

Ji Cheng stood beside her bed, staring at her face in wonder, questioning if it was real. A smile appeared on his lips as he saw her eyelashes fluttering, signaling that she was waking up. However, her reaction was far from what he had expected. “Pak!” He stared at her in shock, covering his face with his palm. Did she just slap him? Xie Ming's mouth opened in pure terror as she realized what she had done. She slapped the Emperor. The cruel and infamous Emperor of the Ji Dynasty? ‘Am I going to die again? I just came to this world; do I have to die again?’ .... Zhao Ming was the Empress of the Ji Dynasty, but in name only. Never treated or respected as the Empress and witnessing the worst of palace life, fate gave her another chance to shine. One day, when she opened her eyes, she found herself in unfamiliar surroundings—a world full of people using strange items, a world apart from hers. Will the Empress of the Ji Dynasty be able to survive in this competitive world? ** Xie Ming was the wife of the richest businessman in the country, with a reputation for being nothing but trash. She was labeled a rebellious brat and a shameless, lazy woman. When she opened her eyes one day, she found herself in a strange world. Holy Sh*t! She had become the Empress of the Ji Dynasty. Can this rebellious, shameless, lazy woman adjust to the cruel, strict palace world? Will she change, or will she change the world instead? Can the Emperor get used to her being proactive in every single thing? Even in bed? The Emperor dotes on his wife to the point that she feels exhausted. How can a man be this cute? It should be illegal for men to be this cute. ... She pushed him onto the bed and sat on his body, looking at him with her tempting eyes. “Zhao Ming, what... what are you doing?” “Shh... Your Majesty, you just need to relax. I will do all the work.” She leaned in and sealed his lips with her moist lips, making him crave her even more. Can the switch between Zhao Ming, the Empress of Ji Dynasty, and Xie Ming, a known rebellious troublemaker in modern times, bring a spark to the lives of those around them and unveil the hidden connection between them? ..... Instagram: @kamlyn_love Discord: https://discord.gg/NTPCE7YZm7 Join the server to connect with me and fellow readers. * The story is an original novel and not a translation. * Note: The cover has been taken from Pinterest. Credits to the owner. Thank you

Kamlyn · Fantasie
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805 Chs

A Breakfast Surprise

After getting ready, Xie Ming made her way downstairs to the kitchen. The staff, busy preparing for the day, froze in surprise at her appearance. Xie Ming, once known as the 'brat princess' who never set foot in the kitchen, now stood before them with a determined look in her eyes.

A young woman in a crisp white uniform and black apron approached hesitantly. "Madam, do you need anything or have any special breakfast requirements?" she asked, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Xie Ming offered a polite smile. "No, thank you. I'd like to prepare today's breakfast myself. You can all take a rest."

Her words sent a ripple of shock through the kitchen. The head chef, a man known for his culinary expertise and for satisfying Jin Liwei's notoriously picky palate, frowned deeply.

"Madam," he began, choosing his words carefully, "it might be better if you let us handle breakfast. If there's any issue, the master will hold us responsible, not you."

Xie Ming could sense the doubt in his eyes, the unspoken belief that she couldn't possibly match his skill. Even the butler and Yu Mei joined in, urging her to rest and leave the cooking to the professionals.

A flicker of annoyance crossed Xie Ming's face. "This is my home," she said firmly, her voice carrying a quiet authority that surprised even her. "I have every right to cook if I wish. If anything goes wrong, I'll take full responsibility. Now, please, I'd like some privacy while I work."

Reluctantly, the staff filed out, leaving Xie Ming alone in the vast kitchen. As she tied on an apron and began gathering ingredients, she could almost hear the butler's sigh of resignation. 'What calamity will this bring?' his expression seemed to say.

But for Xie Ming, cooking was more than just preparing a meal. It was a link to her past, a comfort in this strange new world. As she whisked eggs and seasoned dishes, memories of her life as Zhao Ming surfaced – cooking for her mother-in-law, hoping in vain to win her favor.

Even though she had been the Empress, a position that should have exempted her from menial tasks like cooking, her reality had been starkly different. As someone not favored by the Empress Dowager, cooking had become the only way to garner any attention from her mother-in-law. But soon she learned that the Empress Dowager only saw her as someone who could only make delicious food.

