
Eternal Life in Twilight

A young man gets accidentally killed by the legendary truck-kun and is give a new chance in life.... English is not my first language so there might be some mistakes and I'll try to use Google docs to mostly correct my grammar. Current update schedule is one or two chapters a week.

12_HCL · Filme
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation

My name is Alexander Darth. I was on my way to the manga store, just a block away from my house. The bustling streets were filled with the sounds of passing cars and the chatter of pedestrians. As I approached the crosswalk, preparing to traverse the busy road, a peculiar sensation filled the air.


A sudden, eerie noise caught my attention, causing me to turn my head to the right. There, I was met with the sight of two binding sources of light, momentarily blurring my vision. And then, darkness enveloped me...

After what felt like an eternity, I slowly regained consciousness, finding myself in the presence of a radiant figure bathed in luminosity. The ethereal being approached, emanating an aura of wisdom and power. 

As they drew nearer, two colossal wheels materialized beside them, adorned with an array of symbols and words. The first wheel contained a myriad of extraordinary abilities, each one more awe-inspiring than the last, while the second displayed names of different worlds and universes.

"Greetings, mortal," the resplendent entity spoke with a voice that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of reality. "You have become the fifth individual accidentally claimed by the infamous Truck-kun. I offer you a unique opportunity to spin the wheel and acquire an exceptional ability, a coveted item, or perhaps even a wish. Alongside this, you will be granted a new existence in one of the many realms displayed before you. Now, I urge you to step forward and give the wheel a spin."

My gaze was captivated by the dizzying array of possibilities presented before me. The first wheel enticed with its promise of unparalleled powers and extraordinary artifacts, while the second wheel held the allure of venturing into unfamiliar realms brimming with adventure and uncertainty. With anticipation coursing through my veins, I took a step closer, my eyes transfixed on the intricate designs and the button that read "spin" and "stop."

Summoning courage, I pressed the spin button, unleashing a whirlwind of motion as the first wheel spun faster and faster. Time seemed to stand still as I watched the blur of options whiz by. And then, with a determined motion, I pressed the stop button, abruptly halting the wheel's rotation.

My heart skipped a beat as I took in the words written on the wheel: [Three Wishes]. It was as if fate had granted me an extraordinary chance to shape my own destiny.

Eager to uncover the realm that awaited me, I turned my attention to the world wheel. It spun with a mesmerizing rhythm, building anticipation with each revolution. The seconds stretched into minutes, until finally, as if guided by some mysterious force, I pressed the stop button, fixing my gaze upon the result.

"Twilight?" I uttered in a mixture of surprise and uncertainty. The world of Twilight, a realm shrouded in enigmatic allure, where secrets intertwined with the ethereal beauty of vampires and the transformative power of shape-shifters. It was a domain where creatures of the night were marked by intense brooding or dazzled with an otherworldly glow in the sunlight.

I stood before the Omnipotent Being, my heart racing as I prepared to make my request. The chamber we were in emitted a soft, otherworldly glow, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and wonder. I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking up.

"Can I use a wish to shape not only my personal background but also the world I'll be reincarnated into?" I asked, my voice filled with a mix of hope and nervousness.

The Omnipotent Being looked at me with a knowing expression, their eyes holding a wisdom beyond my comprehension. "Tell me what changes you desire, and I'll consider their feasibility," they replied, their voice carrying a melodic tone.

With determination fueling my words, I began expressing the intricate details of the alterations I longed for. "I want to be reborn as Bella's older brother, one year older than her. Let Rosalie Hale's past be one of redemption and resilience, where she finds solace and acceptance with the Cullen family instead of enduring previous horrors. And for Emmett, let his path intersect with another soul who will become his destined mate, allowing Rosalie to be mine."

As the words left my lips, a hush fell over the chamber. The Omnipotent Being contemplated my request, considering the possibilities and consequences. Time seemed to stretch as we waited, the air heavy with anticipation.

Finally, a gentle smile formed on the Omnipotent Being's face. "Your wishes hold merit, and I will weave the fabric of existence to accommodate them," he declared, his voices resonating with cosmic authority.

Relief flooded through me, knowing that my desires had been acknowledged and accepted. I marveled at the immense power of the Omnipotent Being, capable of reshaping reality to fulfill the deepest longings of my heart.

"For my second wish," I confidently expressed, "I want to wield the abilities of the Eternals from the Marvel universe. I want to unlock their fullest potential within me. Superhuman condition, the ability to delve into minds with telepathy, manipulate objects with telekinesis, soar through the skies with flight, craft illusions that defy perception, and harness the cosmic energy to unleash beams of immense power from my eyes and hands. And I would be grateful for the gift of teleportation and the power to temporarily halt time for 10 seconds, with a cooldown of 10 minutes."

The Omnipotent Being took a moment to ponder my request, its divine presence radiating with wisdom. "Very well," it declared, "your desires shall be realized. At the age of 16, two years before the story's inception, you shall awaken to these extraordinary abilities. As an additional boon, I shall bestow upon you the ability to manipulate time and traverse vast distances with teleportation."

I nod in a thankful manner and tell him my last wish. "I want Biological Manipulation without all or most limitations as my last wish along with basic control over the ability so that I don't go around killing people and making abomination's."

"That is the best possible wish you can have as this world allows you to change the physique of the vampire's you want to help by allowing them to become more human-like, making their skin normal, giving the ability to eat normal human food and also you can allow them to have children. This wish is also granted." The Omnipotent Being spoke as if satisfied with my wish.

The Omnipotent Being further spoke, their voice carrying a sense of authority and wisdom. "In addition, I shall ensure that your memories are seamlessly restored as you awaken your newfound abilities. But before I transport you to your new world, are there any further alterations you desire?"

Seizing the opportunity, I respectfully requested, "Can I have a captivating deep violet eyes, and let my hair be a lustrous shade of black? Furthermore, if it is within your power, could you enhance Rosalie's natural beauty, so she becomes even more radiant? I wish to spare any manual adjustments."

After a brief moment of contemplation, the Omnipotent Being responded, their tone resonating with a sense of understanding. "Indeed, these changes can be effortlessly granted. Consider it done. Now, I bestow upon you my heartfelt wishes for success and fulfillment on your eternal journey."

With the Omnipotent Being's final words echoing in my mind, my vision was instantly enveloped in a brilliant, dazzling light.

<Third person POV>

Meanwhile, lurking within the void, Truck-kun, the accidental harbinger of mortal crossings, watched as the transported soul embarked on their new adventure. Curiosity piqued, Truck-kun approached the Omnipotent Being and questioned, "Why did you bestow upon the mortal the powers of Time Manipulation and Teleportation, along with the abilities of an Eternal?"

The Omnipotent Being, radiating an aura of wisdom, responded calmly, shedding light on their decision. "The mortal's initial wish was not truly a wish in the traditional sense, but rather a choice to enter a specific version of the Twilight universe. As such, it did not count as an additional wish. Thus, I deemed it appropriate to grant the extra abilities of Time Manipulation and Teleportation."