
Even A Saiyan Can Be A Fairy

Ever wonder what it would be like if a saiyan was suddenly put into the world of Fairy Tail, Join Time Patrol Saiyan, Tato, in this grand adventure where he finds himself in another world. A world filled with magic and wonder, a place with crazy strong people, and equally crazy magic wizard guilds, this world, is the world of Fairy Tail. With his memory wiped of his home world and his powers reset to 0, Tato will have to train and fight his way back to the top. Tato will also face rising emotions to some of the beautiful yet powerful ladies of this world, will his heart be won over by their love? Is there only one spot open in his heart for one special person, or will there be room made for more? But peace doesn’t always last, evil lurks behind the scenes and people in high places will stand in Tato’s way, and he will have to befriend some strang people from a powerful wizard guild to get where he needs to go. Will Tato be able to transcend back into the realm of the gods? Come and see why Fairy Tail is number 1! ——— Hey everyone CountrySaiyan here, and just wanted to let everyone know that this series is going to now be my secondary work. I will still post chapters but it’ll be slower now due to my new original, “Iglecion- I Hate My Life!” I ask that you all check it out and I’m even getting a book cover custom made for it so please support it if you don’t mind! Thanks!

CountrySaiyan_30 · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

A Fairy Tattoo

A week has passed and Tato is found training behind the Fairy Tail guild. He has learned more about this place, Fairy Tail and Fiore. He's learned of what the energy here is called. Magic power. He doesn't know what to think of it because he doesn't possess magic himself or what these people call magic. He's always known it as ki or energy. 

Makarov is seen standing on the back patio of the guild watching Tato train. 

"He hasn't done anything except train out here and eat." 

Erza walks up besides Makarov. 

"That's only half true." 

Makarov looks up at Erza. 

"He's done it subtlety, but he's been making a mental note on everyone he's come across in the guild."

"That may be so Master, but doesn't he seem cold and disrespectful, especially to you?" 

Makarov smiles. 

"You're young so you wouldn't understand the world fully yet. Tato, here, is in another world than we are. You see if he does have amnesia like we suspect, how do you think he feels? He probably feels lost and alienated. He's also the new face around here and probably the attention is setting him on edge. Also he's a warrior, Erza, they don't accept just anyone right out the gate and especially as a master. They must earn that by showing respect, great intellect, and above all, incredible power. The only one that seems to have a connection with him is Mira. But that is only because she cold, calculated, and powerful, even then if you watch, he still doesn't fully trust her." 

Erza is taken aback by this. She didn't realise this at first but after Makarov points it out, she sees it. She was the same way when she first came to Fairy Tail. Cold and quiet. But after being a part of this family, it's brought her out of her shell. 

"Give him time. I can see it. He might be cold but it's because he's strong, but deep down he has a kind heart. These kinds of people tend to be the strongest kind. Just watch." 

Makarov smiles once more as he watches Tato doing pushups. 

"1007. 1008. 1009. 1010."

"Come. Let's go back inside and not disturb him." 

Another day passes.

Makarov catches Tato before he could head outside for his morning training. He offers for him to follow him to town. Tato follows him and Makarov shows him the festivities of Magnolia. People could be seen doing their everyday routines. Some lined up in merchant stalls. Others in a hurry to get somewhere. Some even wave at Makarov and Tato, recognizing that they're from Fairy Tail. 

A vendor hands Tato an apple and tells Makarov it's on the house from the other day when one of the wizards came and helped him with a delivery. Tato finds the apple very delicious and juicy. 

"Quiet little town isn't it?" 

Makarov looks up at Tato. He finishes the apple and throws the core away. 

"Yeah, I kind of like it. Peaceful in a way." 

Makarov smiles at this. 

"I've noticed that you've grown a little from your training." 

Tato clenches his fist. 

"I have but I feel like there are walls up that won't let me access my power."

"We all have walls up. And when we find that we're at our limit, sometimes we're able to break those walls for greater power." 

Makarov studies him for a moment. 

"But yes, I sense it too. Take it like this. Your power is like a great ocean and this is sectioned. Gates block you from accessing it all. Right now you're just a puddle but before long, you will become a pond, then a lake, until you're able to unlock your unlimited potential."

Tato nods his head in understanding. He actually likes this illustration. 

"Don't worry, patience is key. Come on let's head back." 

The two slowly walk back in silence and Tato is processing everything he's seen and what Makarov just taught him. 

They finally make it to the front doors of the guild. 

"Old man." 

Makarov turns to face Tato. 

"I've made my decision." 

He awaits his answer. 

"You've been kind to me this entire time, even took time out of your life to help me and explain things. I've been wondering if this place would accept me and so I've been watching everyone. You all act so carefree, but you all are like a family, strong yet gentle. Just like saiyans are."

Makarov smiles at this. 

"Even though you and so many others have explained to me about this place, there's still so much I don't know. I've also heard of the stories of some of those who went on their missions and well it intrigues me and excites me to fight strong enemies." 

Tato can feel himself getting pumped up from just thinking about fighting strong opponents. 

"Saying all that, I would like to join this family. I would like to join Fairy Tail." 

Makarov's smile turns into a wide grin. He motions for Tato to follow him inside. 

After the preparations were made, Makarov asks where Tato would like his tattoo and he offers his left shoulder. Makarov puts the seal on his shoulder and removes it. Tato looks over his new blue tattoo. A blue fairy could be seen. A fairy tattoo.