

I'M NOT CURRENTLY WRITING THIS STORY! An alien species comes to Earth, claiming to be humanities saviors. They tell us of a calamity that is coming to our planet threatening to lead humanity to its extinction.. They give us the ability to fight it, before leaving us with one last sentence, "good luck, and happy hunting." Will humanity use this newly found power for good, or will they use it for their own interests? Will humanity live, or die? What would you do? Image is a placeholder that I got from Webnovel.

Sorrest · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 6 - The Tutorial END

"Fuck, you're telling me that it's been two years since I got into the tutorial? How?"

[ The first evolution always takes a lengthy amount of time. Human evolutions in particular because they cannot use magic without aid until this evolution, so this evolution develops your body to be more suited for magic ]

"Two years? It takes two years to evolve?"

[ No, the next evolution will only take one week because your body is suited to it ]

'Ughhhh. I hope they're still alive.'

[ Individual Ruby is still connected to the hunt ]

'Thank fuck, man.'

[ I suggest opening another 2 pathways before the next fight, specifically two in your head ]

'Oh great, this is gonna hurt'

[ Indeed ]

Edward makes an annoyed face at the screen in front of him that has gotten quite sassy. He sits down and starts attempting to bring mana into his head. The burning feeling starts off light as it moves through his chest from his heart, as if he had drunk a shot of vodka. Then as it moves closer to his head, the pain explodes forward. He immediately opens his eyes as wide as he can and clenches his teeth. The pain goes straight into the center of his brain. It feels as if there's a hole being drilled into it. As Edward is about to pass out he sees a message.

[ Auto-Functioning mode is on. Opening pathways ]

After around seven minutes, Edward wakes up feeling sore from his chest up.

[ Achievement gained: Unlock the 4 major mana pathways in your body ]

[ 4 out of 20 evolution requirements unlocked ]

[ Correction: 4 out of 10 evolution requirements unlocked ]

Edward grunts in pain as he sits up. He drinks a potion which clears his mind and the soreness from the pathways.

[ 200 HP recovered ]

'Wait what? I took damage from that?'

[ Yes ]

HP: 300 / 3300



[ Correct, although you were in no danger of death. I recommend buying a high potion so you are recovered for your next fight ]

'Jesus, please do.'

Edward takes the glowing red potion and drinks it.

[ 3000 HP recovered ]

'Well let's see what happened from the pathways opening up'


MP: 47000 - 147000

Wisdom: 470 - 1470


[ Your spells will also be 20 times stronger than they were previously ]

" Really?"

Edward casts a flame wall and accidentally is too close to it so he gets light burns on his arm.

[ 50 damage taken ]

[ Skill gained: Heat Resistance ]

'Ok yeah they're quite powerful.'

[ 10 Minute grace period has ended ]

[ Spawning Lesser Dragon ]


The red particles begin to form a creature much bigger than the minotaur he faced before. This creature was the size of a double decker bus. Before it can spawn in, Edward runs back and realizes that he now runs faster than a car drives. After he gets a good 200 feet (~60m) away, he starts saving his spells. He mixes them together into his ball of magic and a message pops up in front of him.

[ Multiple uses of this spell have been confirmed. Would you like to create a skill? ]


[ Name your skill ]


[ … ]

[ Are you certain? ]


[ Confirmed: Skill Elemental Bomb has been acquired ]

As he uses this skill the ball gets more dense with magic than he could make it before. He readies his shield and casts an ice spear with gravity magic on it. The spear has gotten so cold to the point that it seems to have an aura of blue around it with the air around it freezing into drops. He then casts two earth walls on his left and right, which seem to almost be made of iron.

The dragon spawns in and Edward is greeted by a green dragon with golden eyes. It seems to be calm, and then it sees him and its eyes turn a bright shade of red and it lets out a roar that rumbles the ground where Edward is standing. He covers his ears instinctively, dispelling the ice spear and element bomb.

[ 50 damage taken ]


[ That roar was an attack ]

Edward recasts the magic and flings the spear at the dragon. As the spear is flying towards the dragon, it opens its mouth and a spinning ball of fire is seen right in front of its uvula. As the spear nears its target, the flame shoots out into a spout, melting the spear. Edward barely has enough time to react and get behind the earth wall. He starts thinking of ways to hurt this thing and has an idea.

