

He stood beside her bed and stared at her face in wonder if it’s real. A smile appeared on his lips seeing her fluttering eyelashes as she was waking up. However, her reaction was different than what he had expected. “ Pak” He stared at her in shock as he covering his face with his palm. Did she just slap him? Zhao Ming's mouth was open in pure terror when she realized what she just did. She slapped the Emperor. The cruel-infamous Emperor of Ji Dynasty? ‘ Am I going to die again? I just came to this world, do I have to die again?’ …. She was the Empress of the Ji Dynasty, but in name only. Never been treated or respected as the Empress, and witnessing the worst of the palace, the life gave her another chance to shine as who she is. One day when she opened her eyes, she found her in unfamiliar surroundings. The world was full of people using strange items and in a world that was a world apart from hers. Will the Empress of Ji Dynasty be able to survive in this competitive world? ** She was the wife of the richest businessman in the country with the reputation of nothing but trash. She was labeled as a rebellious brat, shameless lazy woman. When she opened her eyes one day, she found herself in some strange world. Holy Sh *t! She became the Empress of the Ji Dynasty. Can the rebellious, shameless lazy woman adjust to the cruel, strict palace world? Will she change or change the world instead? Can the Emperor get used to her being proactive in every single thing? Even in bed? The Emperor dotes on his wife to the point that she feels tired, how can a man be this cute? It’s illegal for men to be this cute. … She pushed him on the bed and sat on his body while looking at him with her tempting eyes. “ Zhao Ming, what..what are you doing?” “ Shh...Your Majesty, you just need to relax. I will do all the work.” She leaned in and sealed his lips with his moist lips making him crazy for her even more. ..... Instagram: @kamlyn_love Discord: https://discord.gg/NTPCE7YZm7 Join the server to connect with me and fellow readers. * The story is an original novel and not a translation. * Note: The cover has been taken from Pinterest. Credits to the owner. Thank you

Kamlyn · Fantasie
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805 Chs

She woke up

When Zhao Ming's eyes fluttered open, revealing an unfamiliar room bathed in soft, sterile lighting, a wave of bewilderment washed over her, furrowing her brow.

She had expected the ethereal realm of the afterlife but was instead greeted by the stark contrast of white walls, which seemed to stretch endlessly. The muted hum of unknown machinery added to the room's strangeness.

Turning her head with caution, Zhao Ming's eyes settled on the young girl seated beside her. The girl's head was tilted to the side, her tear-streaked face painting a picture of exhaustion and despair, hinting that she had wept herself into an uneasy sleep.

Attempting to rise and get a better grasp of her surroundings, Zhao Ming felt a sharp jab in her hand, causing her to gasp in surprise. 

She glanced down to see a slender needle, connected to clear tubing, embedded in her skin. "Ah!" The pain made her inhale sharply, and her fingers reflexively curled around the edge of the bed.

This sudden movement roused Yu Mei, whose bleary eyes widened in astonishment upon seeing Zhao Ming conscious. "Young Mistress! You've awakened!" She exclaimed, her voice thick with emotion. 

Fresh tears formed, sparkling like jewels as they ran down her flushed cheeks. 

She looked earnestly at Xie Ming, her voice quivering with a mix of relief and pain. "Miss, you're finally awake. How could you think of ending your life? Why would you jump into that pool knowing you can't swim?" In her rush of emotions, she spoke her heart, momentarily forgetting that Xie Ming had just woken from a long sleep.

Zhao Ming, her eyes clouded with confusion, tried to process Yu Mei's heartfelt words. 'End my life? Pool?' she wondered, her forehead creasing in deep thought. 'Is it some kind of well or pond she speaks of?' 

Before she could voice her swirling questions, Yu Mei let out a horrified gasp, her eyes fixed on Xie Ming's hand. "Blood! Oh, Miss, you're bleeding!" 

In her attempt to sit up, the needle had shifted, causing crimson to stain the sheets, contrasting starkly against their immaculate whiteness.

Yu Mei gasped at the sight of blood-soaked sheets. She quickly rang for the nurses. When one arrived, she was stunned to see Xie Ming awake, especially since Xie Ming had been comatose from a mysterious drowning incident without any apparent injuries.

The drowning accident wasn't severe and she sustained no serious injuries; however, no one could explain the cause behind her unexpected coma.

The nurse called for backup and the head doctor. They were all puzzled. 

Xie Ming was a special case not just medically but also socially – she was the esteemed Young Mistress of the Jin family. Mistakes in her care were unthinkable. The staff buzzed around, checking her vitals and preparing for tests.

Amidst the unknown, Xie Ming sat, deep in thought and growing fear. Everything around her felt overwhelmingly real. 

They didn't resemble fairies, nor did they appear to be demons from hell. So who were these individuals in white coats, gazing at her with such peculiar looks?

Her eyes darted around the unfamiliar room, her face etched with confusion and a hint of fear. 

Upon seeing Yu Mei, she grasped at the only sign of familiarity in the room. "You addressed me as 'Young Mistress' earlier," she managed to say, her voice laden with uncertainty. Despite not having spoken for months, leaving her voice raspy and barely above a whisper, and despite the pain from her dry throat, she mustered the strength to address the girl before her.

"Why?" She faltered, eyes scanning the white walls and the rhythmic beeps of machines. "Where am I? Is this... heaven?" Her voice quivered with growing uncertainty, her gaze seeking answers from Yu Mei.

Yu Mei's face wavered, burdened with worry. Casting a fleeting glance at the taken-aback doctors, she refocused on Xie Ming. "Miss, don't you remember? You're Xie Ming, Jin Liwei's wife, the Young Mistress of the Jin family. I'm Yu Mei, your maid. You had an accident and fell into the pool, and have been in a coma for the past three months."

'Wife of Jin Liwei?' The thought perplexed her. 'I wed the Emperor of the Ji Empire, Ji Cheng. Who on earth is Jin Liwei? Why am I referred to as Xie Ming? Who are all these strangers?'

Overwhelmed by disorientation, Xie Ming looked down and gasped at the alienness of her own body.

Every detail, from her skin and hair to her attire and everything seemed unfamiliar. A staggering realization dawned on her: had she perished and reincarnated in someone else's body? The whole scenario felt absurdly surreal.

"Mirror... I need a mirror. Show me," she pleaded, her voice quaking with mounting distress.

This had to be sheer madness. It couldn't be real. Perhaps it was merely a vivid figment of her imagination, a temporary night terror. She sought to reassure herself, but an inescapable sense of unease whispered that this reality was all too tangible.

Caught off guard by Xie Ming's urgent request, Yu Mei quickly retrieved a small hand mirror and offered it to her.

Drawing in a steadying breath, Xie Ming raised the mirror to behold her reflection. An involuntary gasp left her as unfamiliar eyes met hers. A sinking sensation gripped her heart, rejecting the foreign face that stared back. How was this possible?

This wasn't her!

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