
Eternal Hunter: A Journey Through Time and Space

"Eternal Hunter" follows the extraordinary journey of Victor Baker, an 18-year-old orphan who wakes up in a futuristic world, two thousand years into the future. Determined to make the best of his new life, Victor embraces his newfound family and sets out to honor the memories of the person he has become. Venturing into a desolate dimension, Victor encounters a fierce battle with a red-eyed horned killer rabbit. To his surprise, he discovers glowing orbs scattered around the creature, each pulsating with unimaginable power. Recognizing the orbs as a catalyst for his cultivation and growth, Victor becomes an eternal hunter, driven by a thirst for power and knowledge in a universe brimming with mysteries. As Victor embarks on his grand adventure, he encounters allies and enemies beyond his wildest imagination. Each challenge he faces tests his determination and resilience, pushing him to unlock the secrets of the orbs and tap into his true potential. Along the way, he discovers that his journey is not just about personal growth but also about leaving a lasting mark on the vast expanse of the universe. "Eternal Hunter" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, boundless ambition, and the pursuit of infinite possibilities. Through Victor's experiences, readers are immersed in a world where the interstellar era becomes a playground for exploration, where friendships are forged, and where the true nature of destiny is revealed.

DanVisk · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: Sanctuary in the Storm

The encounter with the rabbit and its deadly wind blades had left me severely wounded in the chest area, even if I tried to seem alright. Each step was a struggle, my vision blurred from pain and blood loss. I staggered through the dense forest, trying to stay alert, but my body was weakening rapidly. The cuts and bruises from the battle throbbed with every heartbeat, making it difficult to focus.

As I trudged on, I heard the rustle of leaves and the snapping of twigs behind me. Panic surged through me as I realized I was being pursued.

My blood must have attracted more ferocious beasts. With my senses dulled by pain, evading my enemies became nearly impossible. Shadows seemed to dance at the edge of my vision, and every time I tried to pick up my pace, my injuries flared up, forcing me to slow down.

Suddenly, a figure lunged at me from the underbrush. I barely managed to dodge, but the effort cost me dearly. I stumbled and fell, a sharp rock cutting into my already injured side. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I forced myself back up and continued my desperate flight.

The forest seemed endless, each tree a potential hiding spot for more foes. My strength was fading, my movements growing clumsier with each passing minute. I knew I couldn't keep this up much longer. My only hope was to find a place to hide and tend to my wounds.

Just as despair began to take hold, I spotted a dark opening in a rocky hillside. Summoning the last reserves of my energy, I stumbled toward it. The entrance was narrow, but it opened up into a small, secure cave. I collapsed inside, my body finally giving in to exhaustion.

Breathing heavily, I assessed my injuries. Blood oozed from multiple cuts, and my muscles ached from the strain. Using what little surplice I could find in the surroundings of the cave, I bandaged my wounds as best I could with a ripped cloth. The cave offered a semblance of safety, and I knew I had to rest and recover if I wanted to survive till the 24-hour time limit.

As I lay on the cold, hard ground, my thoughts drifted back to the rabbit and its vicious wind blades. I vowed to myself that once I had healed, I would be better prepared. But for now, all I could do was rest and let my body mend, hoping that no beast wouldn't find me before I was ready to face them again.

I straightened my aching body to get in my meditation pose. I was sure the red orbs would allow my injuries to heal faster. The Qi absorbed from the orbs and the surroundings helps generate more life force in my body, which heals the injuries faster. Showing up to the family breakfast covered in bandages was not an option. So I had to recover before the 24-hour mark.

Acting on that thought I whispered "Storage" and noticed a few new exclamation marks.

From top left to right: red orbs 21x, purple orbs 4x, Stellar Body Forging Technique, Flame orb! 1x and Wind orb! 1x.

Specifically over the cristal orb with orange-red flames raging in it and the orb that seemed to be filled with a light green breeze. I was curious but decided against trying them, in my injured state. Who knows if they damage my body even further? They looked like they would definitely hurt a ton to absorb.

I took five red orbs to absorb and tried to stabilize my condition. I had small cuts all over my body, from nearly avoiding that fatal attack that hit the tree, which only graced me, and the final attack that hit my chest region. The black hole absorbed the energy, purified it, and after a while sent the generated life force to the injuries. Soothing them quite a bit.