The dragon starts walking closer to the earth walls, occasionally breathing fire toward them. Suddenly, in the calm between breaths, a hole opens up in the wall and an ice spear is sent flying toward the creature. Before it impacts, it causes a sonic boom which bursts the dragons eardrums before striking it square in the forehead, cracking the scales on it but not doing much else.

The dragon wails in pain as it lets out another stream of fire. After releasing the spear, Edward closed the hole in the wall back up, waiting for another chance to try that again. He readies an element bomb in his right hand and coats it with five gravity spells. The dragon stops it's breath attack and he opens the hole back up. He looks through the hole, but his target isn't there. A low rumbling noise, with occasional gusts of wind is heard from above. Edward looks up and sees the green beast flying above him, ready to unleash another breath attack. The fire moves toward Edward in what seems like second, but thanks to his high agility stat he is able to lift the shield to block most of the flames from hitting him.

[ 1200 points of damage taken ]

Edward flinches as his metal shield is scalding his arm, and flings it off to the side. Edward readies a multitude of spells including the elemental bomb, ice spear, and gravity magic. Before he goes with this reckless attack, he gets an idea. He tries to cast the opposite kind of gravity magic he cast on his ice spear, attempting to make the dragon heavier. One cast doesn't quite do it, so he decides to pile 10 spells on the beast. It struggles for a couple seconds, attempting to hit him with another breath attack, but it's not able to hit him as its aim is off because of its struggling. After a few seconds of fighting, the dragon tires itself out and crashes down to the ground with several disgusting cracking noises and a giant wet flop. Edward walks in front of the creature, that can no longer open its mouth to attack, and says a few final words to it.

"Sayonara motherfucker."

After that sentence, every single spell he prepared hits the dragon one by one in the same spot he hit before. First the ice spear completely breaks through the cracked scales lodging itself into the skull, then the extra-powered elemental bomb is sent flying into the hole created by the spear. To anyone else, the sound that came from the cracking of the dragon's skull would be gut-wrenching. To Edward, however, it was the most beautiful music he's heard in a long time.

[ Lesser Dragon defeated ]

'Ugh I need a break.'

[ Indeed. Your mana is almost empty ]

'Really? That fast?'

[ Correct, using gravity magic on such a large scale is very magically taxing ]

MP: 200 / 147000

[ Level Up x10 ]

[ Title granted: Lesser Dragon Slayer - 10% more damage to drake-type monsters ]

[ Achievement gained: First of your race to defeat a high Gold-class monster ]

[ Achievement gained: First of your race to defeat a boss monster ]

[ Achievement gained: Creator of skills ]

[ Level up x10 ]

[ Level up x10 ]

[ Skill Gained: Creation Magic ]

[ Full status update is available, would you like to see it? ]




Name: Edward Knight

Race: Greater Human [ 6 / 10 ]

Title: Ornaum Hunter

Level: 60

HP: 6300

MP: 197000

Strength: 620

Agility: 570

Dexterity: 570

Vitality: 630

Perception: 570

Wisdom: 1970

Unused Stats: 690


Active Abilities: Slash, Stab, Sprint, Lesser Shield Attack, Lesser Mana Manipulation, Fire magic, Water magic, Earth Magic, Spatial magic, Analyze, Creation Magic

Passive Abilities: Ornaum Privilege, Greater Pain Tolerance, Mana Sense, Lesser Battle Concentration, Lesser Mental Fortitude, Lesser Sword Mastery, Lesser Shield Mastery


Items [ Merged with Spatial Magic] : Ornaum shortsword, Ornaum kite-shield, 50 Ornaum ingots, 3 low-grade h-potions, Broken brigandine


Mana Pathways Open – 4 / 20


'Wait, why is the itching not happening?'

[ I am nullifying that effect by cutting off your nerves from the changing part ]


[ Do not worry, I will put them back when we finish ]

The tutorial is finally finished! Fights will get more drawn out eventually, but we are currently in the low-intensity battling phases. I plan for the fights to be quite large scale by the finish. Also Thank you Lonnie_Barrar for my first power stone! It makes me happy that you like my story! Also sorry for the short chapter, but expect much badassery from the next!

Sorrestcreators' thoughts