
Eternal Hunter: A Journey Through Time and Space

"Eternal Hunter" follows the extraordinary journey of Victor Baker, an 18-year-old orphan who wakes up in a futuristic world, two thousand years into the future. Determined to make the best of his new life, Victor embraces his newfound family and sets out to honor the memories of the person he has become. Venturing into a desolate dimension, Victor encounters a fierce battle with a red-eyed horned killer rabbit. To his surprise, he discovers glowing orbs scattered around the creature, each pulsating with unimaginable power. Recognizing the orbs as a catalyst for his cultivation and growth, Victor becomes an eternal hunter, driven by a thirst for power and knowledge in a universe brimming with mysteries. As Victor embarks on his grand adventure, he encounters allies and enemies beyond his wildest imagination. Each challenge he faces tests his determination and resilience, pushing him to unlock the secrets of the orbs and tap into his true potential. Along the way, he discovers that his journey is not just about personal growth but also about leaving a lasting mark on the vast expanse of the universe. "Eternal Hunter" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, boundless ambition, and the pursuit of infinite possibilities. Through Victor's experiences, readers are immersed in a world where the interstellar era becomes a playground for exploration, where friendships are forged, and where the true nature of destiny is revealed.

DanVisk · sci-fi
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: A Day in my Life with an Unexpected Turn

Tu tu tu...

That accursed alarm clock jolted me from my peaceful slumber exactly at 6:30 am. But I wanted it that way because too much rest is for the undisciplined. Every second wasted is a second less to cultivate. I thought I had lost the character of a cultivation maniac, but I guess that's not the case.

Begrudgingly, I rose from the comfort of my bed and headed to the shower directly next to my bedroom. Huh... nothing beats a nice, refreshing shower after a good sleep. The cool water washed away the last remnants of sleep, leaving me alert and ready for the day ahead. After getting dressed in my school uniform, I headed downstairs for breakfast.

My family lives in a rich area, in a small but cozy family home, just ten minutes on foot from school. My sister Elaine and I go to the same school. She is three grades below me. The aroma of freshly made breakfast filled the air as I entered the kitchen. My mother had prepared a hearty meal, knowing the importance of good nutrition for my training.

"Good morning, Victor," my mother greeted me with a warm smile.

"Morning, Mom," I replied, taking a seat at the table.

Breakfast was a quiet affair, but the atmosphere was comforting. My parents respected my dedication and supported my goals, even if they didn't fully understand the world of cultivation. After finishing my meal, I excused myself and headed to my room for a short cultivation session.

Sitting cross-legged on my mat, I closed my eyes and focused on the Stellar Body Forging Technique. I used two of the collected red orbs and let them course through my body, growing my black hole and raising my Qi reserves it didn't fill them as well as the last time only a little.

I will need close to ten orbs to break through again huh.. but how will it be in the future will I need 20, or 50 to break through? What a disheartening thing to think about. Baby steps even a brief session like this was crucial in maintaining my progress.

After cultivating for about thirty minutes, I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. The walk to school was pleasant, the morning air crisp and refreshing. Our neighborhood was peaceful, with well-manicured lawns and friendly faces. I often used this time to mentally prepare for the day ahead, going over my schedule and setting goals for my training.

The school I attended was the third-ranked high school on the planet, renowned for raising countless minor geniuses. The imposing gates and grand architecture of the building always filled me with a sense of pride and determination. I was here to become the best, and every day was a step closer to that goal.

As I walked through the bustling corridors, I greeted a few classmates and made my way to my first class. The morning began with

Advanced Ferousios Beast Studies, a subject I found both challenging and intriguing. The rigorous mental exercise was a good complement to my physical training, keeping my mind sharp.

"Good morning, class," Mr. Anderson, our teacher and former military lieutenant, said as he entered the room. "Today, we'll be diving into survival against the ferocious beasts in the wild. I hope you've all done your homework."

I paid close attention, taking detailed notes and asking questions when necessary. Mastery of academics was just as important as physical prowess in our school even though martial merit earned through combat exams remained supreme, I aimed to excel in both. The Knowledge will definitely come in handy in the future.

Lunchtime was a welcome break. I met up with a few friends in the cafeteria, where we discussed the latest school events and our personal training progress. The camaraderie was nice, a reminder that I wasn't alone in my journey.

"How's your cultivation going, Victor?" asked Mark, one of my close friends and son of Mr Anderson our Advanced Monster Studies Teacher.

"Pretty well," I replied. "I managed to break through to the 6th Martial Student realm over the weekend."

"Impressive! You're incredible but weren't you still in the 3rd realm last week?" asked a puzzled-looking Mark.

"Well yes, I used a medicine my father gifted me for making good progress and had an unexpected encounter in the form of a sparing with Kenji that pushed my realm under great stress." I lied, knowing that Mark would not mind my vague answer.

"Just be careful not to damage your Martial arts foundation my friend", said Mark while tapping my shoulder in reassurance.

After lunch, I found a quiet spot under a tree in the school courtyard and meditated for a while, focusing on keeping my techniques up to date and clearing my mind for the afternoon classes.

