
Eternity of Dragon God

A man who was hit by a truck because of his own drunkenness reincarnated as a God in the Universe. Without any knowledge and only speculation and a cheat like authority. Will he become a great elder brother to his siblings? Will he discover the ultimate truth the Cosmos has to offer? Creating a world, creating the strongest species and seeing the world change from civilizations and kingdoms. Meeting other gods and venturing the Cosmos. The Cosmos may change but he will never. He was the Watcher and also the Seeker. The one who will End things but also the one who Created it. It is the story of the Dragon God.

18Limitless · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 5- Eldest Vs. Gods and Inner Thought

This is awkward, what should I say. "Welcome, my siblings?" Or "Welcome, brats. You all have finally come out." I want to say something but I don't even know what to do. I am but a little researcher challenging the depths of the Universe and not some social person, introverted if I may.

But I think if I want, I can even give speeches to people but my brain just went 'Nope, not today' and so I can't give out speeches in public my short mortal life. Even now, even if I live not even a hundred thousand years of age, I only slept, contemplated the Cosmos, meditating, or doing some amazing things for civilization. The only someone I have ever talked to in this world is gone, I don't even know what to say or deal with them. God Almightiness, with your adaptability, can you adapt and evolve in this situation, hmm?

Welp, don't look at me like you are a lost puppy, my mind is going blank 'k, but as a God and its eldest maybe I needed some character development even if I don't want to. In the near future, I will have my own sets of followers of every kind. Leading these kids into the summit of Godhood, enjoying the world as it is and sleeping even longer than ordinary gods live. If I can not even give some normal speech, then I may as well die again.

I then let out a Roar filled with welcomeness and even if I do not want to admit, the sacredness of a royalty looking over everything. It was not ambitious nor was it giving an arrogant vibe, it was but the roar of an Elder Brother to his siblings.

"I welcome you all, I do not need any introduction because you all know me. You can call me Ragnarok. The holder of the authority Annihilation and Immortality." I said looking at them, I don't even know what I wanted to say but for them I introduce myself first.

"So if someone wants to challenge my place as the Strongest, you all can come out now." I added, well, to make them behave, I needed to employ an external pain that they will never forget for the rest of their lives. The reason for their delight and happiness is because they saw the first born child but never the strongest. I will beat the shit out of them to make them understand I have all the authority here.

I then made myself harder, my hornless head grew out horns that looked like a crown soaring through the heavens. Walking on all fours with my 2 pairs of wings with malevolent energy spewing around my body. I grew larger in size but I will never worry about becoming a punching bag. All the gods then look at each other.

Wow, one of them doesn't even want to fight. You go Sister Life, you are free from the beating that will happen. Oh, you also Brother Reincarnation. Ok,you are now exempted. Oh, you also don't wanna Sister Water. If I think this way. Sister Life can see her bleak fate fighting me, I don't even clad myself in Annihilation that denies all concepts, even Fate itself. It will be too boring. Reincarnation has Time, he can see ahead of time what will happen to him. Sister Water is just wise to not fight. Good. I applaud you all.

Hm, oh. Here he is. I never believe my thought of you is never wrong. Brother Flame, even if you have the authority to Destroy, but so what. He arrived at my side with lightning speed, a punch with a condense energy of flame and destruction neared to my face. The three gods who forfeit before fighting me just shook their heads with dismay. Sister Life even covers her mouth to what will happen next.

I slap his cheek faster than his punch and even faster on how he reacts, he then flies out miles away in his previous position. I do not even use Annihilation, it was pure physical might and the effect of Immortality. Well, he will never die. That guy's physical power might not be equal to mine today but it will also never reach me even the other day but he will become the strongest in terms of physical power, excluding me. I am not even a bit joking.

Hm, then let the slaughter begin, hmm? Brother Flame looks like the vanguard opening the battlefield. When he flew away, many kinds of spells rained down on me. Don't even underestimate it as it can even contend with a weakened God Almightiness, their combined attack, I mean.

Welp, I swat them like flies. But of course, I am going easy on them. If not, they will never attack me like this again. Here is Brother Flame kicking the back of my back. Hm, you want a laser, don't you? I then breath a laser that even without the power of annihilation is hotter than the surface of the star. He will be fine, he has the authority of Flame.

