
Eternity with my family ( Twilight fanfic)

My mom picked my sister and me up from the airport. On our way home we were hit by a truck. What happens when you thought you had died but wake up again in the middle of a crazy witch experiment. Well that's what happened to my family.

artemis_kingson · Filme
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30 Chs

First day of School 3

-Edward POV-

When we got to school today we didn't know that we would be getting new kids today. So imagine our surprise when a Bugatti pulls up. Two people step out of this car. A boy and a girl they were inhumanly beautiful. They were new kids from what I could gather from the people around me. I tried to read their mind but I quickly found out that I can't. Once they were gone. I decided to address this to my family.

"Guys I can't read their mind." I told them. I got straight to the point. When I turned around to look at them I noticed Alice had gone into one of her vision. When I read her mind I could tell that she couldn't see their future clearly it was all blurry.

"I can't see their futures either. I can tell everyone around them but I can't tell their specific future. I can tell their futures based on how their environment effects them but I can't see their choices." Alice announces to everybody. We all decided to let Carlisle know about this.

"I can still feel their emotions. Their emotions tell me that their bored and excited at the same time." That makes sense. Jasper's power is a lot more versatile then ours. We decided to wait and see for now.

When lunch time rolled around we decided to sit in our usual spot. Once we sat down the new kids decided to enter the cafeteria. All of decided to listen to their conversation. They were having a normal conversation. When the girl, Olivia, mentioned Alice I could see my sister smile at that. And when the boy, Percy, mentioned Emmett and their little interaction. He gave one of those goofy grins he's so known for.

The day ended quite quickly today we all left to go for home immediately. Once we got home we told Esme all about these new kids. Just when we finished telling Esme, Carlisle arrived at home. We immediately called for a family meeting.

"Today during this family meeting we will be discussing the three new additions to the neighborhood." He started of

"They seem human, but there is just something about them that just screams supernatural. Normally when people try to talk to us they are attracted to us but their instincts scream danger, but these two were too calm. There was also an attraction and interest when the boy looked at Alice. The girl seems to have developed a crush on me, from the moment our eyes met at lunch." Jasper gives his breakdown of the situation.

"I say we kill them and be done with it. I don't feel like moving and if these people are gonna start snooping around us then we might as well do a preemptive strike." Rosalie says with her usual scowl.

"We are not gonna kill anyone. We don't know who these people are. How about we start with getting to know them a little. See who and what they are." Carlisle says. Rosalie seems to huff at that proposal.

"Why don't we let me get close to the boy. He is very attractive and I always have liked a good puzzle. That's mostly because there are never any puzzles I can't figure out." Alice states in a 'matter-of-fact' tone.

"Alright we'll go with that plan for now." Carlisle announced. With that the family meeting was over and everybody went there own way. While I was playing my piano, I just couldn't get this weird feeling from my gut that things are gonna get really interesting really soon.