
Eternity of Dragon God

A man who was hit by a truck because of his own drunkenness reincarnated as a God in the Universe. Without any knowledge and only speculation and a cheat like authority. Will he become a great elder brother to his siblings? Will he discover the ultimate truth the Cosmos has to offer? Creating a world, creating the strongest species and seeing the world change from civilizations and kingdoms. Meeting other gods and venturing the Cosmos. The Cosmos may change but he will never. He was the Watcher and also the Seeker. The one who will End things but also the one who Created it. It is the story of the Dragon God.

18Limitless · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter 6- Unfair? and Planning a World Creation

In the temple created by the Azure Dragon, nine thrones were erected. It was made using a mineral superior to any gold, they all levitated in the void. The first time the temple was created, only the blankness of white can be seen all over but now with Nine Gods sitting on each throne, the majesty of their divinity oozes out and creates this scenario. Their laws intertwined and this temple that is like a blank paper becomes colorful and presentable.

In the middle of it is a dragon who is sitting on his four legs, he looks like a cat, his wings hidden while his body becomes longer, a typical azure dragon of the east.

"Hm, what is an Ender God and that Dragon Emperor God?" The Azure Dragon said, his voice calm. It was just a mere curiosity of him that he asked that question. 'You are all a newly emerged god but why do you have that hidden knowledge?' He thought to himself. If he accesses the memories of the God Almightiness, he will know them but he did not because accessing the memories of others can affect his mindset.

Gods don't fear death but they will make sure to always prepare their plan to revive. Even if it takes years of millions or billions of years. Taking the memories of a God is considered taboo because there is a high chance that God tempered in his/her memories and eventually erodes the mind of those who take it. Meanwhile those who devour gods and have access to their powers needed to purify and detoxify the body and the full being of the devoured gods.

"Brother Ragnarok, you do not have the shared memories?" The first to speak is the authority holder of Wind and Entertainment. It was a genuine question because any gods born in this universe will have the basic memories of this universe.

It was like the Azure Dragon is an improbable thing that happened in the Cosmos. The memories are said to be the fragments of the previous life of gods so they also take pride that they are gods even in their previous life, one reason for their arrogance.

"Nope, my powers are mine. Culminated and tempered." The Azure Dragon said that because he has the basic inkling or speculation about these shared memories. Then the God of Wind and Entertainment explained the whole situation in great detail.

In other words.

Those memories are what they can do with their authority, types of gods, ways of progression, how to create a world and the name of the god who has that memory. It is like the basic guideline for the gods to survive in this Universe, alone or in groups.

"Hm, that is unfair, isn't it." He said out loud as God's looks of incredulity locked on him. "What?" He added when he felt that all eyes were on him.

"Because you are the unfair one." The authority holder of Flame and Destruction said he looked annoyed at the incredulousness of his Elder Brother.

"Brother Ragnarok, you may not notice but everyone here can at worst seal Gods and at best band together to grant temporary death. You are our eldest but still we are young gods. An Ender Dragon at birth can seal Gods forever if they ever wanted to. Of course, it must be weaker or your equal in power to do that. At worst you can grant someone a temporary death. In your case, a god you kill may return for a million years at most.

If you grow up some more, you may even give them permanent death that even if they want to revive, will have no choice but to fully accept their death." The authority holder of Life and Fate said, her sonorous calm voice makes anyone, even gods, give a calm and composed mind.

"An Ender God doesn't mean they can only destroy or end anything, they can become a Creation God if they ever have an affinity or if they ever wanted it to be. You brother on the other hand have an Affinity for Creation, you also have the highest form of Destruction, Annihilation, and highest form of Life, Immortality." She added.

"Hm, hmm." He nodded as they all went silent. He also thought that way and so he knew that he was overpowered but he never thought how overpowered he was. Like, can he create a Universe someday in his dream? Like a certain idiot god?

"Then what is all your name?" He added. He was tired of saying their attributes and affinity, might as well use their real name this time.

"Oh, before we answered. If you have no basic memories, where did your name come from?" Sister Fate said. Hm, right. If I have no memories, they will ask where I get my name.

"Hmm, a defeated enemy gave me this name before you all were born. And because I think it was a good name about my powers and stuff so I kept it." He said. It looks like a good name indeed as Ragnarok has a meaning about the End of the World.

"Oh, that guy is good at naming things." Sister Fate praised. "Then my given name is Hemisha." The future Mother God added.

"Adenth." Death and Chaos. The Father Of All Beasts, Monsters and Demons in existence.

"Pontifash." Light and Law. The Administrator of World's Order

"Moldok." Flame and Destruction. The Father of Every Warrior, Barbarians and Martial Artist.

"Dinestes." Water and Wisdom. The Omniscient Diviner and the Mother of the Sea

"Electia." Earth and Creation. Mother of Creation and the Mother of the Earth.

"Grantel." Wind and Entertainment. The Lord of the Sky and Lightning.

"Lormond." Time and Reincarnation. The Lord of Nine Hells.

