

At the Park's residence. It was already noon when Gia gained back her consciousness. She saw her nanny, Mrs. Wang sitting beside her bed.

As she slowly opens her eyes, the reality also started to sink in. Once again, a flood of tears gushed down her ashen cheek.

"Gia… "Mrs. Wang feels so worried for her. Since child, she had been really attached to her parents. They always had been a happy and affectionate family. She hopes that Gia can overcome her grief losing her parents.

"Nana…" Her voiced trembled.

"I want to… be alone for a while." She mumbled trying to control the sound of her crying.

Mrs. Wang just sighed and slowly left her room. She went to the kitchen and started preparing food for Gia. She did not even have breakfast.

After her nanny left the room, she lied down on her left side facing the framed family picture on the wall. Happy memories together with her parents slowly replaying in her mind repeatedly.

Thinking of how much she will miss them, a sob escaped her. The family picture that she is looking at became blurry because of her tears.

In the next few hours, a sound of sobs echoed throughout the room.

That sound only stopped when she got exhausted of crying and went back to sleep.

Mrs. Wang checked on her to bring her food but found her asleep.

When she woke up again, it was nearly 5 in the afternoon. She no longer cried. She felt so numb that she can't feel any emotion. She seemed to have exhausted all the tears and pain after crying for a long time.

Her mind seems floating and she can't think straight.

She went out of her room muddle-headed and walked downstairs. She felt so thirsty so she went to the kitchen.

"Gia you are awake. You come and eat. You haven't had anything since this morning." Mrs. Wang in a concerned tone. She gently led Gia to sat at the dining table.

She gave her a glass of water then swiftly reheated the congee that she cooked a few hours ago.

Gia silently scooped the congee with a spoon and put in her mouth while looking across the table blankly.

When she emptied the bowl of congee she turned to Mrs. Wang's direction standing near the sink and just silently looking at her.

"Nana, let's go see mom and dad." She said in a flat tone.

"Okay, let's go and see them. I'll go and get the cloth you need to wear. I'll bring it to your room." Mrs. Wang said then she swiftly made her way to her room to get a long black piece of clothing.

After an hour, they arrived at the funeral parlor. Her uncle was there entertaining people coming in to give their condolences. Most are employees from their company. Some friends of her parents also came.

Gia initially wanted to see her parents but decided not to see how they look inside the coffin. She does not like any memory of seeing them inside that box.

She wanted to retain their looks on her memory when they were still alive and just think that they went for a long vacation outside the country.

Since there is a resting area in the funeral home, Gia insisted of staying there for 3 days until her parents' remains were brought to the cemetery.