain only after you've managed to topple a turtle."