The afternoon was dedicated to physical training and martial arts. Our school's gymnasium was state-of-the-art, equipped with everything we needed to hone our skills. Today's session focused on sparring, giving us the opportunity to apply what we'd learned in real combat scenarios.

I partnered with Emily, a fellow martial artist who was known for her agility and quick reflexes. We bowed to each other and took our stances.

"Begin!" our instructor shouted.

Emily moved first, her speed was impressive that's a 7th-stage martial Student for you. But with my enhanced techniques, I was able to keep up, countering her attacks with precision. We exchanged blows, the sound of our strikes echoing through the gym. It was an intense but exhilarating match, pushing both of us to our limits. In the end, I overpowered her because of my energy reserve and better combat technique.

I had to answer a barrage of questions from my classmates because of my new cultivation. Luckily I was able to divert the conversation and they bought the same story I told Mark.

After sparring, we moved on to physical conditioning and meditation. By the end of the day, I was exhausted but satisfied. Every drop of sweat was a step closer to my goal.

Returning home, I greeted my parents, and Elaine and shared a bit about my day. Dinner was another nutritious meal, essential for recovery. Afterward, I dedicated a couple more hours to cultivation, using the Stellar Body Forging Technique and three more orbs to further refine my Qi and started to give it the appearance of a 3 spiraling vortex and created the first star. Once a vortex has three twinkling stars in its center I can break through to the 7th stage and so on and further enhance my physical abilities.

As the night grew late, I took a moment to reflect on my progress and plan for the next day. The entrance exam was getting closer, and every bit of effort counted.

Finally, I took a quick, refreshing shower and lay down on my bed. The events of the day played through my mind, the challenges faced and the victories won. With a deep sense of fulfillment, I allowed myself to drift into a deep, restful sleep, ready to face whatever tomorrow had in store.

The Next Day:

Tu tu tu...

The familiar sound of the alarm clock pulled me from my dreams exactly at 6:30 am. I rose from bed with the same sense of purpose, ready to follow the disciplined routine that had become second nature to me. Every second counted on my journey to becoming a peak Martial Student.

The day continued pretty much the same as yesterday the only exception was that Emily sought me out of her one accord to spar again. Which I gladly accepted. I needed a sparing partner who could keep up with my "Blurr Step" being at the flowing stage.

After an exhausting but equally satisfying day, I made my way home.

Returning home, I shared a quiet dinner with my family and retreated to my room for another cultivation session. As I focused on the Stellar Body Forging Technique, forging the second star, I felt a strange sensation, a faint pull that seemed to resonate with my very being.

The connection to the dimension was returning.

Excitement surged through me. The dimension held immense power and knowledge, and I was eager to explore it further. I continued my cultivation, sensing the connection growing stronger with each passing moment.

As the night grew late, I took a quick shower and knelt on my meditation mat. During the shower, I felt the connection becoming accessible again. The events of the day played through my mind, and the anticipation of returning to the dimension filled me with excitement.

"Storage," I whispered, activating the screen again and seeing the lock in place. So, the cooldown was two days in the real world? Last time, I felt my mental energy being used to measure my time. That means I need more purple orbs to increase my mental energy and, e voilà, I will be able to use the dimension again faster.

I set my mind on this excursion into the dimension exclusively for hunting rabbits with purple marks for their orbs everything else is a bonus.

After putting the key in the keyhole again creating the swirling vortex of energy within the keyhole, its colors shifting between deep purples and shimmering golds and reds. I took a confident step forward into the vortex.

The familiar sensation of the swirling vortex enveloped me, and I was once again drawn into the dimension. The red sky loomed above, casting its eerie glow over the desolate landscape. I took a moment to orient myself, feeling the weight of the task ahead.

I moved swiftly through the forest, my senses heightened, searching for the horned white rabbits with purple marks. These orbs were crucial for increasing my mental energy and shortening the cooldown time between trips to the dimension.

It didn't take long before I spotted my first target. A group of five-horned white rabbits grazed in a small clearing, one of them had a purple mark glowing faintly in the dim light. I stayed hidden, using the cover of the dense foliage to plan my attack.

With my techniques now at the flowing stage, I felt more confident in my abilities. I initiated the ambush with "Blurr Step", moving silently and quickly toward the nearest rabbit. I targeted the one with the mark first because their ability to attack with mental energy is the most dangerous. My "Swift Shadows" Palm struck true, severing its head in a single, fluid motion.

The remaining rabbits reacted instantly, but I was ready. I used the surrounding environment to my advantage, darting between trees and bushes, always staying one step ahead. The "Swift Shadows" Palm allowed me to strike from unexpected angles, keeping the rabbits off balance.

The fight was intense, but my training paid off. Within minutes, all five rabbits lay dead at my feet. I gathered the orbs, counting two purple and nine red ones. The purple orbs emitted a soft, ethereal light, promising the enhancement of my mental energy.

I continued my hunt, moving deeper into the forest. I moved quickly and silently through the forest, my senses heightened and attuned to any sign of movement. The dense foliage provided excellent cover as I scouted for my prey. I knew I needed to find a group of rabbits with purple marks; their orbs were crucial for my progress.

