
Every dog has his Day

lifting up a log of wood, he threw it in the blazing fire, the heat of the flames warm his old hands. the old man stared at the cloudy sky, he doesn't remember the last time he saw the stars, arranging his thoughts, he had to think on what to hunt tomorrow for breakfast, a beast, vampire, another strange creature or bizarrity out there, or should he go for the easiest of all Human meat.. world's order has crumble ever since the famous satellite fell, origins and mysteries hidden from the world have finally emerged. Faced with a strange climatic condition hitting they whole planet, the whole world is affected. Humanity cannot cope with the change as the gradually go extinct, in this battle without any goal, all living organisms, human and non human are fighting to survive. if your not strong enough, you might either be killed by the others, your own kind or by the weather itself. they only solution is to become a Hunter, a predator that feeds on his prey to survive but keeping note that prey can also prey on you. A BLOODY COLD JUNGLE.

Yellowcanary · Aktion
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17 Chs

Chapter thirteen: Cold Blade

Effects of the blizzard hitting the whole planet, land and mountains covered in snow, oceans and seas turning into ice blocks, the condense clouds which obstructed the rays of the sun made the whole world a hellish nightmare of cold.

A disaster never recorded, no living thing could survive such a cold weather but, they are exceptions.


The prestigious city of America was down...

Not because of the blizzard, or could say partly, the tall buildings could be seen crumbling and falling dew to freezing points of the snow being exceeded.


It real motive of it's downfall was the inability to predict the following disaster.


A giant creature burst out of the ice sea and destroyed buildings on his passage, spitting out ice beams left and right, it moved forward without stopping ravaging everything on his passage, a real monster.

Citizens could not run, and where hit by the sudden attack, the air force was unable to slow down the beast as their bullets and missiles where infective against it, soon, other large but not to big, medium and small emerged and destruction occured.


A large Land of snow could be seen, flat and smooth, not really that smooth, a portion of what look like the Eiffel Tower protruded off, this destruction was definitely a shocked to the world, nobody really weakness it's destruction, the whole capital disappeared in one night with all its millions of citizens.

Tokyo- Japan recorded the apparition of what the call kaiju.

Certain countries and capital have completely faced a wipe out.

Hawaii has disappeared from the world's map...

Faced with such massive extinction and dead of numerous life, humanity had recorded this period as the Fall out, since as the,

Cold Apocalypse.


"And there's still more to the chaos" said old man, his breathing getting weaker as time passed.

"You look depressed, aren't you happy of the general out come?" She asked

"Those guys are quite scary" he said.

"They land has been cleared and prepared" when she said that, she thought of the world, "the seeds have been planted" she thought of the destruction of Atlanta 1 bringing down the imprisoned entities locked down in the satellite, "and the farmer has been chosen" she thought of a lot of people and among those people, Grace was among.

"We just have to watch on how the crops grow" she added.

The old man closed his eyes for a moment and open them back, "our enemy is strong" he said.

"And for that, we need to be stronger" she added.

No matter the price, they thought.


She stood on top of the building, smirking at the people hiding inside, she really fell disgusted corporating with the nosferatu people, wait a minute, they people of this world actually name them...


"Nevermind, for they moment we are on the same size, she jumped down of the building.


Scattering snow all over, she move towards the house, but to her surprise, the door open up and a man came out, he looked quite pissed and his annoyed expression was clearly written on his face with the cunning smile he had.


Her instinct kicked up, this man wasn't normal, something about him made her hairs stand erect, she stopped moving forward, but not the man, he in contrary, moved towards her seemingly unnerve that a woman with two horns on her forehead just appeared.

He wasn't surprised nor frighten, not like the odor of the two ladies anxiously staring at her from the window, looking back at the man approaching, she did not want to back down from a mere human, but a human exuding such aura only mean one thing.

"Your a hunting dog isn't it?" She asked.

"Ohh, is been long, I haven't heard of that term for a decade already" said the man not stopping.

Not good!

The woman cursed her luck, a month ago, the prison who restraint then was destroy freeing all the captive, the evasion was kind of brutal but the succeeded in reaching land, but after separating from those guys, she had to fall on such a person.

Actually, she has already come in contact with one of them, at that time, it was a boy, a dangerous person, his smile send chill to your bones, part of a hidden organisation hunting down what the considered as Anomalies of this world, they tracked and killed like dogs of the night.

"Are you a member of the Crossblood?" She was ready to run, but the man's answer took her by surprise.

"Ohhh... Nahhh, is been long, I was chased out, just a stray dog looking after his family" said the man, he looked proud saying that.

In that case, he is alone, what can a lone wolf do, haha, I shall shred him into pieces for all the frustration his people have to me, all this years of being the one hunted, now, I shall be the hunter.

Positioning herself for an attack, the man stared at her nonchalantly, he already had his dagger in his hand, waiting for her to engage.

The woman sprinted towards the man at an absurd speed, spreading her two hands who immediately showed protruding claws, her expression turn ugly, tasty for blood.



With a forward left slash, she had expected to see blood spurting out covering the snow, but instead, she weakness the man dodging the strike without much difficulties.

He caught her left hand, and with the momentum, lifted her up and threw her on the floor.


The thick snow slowed the impact, but the greatest shock was what the woman felt.

She was visibly lost, she looked up at the man only to be greeted by the view of boots.


Lifting his leg, the man look at the struggling woman who tried to stand, he lifted his leg once more.




As he jammed on the head, a crater of snow was forming.

The desperate woman slash madly at her surroundings, the man jogged away with a "ohh that was close" the woman stood up.

"I would kill you!" She roared, the man did not really take it seriously, he open his palms and waved, saying, come kill, I am right here, this only further enrage the woman, who at the moment lost her sanity.

She slashed, he dodged, she tried kicking, he blocked and punch back hard, as the fight when on, the woman fell desperate, when she charge herself, her horns vibrating ready to unleash her attack.

Seeing the horn vibrating and producing faint purple light, the man immediately moved, not backward, forward, the woman send a punch in other to scare him but it failed, dodging it, his blade passed at her articulation tearing them, when he stopped and moved behind her, Rui and Aurora where speechless.

Did he just vanish like a ninja?

Blood spurted out of her neck and hands and she collapsed on the floor, the man came closer and looked down at her, his cold glare reminded the woman of someone, he bend down and look into her eyes, lifting up his blade.

"I told you, if one day we meet again, I shall kill you, I see your unlucky" said the man.

The woman's eyes widened at his statement, seeing the image of a small boy overlapping with this man's own, she could not talk dew to the suffocating sensation of blood on her trachea, her mouth move, saying name.



Rui and Aurora left the house, Lloyd stood up after dealing with the strange woman, he looked towards a particular direction.

"We need to move" he said, the two girls nodded without any hesitation.