The Empress Dowager never treated her like a daughter-in-law. Instead, she made Zhao Ming cook often and for many people. It was just another way to make her life hard. But even with all the problems in the palace, Zhao Ming felt most like herself when she was cooking. In the kitchen, she wasn't lonely or tired. Cooking was more of a comfort than a chore for her.

Now, as Xie Ming, she found herself drawn to that familiar feeling. Her hands moved easily, remembering how to make dishes she had cooked many times before. In this new world, with its modern kitchen tools, cooking helped her feel connected to both her past and present.

As she worked, a small smile appeared on her face. In this kitchen, she wasn't the ignored Empress from her past or the unfamiliar Xie Ming of now. She was just herself, happy to make something tasty and good for others. For now, that was enough.


Xie Ming decided on a balanced breakfast that would be both nourishing and appealing to Jin Liwei's palate. She started with the center dish: a comforting bowl of chicken noodle soup. She simmered a light but flavorful broth using chicken bones, ginger, and scallions. To this, she added thin, hand-pulled noodles and tender pieces of shredded chicken.

To complement the noodles, she prepared tea eggs, gently cracking the shells of hard-boiled eggs before simmering them in a fragrant mixture of tea, soy sauce, and spices. The result would be beautifully marbled eggs with a subtle, savory taste.

For a touch of freshness, she created a small side of stir-fried vegetables – tender baby bok choy and crisp bean sprouts, lightly seasoned with garlic and a dash of sesame oil.

Lastly, she made a few Chinese fried dough sticks, to add a crispy element to the meal. The dough was expertly prepared and fried to golden perfection, resulting in a crispy exterior and soft, airy interior.

Time seemed to fly as she worked, her hands moving with a practiced grace that belied her supposed inexperience. Soon, the kitchen was filled with the enticing aroma of a traditional Chinese breakfast, centered around the steaming bowls of noodle soup.

As Xie Ming carried the last dish to the dining room, Jin Liwei descended the stairs. He was clad in a casual white shirt and black trousers, sleeves rolled up to reveal strong forearms. Xie Ming found herself staring, momentarily lost in admiration.

Jin Liwei noticed her gaze and chuckled, moving closer. "Do you like what you see?" he teased, his voice low and playful.

Xie Ming blushed furiously, snapping out of her daze. "Don't be ridiculous," she muttered, turning away to hide her flustered expression. "Sit down and eat."

As they settled at the table, Jin Liwei's eyes widened in surprise. "You made all this?" he asked, taking in the spread of authentic Chinese dishes – a departure from his usual Western breakfast.

Xie Ming nodded; a hint of pride in her smile. "Of course."

Jin Liwei hesitated only a moment before trying the egg rolls. His eyebrows rose in pleasant surprise at the first bite. But it was the noodle soup that truly astounded him.

"What is this?" he exclaimed after tasting the broth. "It's incredible. I've never had anything like it."

Xie Ming's heart swelled with quiet joy at his praise. "It's chicken soup noodles," she explained. "I thought it would give you energy for your day at the office."

As they continued to eat, their eyes met over the table, a new warmth and understanding passing between them. Jin Liwei found himself captivated by this new side of Xie Ming – her skill, her thoughtfulness, and the gentle grace with which she carried herself.

After they finished eating their meal, the kitchen staff and butler peeked in, their expressions a mix of shock and grudging admiration. Xie Ming, noticing their presence, smiled warmly.

"There's plenty more in the kitchen," she said, gesturing towards the door. "I've made enough for everyone. Please, enjoy it."

The staff exchanged surprised glances, unused to such generosity from the young mistress of the house. Slowly, tentative smiles began to appear on their faces.

The meal concluded with Jin Liwei thoroughly satisfied and Xie Ming feeling proud in a way she hadn't experienced before. As she watched Jin Liwei and everyone else enjoying her dishes with happy faces, Xie Ming's heart filled with warmth.

In her time at the palace, cooking for over a year, she had never felt such joy. Now, seeing everyone appreciate her cooking skills, she felt a deep sense of happiness. She thought to herself, "This new life isn't so bad after all."

Xie Ming realised that even though her first life had ended, she had been given another chance at happiness. This moment, with people truly enjoying what she had made, gave her hope for her future in this new world.