After what felt like hours of careful searching, I spotted them. Seven horned rabbits, grazing in a clearing. Their white fur and purple marks stood out against the dark green of the forest. This would be my toughest challenge yet.

I stayed hidden, observing the rabbits. They were alert, their ears twitching at the slightest sound. I needed a strategy. Attacking head-on would be suicide; I had to take them out one by one, using the element of surprise to my advantage.

I decided to circle around the clearing, positioning myself downwind to avoid detection. Using Blur Step, I moved silently from one cover to another, getting as close as I could without being seen. The time for action was now.

With a deep breath, I activated Blur Step and launched myself at the nearest rabbit. My Swift Shadow Palm struck with deadly precision, severing its head in a single, fluid motion. The rabbit collapsed silently, and I quickly dragged its body into the bushes to avoid alerting the others.

The remaining six rabbits were startled, but not yet aware of my presence. They scattered slightly but remained within the clearing. I needed to act quickly before they could regroup.

I moved to my next target, using the same technique. Blur Step allowed me to close the distance in an instant, and Swift Shadow Palm ensured a swift, silent kill. Another rabbit down, its head severed cleanly. This time, the others were more alert, their eyes scanning the surroundings for the unseen threat.

I knew I couldn't maintain the element of surprise for long. I had to keep moving, staying unpredictable. I darted to the next rabbit, my palm striking with lethal force. Three down, four to go.

The remaining rabbits were now fully aware of the danger. They huddled together, their horns glowing faintly as they prepared to defend themselves. I needed a new approach. Using the terrain to my advantage, I climbed a nearby tree, positioning myself above the group.

From my vantage point, I could see the fear in their eyes. I leaped down, landing in their midst. The sudden impact scattered them, and I used the chaos to strike again. My Swift Shadow Palm took down two more rabbits before they could react.

Only two rabbits remained. They were cornered, their eyes wide with fear and desperation. I could see the determination in their stance; they wouldn't go down without a fight. I readied myself, focusing all my energy on the final confrontation.

The first rabbit lunged at me, its sharp claws aiming for my throat. I dodged to the side, using Blur Step to evade its attack. My palm struck out, catching it in mid-air and sending it crashing to the ground, lifeless.

The last rabbit was the most aggressive. It charged at me with surprising speed, its horn aimed straight at my heart. I sidestepped, using the momentum to grab its head and twist. There was a sickening crack, and the rabbit went limp.


Out of nowhere, I felt a great killing intent aimed at me. My senses went on high alert as I scanned the surroundings. And then I saw it—a rabbit with a green aura, flickering like the wind. Its eyes were sharp, and its presence was overwhelming. It reminded me of the Flaming Tiger I had faced months ago, a creature of immense power and relentless aggression.

This rabbit was different from any I had encountered before. Its green marks and aura pulsed with an energy that seemed to blend with the wind, making its movements almost imperceptible. I could tell this would be my most dangerous challenge yet.

The green-aura rabbit moved with blinding speed, launching itself at me with wind blades sharper and faster than sound. I barely had time to dodge, the blades slicing through the air where I had just been standing.

I couldn't afford to underestimate this foe. I activated "Blurr Step", using my enhanced speed to weave between the trees, trying to find an opening. The rabbit's attacks were relentless, and it was all I could do to keep up.

Drawing on my experiences, I focused on conserving my energy, I felt this would be a long fight.

The next set of wind blades clashed against a tree right next to me, the force of the attack pushed me back, nearly injuring me seriously. I sustained a few small injuries.

I needed a new strategy. This rabbit was too fast and too powerful for a direct confrontation. I began to circle it, using the trees and foliage as cover, waiting for the right moment to strike. The rabbit's eyes followed my every move, its killing intent palpable.

Finally, I saw my chance. The rabbit paused for a split second, gathering energy for a powerful attack. I took advantage of the moment, darting forward with "Blurr Step", my "Swift Shadows Palm" aimed at its head.

The rabbit reacted with astonishing speed, leaping to the side and launching a counterattack. I twisted mid-air, narrowly unable to avoid the wind blades getting hit in the chest and in retaliation landing a glancing blow on its flank. It wasn't enough to kill it, but it was a start.

My blood dripped from the open wound agitating the rabbit even more.

The rabbit growled, its green aura flaring brighter. It lunged at me with renewed ferocity, and I met its charge head-on. Our attacks collided, the force of our clash creating a shockwave that shook the forest around us.

In the chaos, I saw my opportunity. I focused all my remaining energy on one final, decisive strike. With a surge of power, I drove my palm into the rabbit's head, shattering its defenses and sending it crashing to the ground.

The green-aura rabbit lay still, its body slowly fading as its energy dissipated. I stood over it, exhausted but victorious. I gathered the unique, glowing green orb it had dropped, knowing it would be invaluable for my journey ahead.

The forest was silent once more, the danger passed for now. I took a moment to catch my breath and use a strip of my ripped cloth to bind my wound, reflecting on the battle. My training had paid off, and I had overcome yet another formidable foe.

But I knew that greater challenges awaited me deeper within the forest. With renewed determination, I continued my hunt, ready for whatever lay ahead.

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