
Ethereal Black Howl

The country of Romania full of supernatural creatures like vampires and werewolves, but one thing happen a new type of creature has been bred a hybrid of vampire and werwolf. A creature of darkness and the night, a girl born from forbidden love and was hidden away from outside world for a century. The girl wish to have a life that she could live outside with no threats, however the Tepes the royal family of Wallachia of Dracula's descendants soon hunted the hybrid. For what her threat towards the Vampire society can brought down the Tepes for good.

Yukina_Yanamoto · Geschichte
Zu wenig Bewertungen
10 Chs

Chapter 3 : A cup of Latte

Lucia's eyes are panicking and her heart is beating rapidly and was about to go hostile, she just slowly turn around facing Liam "what is it?" she asked. "umm.. the least let me thank you for helping me back then" Liam said still holding Lucia's left wrist.

Lucia's mind felt relieve in her thoughts saying "I thought he's gonna turn me in" her soul almost got out from her body, outside "oh no, I just happen to pass by" she refuses waving her right hand. "I insist, I'll treat you for a latte. A man like me should express his gratitude" Liam insisted begging the girl to accept his offer.

Lucia sigh "fine fine, but..." she breath out checking her forehead "the least let me finish my job, I need to deliver these milk and eggs at the bakery" she said. Liam smiled "I won't mind accompanying you" he said.

Meanwhile at the Pub full of sketchy people like you can make legal or illegal deals at a place like that, the Grey haired man enter the place presume to be a Van Helsing a father of five children, his footsteps taps on the flooring the sketchy people stared at him as he sat at the front.

The bartender approach him "anything you want to order?" he asked. The man slid a photo and money at the counter "I'm looking for this man, his name is Dr. Henry Jekyll. Did he happen to pass by here?" he questioned very seriosly his hat is lowered. The bartender scan the picture "as the matter in fact, he did" he answer "he was here last night, just order a drink. But there's something strange about his bag when I got close" the bartender said...

"oh? Care to tell me?" Van Helsing asked slid a tip of money.

The Bartender cleared his throat "I heard some voices inside the bag saying "help me" or "free me" some of them are cries" he shake his head "It was midnight so I just thought I was just tired and need some sleep" he finish.

They grey haired man grin "thank you for your cooperation" he said then slip some money again "I would love to order some of your finest alcohol please" he said.

The Same time at Paris Market place, Lucia gave the eggs and milk towards the Bakery and Liam carrying a crate of eggs. "Thank you Mademoiselle Lucia" the bakery thank her, Lucia smiled "pleasure doing business with you Monsieur Fournier."

"here Lucia, some fresh baked bread" Mr. Fournier gave a paper bag of bread to Lucia's arms. "oh no, I can't accept this" Lucia said being nervous, Mr. Fournier smiled "come on Lassy, it's free of charge for doing such hard work" he said then leaning to her ear "also for that handsome you man behind you."

Lucia quickly lean back "come on! I just met him and he insisted to accompany me!" she exclaim "are you talking about me?" Liam asked very innocently. Lucia turn waving her hands "No no! I was just talking accompanying a good latte and bread" she change the topic. Mr. Fournier holded his laughter, Lucia glared at him with burning eyes signalling him to stop laughing.

After that Liam treated Lucia to a nearby outdoor cafe both of them enjoying the latte and the fresh bake bread. "most of the people here in Paris knows you" Liam started a conversation, Lucia put her latte down "it's because my village make such good clothes at Paris, my Mother is a seamstress she make such beautiful clothes. The villagers raise live stocks and very much a traditional village" she said smiling, deep in her thoughts she's cringing "what am I doing?! This guy is a Van Helsing yet I'm with him. Gramps and Dad is totally gonna kill me if they found out" she cries inside her mind.

"by the way, Lucia. You don't seem like you live in France" Liam said looking at her appearance. "oh, my family are migrants from Romania" Lucia answer looking at the busy streets.

"I see, my Father is from Rome and my Mother is from Romania. But I currently live at Romania" Liam said smiling "truth is, me and my siblings aren't related by blood."

"oh?" Lucia became surprised "when did you learn?" she asked.

"actually, I used to live at the streets of Rome. My real mother passed away from illness then I was left alone, my real father I didn't met him since he when I was born" Liam explained his eyes sadden "soon Albert Van Helsing found me with his wife Helena" he smiled a little "I have four siblings, I'm the eldest, my adopted siblings my brother Blaise is 2nd, 3rd is Oliver he loves books, Emily the 4th she loves sweets and the youngest is Isabelle she likes dressess" he smiled mentioning his siblings.

At the street Blaise was just passing by at busy street trying to find a girl to flirt to "dang it! I can't believe I can't find a single beautiful French girls here" he sigh then look straight "huh?" he look up seeing William talking to a girl at a outdoor cafe, he quickly hid behind the building. He saw William smiling and so is the girl while having a latte and croisants, Blaise's hand gripped "THAT... LUCKY BASTARD!!" he groans cursing his own brother while stalking.

Back at the cafe Lucia took a sip of latte "what are your siblings are like?" she asked chewing some bread. Liam smiled being asked "well... Blaise... he's uh..." he cleared his throat "let's say... he's a skirt chaser..." he said "but he always gets shot down by the girls because of his horrible flirting."

Blaise kept stalking as he "ACHOO!" he sneeze then kept stalking "what the hell are they talking?!" he groans.

Lucia calms her laughter "ehaha, that sounds hilarious!" she calms down.

"ehehe yeah, he's sometimes jealous of me that girls sometimes approach me" Liam said averting eye contact from Lucia "but don't get me wrong, I don't flirt I'm not interested because of work. Right now I'm treating you because I wanted to thank you."

Lucia smile "yeah, but it was nice of you" she said "come on, tell me more about your siblings!"

