
Ethereal Ascendance: Celestial Threads

Harmony between mortal and divine forces, the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment, the consequences of wielding ethereal power, and the enduring bonds that connect us across realms. "Ethereal Ascendance" explores the delicate balance between mortal existence and celestial power, blending epic cultivation battles with profound philosophical themes. It invites readers to contemplate the nature of ascendance and the interconnectedness of all realms. ....... Writing the novel for the first time suggestions are taken but no negativity. Regular updates weekly 7 times. Hope for gifts from readers. Thank you and enjoy reading.

TRAN5LATOR · Fantasie
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Here are suggested lifespans for each cultivation realm in the ethereal ascendance system:

Mortal Initiate Realm (凡者初境): Lifespan: 100 years

In the Mortal Initiate Realm, cultivators live a normal human lifespan, but the heightened awareness from their cultivation practices often leads to a healthier and more vibrant existence.

Spiritual Insight Realm (灵感境): Lifespan: 150 years

As cultivators progress to the Spiritual Insight Realm, their connection with celestial energies extends their lifespan, allowing them to witness and understand more of the ethereal mysteries.

Celestial Channeling Realm (天道引境): Lifespan: 200 years

Cultivators in the Celestial Channeling Realm, having mastered the art of channeling celestial energy, experience a slower aging process, granting them an extended lifespan compared to ordinary mortals.

Ethereal Fusion Realm (虚灵融境): Lifespan: 300 years

At the Ethereal Fusion Realm, where mortal and celestial energies converge, cultivators undergo a transformative process that significantly increases their longevity, enabling them to delve deeper into the mysteries of ethereal cultivation.

These lifespans represent a gradual extension as cultivators progress through the realms, aligning with the idea that deeper understanding and mastery over celestial energies grant practitioners a more extended period to explore the realms and contribute to the cosmic balance. Keep in mind that these are suggested values, and more realms will be made based on the specific narrative requirements of story.

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