
First Encounter

After the burial ceremony, everyone left except for Gia and Mrs. Wang. Gia just sat down on the grass looking at the two gravestones where her parent's name was written.

"I'll wait for you in the car." Mrs. Wang said. She is very patient and understood Gia needs some time alone.

Gia nodded. Mrs. Wang went back to the nearby parking lot. She found the driver sleeping inside the car. She went in silently without removing her attention to Gia.

A few hours ago, at the JD's group head office, Orion was greeted by the employees. Today is his 20th birthday. A large banner greeting him for his birthday was put up at the entrance of the building.

He responded to the greetings either with a nod or a thank you. As for him, there is nothing special on his birthday. He does not even like to be reminded about it.

As always, even without formal celebration, gifts are flowing in. It's either coming from people with distinguished status in the city targeting him as a son-in-law or attempting to make connections to the Lee family.

Other gifts were coming from employees desiring for his attention and favor. One thing is for sure, he never opened those gifts and are already piling up on their storage room at home.

As always, his father will just send him a short text to greet him and to tell him he can buy whatever he likes as a present.

At 10 AM, he rode his black Bugatti Veyron and drive going to the cemetery. Not everyone is aware, but he lost his mother the same day as his birthday.

During this day, he used to go to that hill where her mother was buried and spend hours there.

When he arrived, it seems that there was a burial ceremony from a distance near her mother's grave but it was far enough for him not be disturbed.

He put down the bouquet of flowers on his mom's grave and lie down on the grass using his two hands as a pillow facing the sky. There are enough clouds to cover the sun so it was not that humid.

At the same time at that cemetery, after sitting for almost an hour staring at her parent's tombstone, Gia stood up and started to walk aimlessly.

She did not realize how far she walked already when suddenly something caught her right foot that causes her to lose balance.

Orion heard sounds of footsteps approaching. He opened his eyes and saw a girl heading towards him that seemed to be lost in thought not paying attention to her steps. Before he could react, the girl's right foot bumped to his shoes.

His reflexes were fast so he was able to catch and hold the girl's shoulder before their face literally hit each other.

Gia expected her face to hit the ground but that did not happen. Instead, she landed to something soft and warm and her lips accidentally touched his. They were both surprised so they could not react immediately.

Gia slightly raised her head after some few seconds to take a look and intend to get up immediately, but was mesmerized by his looks and was not able to move.

Their eyes met and no one seems wants to move. They gazed each other for like 10 seconds without blinking.

Orion intently looked at those big brown expressive eyes feeling enchanted by it and his lips want more of that soft and warm lips.

He was about to raise his head intending to kiss her again but a voice brought Gia back to her senses.

"Gia…" a concerned voice from Mrs. Wang. She ran immediately to her direction when she saw that she went the other way.

She immediately got up and hurriedly turn and run towards the parking lot. Her face is so hot and red due to embarrassment. She did not expect to have her first kiss by accident at the cemetery. Mrs. Wang immediately followed her.

Orion just blankly stared at the girl's back. The sweet scent of hers still lingers and got stuck to his nose.