"Hm, hmm. Nice to meet you all, my siblings. I am Ragnarok." The future Dragon Emperor God, The Progenitor of All Dragons and The Guardian of Eight Attribute Gods , the Eternal Dragon God said to his siblings. His voice is not arrogant nor servile, not hard or soft. It was but a mere welcome but his presence befit an image of an almighty god. This aura of his is something he will unconsciously leak when his confidence is at its peak.

But of course, the titles are for the coming future.

"Now then, for our first agenda in this meeting. Why don't we create a world? There are complete attribute gods. I can pretty much create a world core and even if I can't Electia is here." He added as he wanted to relieve his boredom with a world he can have a chance to play and even create some familiars. Electia has the authority to create anything she is familiar with even living beings. "If you are interested, raise your hands." He added again.

Well, it was a coming conclusion because all of them actually raised their hands. 'But why are you all humanoid?' He wanted to ask but he also never wanted to ask. His two ego fights and 'should never ask' won in that competition.


The creation of a world is simple. Create a World Core, if there are no world cores, a creation god can imagine what world core they wanted to create and it shall be created. If there are world cores, use the divine authority of all the gods who want to participate and that core will do the rest. The gods can maintain them using their powers of every attribute. For example, Dinestes should use her power to not cause the world into too much flood.

But Ragnarok has a better idea. "Moldok, get some nearby stars. If it is yellow, better." Ragnarok ordered, he can just use the laws of the Universe to maintain the World they are creating. Too much work may lead to insufficiency if they somehow were to be gone.

"Huh, wh.. Yes, brother." Moldok wanted to ask some questions regarding what he was being ordered but when he saw that the Azure Dragon was creating lasers from his mouth. He may have a thousand lives but the Azure Dragon can just end that life of his in an instant. Although it was impossible because he never was a stranger nor an enemy.

"Who wants to get rocky asteroids? We will create a satellite for this world." He ordered again as they needed a satellite that would orbit this world.

"I will get them, brother, what type of rocks are we talking about?" Electia asked, ready to leave at any moment's time. She was curious at what world they are creating but she will trust her brother for that.

"Hm, anything is fine as long as it was purely made of minerals, oh and you also needed to create an iron core later." He answered as the two dispersed. Some even went with them. The only one left is Hemisha.

"Are we creating a world that is self sustained." She asked as her golden eyes glowed at the resplendent of the future she was seeing. "Hm, so you saw it. Yup, to govern a world and give life to it, either you needed the laws of the Universe at work or the makings of the gods. So what if we create a world with the laws of the Universe at play?" He said looking at the distant stars, his azure scales became leaning in darker scales. His harmless look of an ornamental azure dragon can fool even the world's wisest.

"That is a great idea, brother. So why are you not transforming like us?" She asked, her eyes curiously looking at his every nook and cranny.

"Whatever you say. This is the form I have when I emerge and transforming is a hassle." He said his eyes look at her with plain eyes, a trace of vicissitude of time can be seen from it. He realizes that somehow or the other, Hemisha has a conscious mind when he transforms into a Human.

It also explains the reason for their humanoid appearances, of course it was not their true appearance but with this kind of body, they can do any versatile things they wanted to do. It was of course on his whim when he transformed because, why not?

"But do you think you are left out and something is amiss." She teasingly said. When she first saw how the Azure Dragon transformed the first time, she was enamored to see it again. It became like an obsession that she maintained her appearance like that forever to come, it can even become her true form in the near future.

"Nope, I am too skinny in that form. Too different from my scales and unbreakable physique, look." He even flexes his scales and how much power is hidden, he looks like a child throwing a confident look on his body. If other gods were here, even if they are given an infinite amount of confidence that they will not be blasted by laser, they will not laugh in these kinds of scenes but they will keep this kind of scene at their heart.

"If you transform into that form, I will give you something." She teasingly said again as she even whispered it into his ear. Even the Azure Dragon doesn't even know where she learned it but he didn't ask any further. He has many speculations regarding it and he doesn't want to create more nonsense.

The Azure Dragon who is having fun in this conversation sighed at how this is going to become. It is said to follow the river as its destination will always be an abundant sea. 'Might as well follow the script and see how it goes.' He thought while comforting himself.

The Azure Dragon transformed into a long silvered hair and eye guy with average looks but in his aura is an undeniable might that can sunder the heavens and collapse the earth.

He touched her chin and even went as far as to make eye to eye with her and said; "Don't make fun of me, dear Hemisha." He then transformed again into a harmless azure dragon.

"Wh.. what." Hemisha blankly stared at the void as her eyes learned another emotion that she will uncover for the next millennials.

Gods and Mortals are not distinguishable from each other. The only difference is that Gods have infinite lifespan, have incredible powers and a lifetime to learn their lessons. They each have emotions that they can uncover from their lifetime. There are even Gods who conceive something with the help of other gods. Although the power in their child will be diluted as the descendants of gods will become weaker and weaker as they conceive each generation. But they still are descendants of gods who have incredible power in the eyes of mortals even a hundred generations come and go. It may be a law of the Universe as Gods have a low birth rate to begin with.