Circle after circle I cultivated and healed my injuries at the same time. While I did that, my second Star bloomed in the inner vortex, right after I finished absorbing the fifth orb. I was only a couple of orbs short of a breakthrough. If I had to guess, three or four more should do the trick. Getting Injured like this sucked, but I could not deny the shortcut, fighting for survival brought to my cultivation, without affecting my foundation.

It took two hours to heal most of the small cuts but the big cut to my chest needs more time to fully heal. The small cuts left behind faint scars, that faded as I cultivated more.

So I decided to spend the remainder of my time in the cave only going out to find more supplies to bandage my chest wound. The rest of the time would be dedicated to cultivation.

I was grateful for the storage because, without it, I would have lost the loot from before, the rabbit with the wind blades, ambushed me. The inheritance memory told me that the "Storage" is an entity whose purpose is to support the development of the chosen hero. Even if the inheritance told me to trust it, I can't. It was never clearly mentioned why I was chosen. The inheritance said something about "Soul Aptitude" but never mentioned why they needed someone with that. That made me skeptical of Its motives.


My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of thunder and rain pouring down in relentless sheets. Each drop was a hammer against the earth, creating a symphony of splashes and patterns that filled the air. The rain was so heavy it seemed like a solid wall of water, blurring the cave entrance into a hazy, indistinct blurr.

It was fortunate that I found this cave. Otherwise, I would find it hard to find a cave, that's not already occupied, without clearing one out. In my Injured state, it would have been a real struggle.

It was the first time I experienced such a rainstorm in a while. On Dramoth there are not that many rain seasons per year. A refreshing sight I admit. Dramoth is a peaceful Planet but that peace is occasionally stirred by the news from the frontline. I remember not too long ago. A Warblogger and his entourage were torn to shreds by the blade demon race in a brutal fashion to strike fear into the public. The human federation has been at odds with the blade demon race since the beginning.

They were always slaughtering humans wherever they found one. The elves saved our race from extinction multiple times. After many brutal battles with many losses and the blood, sweat, and tears of our ancestors. It's our race's ultimate goal to bring an end to the blade demon race.

The higher-ups of the military stationed small military brigades, with a set number of flagships, at every Planet in the inner circle. They hold the frontline even though the military doesn't have a martial Saint to fight the Leaders of the Blade Race. The military is Protecting the innocent, and bringing peace to the human race. They are heroes and I aspire to become someone just like them. And now with this dimension, I can make a difference and not be shackled by my ordinary talent.

I kept my vigilance up while cultivating because there could come a beast seeking shelter at any moment. With the rainstorm going on outside.

Three hours later...

After three hours, four more red orbs, and many attempts at forming the third star later, If finally done it. As the third star came into place I felt a great pressure emitting from my body. It's a natural pressure because of the highly concentrated qi in my body. It signifies my breakthrough into the Martial Student 7th stage. The pressure will cast a slight intimidation effect on those weaker than me.

Next, I try my hand at those newly acquired purple orbs. Access to this dimension was critical to my development, the time to enter it had to be shortened as much as possible.

I let one of the orbs appear next to my dantian. It dissolved into an electric current that traveled to my mind and expanded it further. Leaving behind a cooling sensation in my mind. My hearing became clearer, and my eyesight as well. Instead of the fraction of a second, that I could anticipate an attack before it happened, it became a 1/4 of a second.

It felt like the time to enter again shortened to 1 1/2 days.


After using up all the remaining purple orbs, the time to enter shortened even further. It became a 3/4 a day cooldown and I could not shorten it again. It's great, I can go to school to increase my knowledge of beasts and enemy races in the morning and go to the dimension at night to practice my techniques on formidable enemies and hunt for orbs. A perfect combination if I say so myself.

Thunder crashed once more, echoing through the cave like the war drums of the blade demon race, a stark reminder of the battles yet to come. Despite the relentless rain, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. Each orb I absorbed brought me closer to my goal, strengthening my resolve and body.

With the third star formed and my senses sharpened, I knew this was just the beginning. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but I would not be deterred. Every wound, every drop of blood spilled, was a testament to my determination. The human federation's fight against the blade demons was now my fight as well.

My aspirations to be more than ordinary were no longer dreams—they were promises to be fulfilled. Just a matter of time.

As the storm raged outside, I closed my eyes and let the rhythmic sound of the rain lull me into a state of meditation. The journey ahead would be long and arduous, but I was ready. The memory of the rabbit's deadly wind blades and the sight of my blood would fuel my drive.

I whispered to myself, "This is just the beginning," and with that thought, I sank deeper into my cultivation, the promise of becoming a hero burning brighter than ever in my mind.

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