
Epic Of The Clonemancer

I opened my eyes, expecting the after life, but I instead find myself 3 years in the past, on the day the apocalypse started. Horridly mutated humans and animals roam, normal humans consumed by greed, and something bigger, bigger than you and me. But, all of this, for me, is a chance to get a better class, a chance to live longer... A chance to fix the world

Movribs · Fantasie
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15 Chs

First Kill


Long, skinny digitigrade legs devoid of any skin, a hunched back with ribs piercing the skin, very long skinny arms with sharp claws attached to the ends, a ginormous oval for a head, that has a vertical mouth filled with hundreds of teeth going from the very top of its head all the way to the middle of its chest, with eyes littering the inside of its giant mouth.

And all of this stands at almost 3 meters tall, 'Where does all the extra mass come from?' I complain mentally and Jayden seems to have the exact same thought. I ready my bar, with both my main body and C1, and Jayden gets ready too.

I focus and begin controlling my bodies, I notice Jayden use <Inspect> and I do to.


Name: Abomination

Class: None

Level: 2

Age: 22Y

HP: 200/200

Mana: 1/1







-Intelligence: 3

-Strength: 15

-Mana: 0.1

-Speed: 10

-Endurance: 20


I gulp and run towards the left using C1, while I go straight ahead using my main, while Jayden goes to the right. The abomination looks in my direction and rushes towards C1.

I duck, just barely managing to avoid its attack, Jayden comes from behind and aims towards its skinny legs, which manages to throw it slightly off balance. I take this chance, using both C1 and my main to rush towards its mouth.

I lift my bar and swing at max speed hitting its other leg, while C1 thrusts its bar into its mouth, The Abomination tries to move out the way, and luckily doesn't close its mouth.

Probably because it knows it wont be able to see if it does, my attack connects bringing the monster to its knee's and C1's attack heads into its mouth, before I retract the bar as fast as I can.

The Abomination screeches in pain, but we dont stop, Jayden understanding he wont be able to pierce its skin with a blunt bar, he starts transfiguring his hand, I start swinging along with C1 in a effort to distract it from Jayden.

I hit the side of its head, while C1 hits its torso, I duck under a swing and using C1 hold onto the abominations arm in an attempt to get it to stop wailing.

"Jayden!" I scream, and Jayden with his transformed hand trusts his hand forward at max speed, the arm manipulated to be sharper manages to pierce the monsters flesh.

The abomination wails in pain, but Jayden keeps pushing his hand inside, and I dont stop whacking the monster, and eventually it ceases movement and falls down, We quickly move out the way and with strained breath hold onto our weapons.

Just in case it gets up, "Lets keep hurting it, gotta make sure its dead" I say and Jayden starts stabbing it all over its body and I start forcing my bar into its mouth, and to our surprise the monster starts screaming again.


[Lvl. 2 Abomination has been slain.]

-690 Exp has been obtained

-Exp has been split between participants.

-You have received 345 Exp.


A notification pops up on our screen and I let out a sigh, but then another screen pops up.


[Global Announcement]

<Leo Hendricks and Jayden Pugh are the first in the world to kill an Abomination>

-2000 Exp has been rewarded as a award.

-1000 Exp has been rewarded to each.


[You have leveled up! 5 stat points have been obtained.]

I look over to Jayden and see he got the exact same messages, it seems out achievement was counted as one person but the Exp wasn't shared, we just got the same amount.

"Level up already?" Jayden says quite surprised, "We should hide first, I have no doubt that our fight attracted more abominations" I say getting a nod out of Jayden.

We hear some really loud screeches coming from the first floor, "Yeah, lets head back up to the classroom" Jayden responds, he looks into the room the abomination came out from and wipes his hand on something.

We then run all the way back to the classroom, and close the door. Sitting down I open my status screen again. Jayden moves a chair over to me and sits down on it.

"Ok so how are we going to disperse our stats?" I ask, and look over to Jayden who is trying to fix his hand again, with the textbook as reference.

"Well, we are both going to be close ranger fighters right? So probably strength, speed, and endurance." Jayden answers.

And I nod at that, I look over my status screen before setting them how I want them.


Name: Leonardo Hendricks

Class: Clonemancer ✰✰✰✰

Level: 2

Experience: 345/1500

Age: 21

HP: 110/100

Mana: 40/40



-Self Cloning, Lvl 1

-Parallel Thinking, Lvl 1

-Inspect, Lvl 1


-Mana Control, Lvl 1


-Intelligence: 20

-Strength: 8(+3)

-Mana: 4

-Speed: 7(+2)

-Endurance: 10

[Stat points]



I nod at my choices and look over to Jayden who instead placed his extra point in speed rather than strength. So now he is almost twice as fast as me. "Ok so we need to continue to the kitchen, then maybe we can go to the gym?" I suggest.


"Well there were people there, I'm not suggesting saving them, we cant afford that, but we might be able to recruit another person on our way there, we need more help" I say, he nods before his attention is stolen by another pop up.

I look over to mine and find its a Global announcement, for a group of people who managed to kill a abomination, which is impressive. Its a group of 7, so none of them managed to level up.

And I dont actually know what country it is, sadly it doesn't tell you that but you can kinda guess the region by the names.

"Damn, another group, we should get to stepping if we want to stay in the lead." Jayden says out of nowhere. "Heh, you are taking this as a game aren't you?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Eh, but you gotta admit this is kinda fun," Jayden grins at me, and I grin back.