When that laser beam appeared, a chill ran down their spine but who cares. A laser for each of you all. I then summoned lasers from thin air, even if you dodge them, it will appear before you again and so the best way to make it disappear is a protection or an offensive attack that can outdo mine. Well, my attack looks like the weakened version of my first laser tested before I fight God Almightiness combined.

Now, this Dragon's Breath is overpowered, hmm. Maybe I will create a familiar dragon with elements like fire, water, earth, wind and every thousand years a new dragon will emerge with the power of every element because the Fire Dragons broke the all time peace and everyone will call him.. Ok, let us stop.

With that said, they are wiped out. Hm, it looks like they are finished and give up the will to fight. Of course, they will fight amongst themselves to reach a hierarchical consensus. Although we don't really need them because at the end of the day, they are all equal in power except for Sister Life who did not participate. She can win without fighting. That is how overpowered she is.

The three who did not fight come down, they actually are levitating around the void because this place has no air to begin with. If Brother Wind wanted to, he would blow some strong wind and this place would have enough air to fill a world or two.

"We greet our Guardian, the authority holder of Annihilation and Immortality. An Ender God, and the soon to be Dragon Emperor God." Sister Life bowed to me like a proper lady, holding the helm of her dress. The staff she holds levitated around the void creating myriad wonders. And they soon all followed, even someone who was groaning from the pain of being hit by a laser.

But wait, what is Ender God? What is Dragon Emperor God?


The moment I have my consciousness is around the time I have heard a shout. That shout wanting to tear my reasoning into pieces. I don't know that kind of emotion but I think I shivered a lot because of it.

And in the next moment after the shout, a warm hand grasped my whole entity. My body involuntarily stopped, it was the feeling of being protected and being cared about. It was my first two emotions but I was in a half asleep state that time. Only when I emerge I realize that 'He' was the one who gave me these emotions.

For the next couple days, months or even years. I don't know, time in that state is stagnant. It can be a couple years but still just days or days but a thousand years. In my half asleep state, I manage to open my 'eyes' to see an Azure Dragon. He was doing some crazy things like punching, kicking and using his claws for different purposes.

He especially likes to sleep or even sit in a position unbecoming of him. I might still not be emerging but the knowledge of being a god is etched on my blood and body. I also have an authority that most gods will be jealous of. Thinking about the future of the world we are creating with my siblings, makes me want to emerge and create right now. I also knew that the guy who was doing crazy stuff is one of my siblings. The eldest and someone who will be like our Guardian.

One day, when I am watching him. He thought of something as he viewed the Universe with much interest. I thought he would not do anything that time as when he was contemplating about something, a crazy thing happened the next day, but he contemplated for the next few days for this. When he stands up, a blinding light envelops his body. It was azure in color and then the light become smaller and smaller until it finally stopped.

There an unknown creature wearing unknown clothes opened its eyes. A long silver white hair with an unknown style but the hair had been kept and tied together. Its blue eyes pierces the Universe. The him before is a mighty azure dragon with him who can become a progeny of the Dragons. He now is a miraculous existence I do not know. Its charm is its greatest like I am loving it or having a resonance with it.

He was like that for the next months as he returned his body to being a dragon again. In the coming years, he never transformed again. I wanna see it again, too bad I waited but it never came. Something then disturbs our peace. A god showed up before us, a god that had a serious killing intent. My brother on the other hand only got a chill but when he stood up only confidence and royalty remained to fight the god in front of him. Before the eventual clash, my brother hid us in a different dimension only he knew.

For the next days, my brother returned from being a healthy living dragon into something of a pathetic state. That hurt my ego. If someone as powerful as him can become injured, what about us who can't protect ourselves. He surely will sacrifice himself just so we can be protected from harm's way. It frustrates me and so not knowing why, my initial transformation becomes faster.

He then slept like a log for at least months or years. And when he emerges from that sleep, he looks like a new entire being but still without any aura or divinity oozing from him. He then went as far as to create a house for us siblings to live. When he was doing it, he never forgot to sleep, kick, punch, slap, sit in a weird way and are you even contemplating about the Cosmos or straight up thinking that your life is meaningless? Only he knows. But Brother, only I will respect you in this life.