Meanwhile the stalking Blaise kept staring with tears of jealousy forming on his eyes "so cruel... why does Liam talk to such a pretty girl" he cries out.

"what the hell are you doing?" The blue haired presume to be Oliver spook from behind. "UWAH..?!" Blaise quickly pulled Oliver with him and hide then peak put "keep it down Oliver!" he scolded. Oliver look at the scenery "oh, I see. It's the unintentional charm again" he said. Blaise felt like being dropped by an anvil "come on that lucky bastard is talking to a pretty girl!" he pointed "also he wasn't like this before. Treating a girl for coffee."

Back at the cafe Liam kept going on about the conversation "do you have any siblings?" he asked Lucia. "oh, I'm a single child" she answer then she saw the time and it was almost sunset "oh shoot! I need to go!" she stood from her seat "it was nice chatting with you Liam" she then ran towards the carriage then rode off waving her hand goodbye.

Meanwhile the stalking duo "YOU SEE!!" Blaise spoke up pointing "I only see it's normal of our elder brother to treat a lady for some coffee" Oliver said not caring a thing. Blaise grab Oliver's scarf "don't you get it?! Liam always win the girls!" he cried out.

"I expect you two would explain why you've been stalking me at the cafe?" Liam spook in front of them with serious eyes.

"Liam?!" Blaise jump out. Oliver sigh "it was Blaise's idea I just happen to see him and pulled me in" he drop the bomb, "YOU TRAITOR!" Blaise panic. "Blaise..." Liam called with glaring eyes, Blaise slowly turn that sent a chill onto his spine "get ready to face your punishment later" Liam said imagining a smoke of death behind him, "NOOOO..!!" Blaise screamed.

At FlowerBelle's dress shop

Gabriel and Lucas are standing outside the shop, the streets are becoming empty "whats taking her so long?" Gabriel worries, Lucas pat Gabriel's shoulder "don't worry she must be strolling around, girl's normally take their time on finding new things" he said.

The sound of clopping hooves echoes as the carriage pulled up, Lucia jump down "sorry to keep you waiting, we have to leave immediatley" she said.


Lucas sniff his Grand daugther "I smell something different, Lucia" he said "I smell a boy" he confirmed. Gabriel quickly grab his daugther's face "did he do anything to you?!" he questioned, "Da- Dad... you're squishing.. my face too much.." she murmur. Gabriel quickly let go of Lucia's face "sorry sorry, I got carried away" he apologized.

"to be precise. Yes it is a boy. Second he treated me for some coffee for saving him from the thugs earlier" Lucia explain then she breath out "and third WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!"

"There are hunters here at Paris we need to leave!" Lucia reported opening the carriage door "there are sixs of them, we need to leave now.!"

As soon as they reach the exit they were stop on the traffic, carriage are lining up and encircling and changing ways.

"what going on?" Lucas asked.

A carriage pulled up "you people should turn around, the authority are blocking all the exits" the man said "apparently a wanted person from London has been staying here at Paris, everyone should stay indoors at all cost."

"thanks for the info Monsieur" Gabriel thanked the man.

An hour has passed at the hotel.

"In the end we'll be stuck here till everythings done" Lucas lay down on the sofa. Gabriel is circling around with his hand on his chin "we got to stay here, I'm sure it's Van Helsing's doing" he said then turn to Lucia who is sitting at the couch "anything you know, Lucia?" he asked.

Luvia slid his fingers up to her forehead then turn to her Father "the boy I talked... he's a Van Helsing. I didn't expect to run into him after saving him at the alleyway" she explain then groan "he told me he's looking for a man. If the authority block the city, means this man is dangerous" she look up.

"a man from London..." Lucas mumbled then sit up "I remember now!"

"what is it Gramps?" Lucia asked Gabriel face him.

Lucas show the news paper "a man wanted from London" a headline of women and children dead : Wanted for murder Dr. Henry Jekyll. Gabriel scanned at the corpse on the headline showing the corpse "these images, these corpses have their life essence sucked" he explained "these are forbidden experiments. You can only have this if the soul of an individual is pure evil."

"it's best we all stay indoors, this man is dangerous" Lucas said then turn to Lucia "and as for you kiddo, go get some rest we'll be leaving as soon everything is over" he ordered.

Lucia turn in for the night inside her own room, she glance at the balcony the half moon in showing "it'll be full moon soon once we get back" she grip the sheet of the bed "I just hope we get back before that happens..." she soon fell asleep.



A scream of a woman echoed through out Paris, a tall man wearing a trench coat and a top hat, The woman's mouth is agape the man holds a vial out with a skeleton symbol she got it near then light glow out from the womans mouth as it enters the ominous vial the womans body turned dry.

"HEHEHE... WHAHAHAHA...!!" the man laugh insanely.

The sound of footsteps approaches as a shadow of a man lighted at the street glooming on the ominous man he turn "it's been a while..." he grinned "Albert Van Helsing."

"last time I saw you was at London" Albert said holding out his cane "you tried to steal my wife's soul."

"ehehe, Henry couldn't do it. He was so weak" Hyde said sneering "your wife is a vampire. Knowing you, a knight cursed to live an eternity to slay all threats to humanity. Yet you loved a vampire- hm?" the ominous vial glows brighter he grinned "looks like the devil has found a suitable soul for immortality" he then jump towards the shadows.

Albert pulled two of his handguns shooting Hyde down but no avail he escaped. "tch, dammit!" he groans then turn to the roof "hunt him down my children!" he ordered. Five of the children tailed Hyde as they trying to find evil soul.

The balcony window opened slowly a shadow enters a bedroom a girl resting, Hyde sneered "what a pretty girl..." he opens the ominous vial as it glows brighter...
