
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
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75 Chs

Chapter 59

Lin Family Residence

Quietly, Wang Shengnan approached the door of Lin Miaomiao's room, her footsteps light as she reached for the handle, intending to check on her daughter's progress with her studies.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao studying, Wang Shengnan smiled widely. Carefully, she closed the door and went to the living room, where Lin Dawei was sitting, reading the newspaper while watching TV.

Making her way to the living room, where Lin Dawei sat absorbed in the newspaper while the TV played in the background, Wang Shengnan took control of the remote and switched off the TV, ensuring that there were no distractions to interrupt Lin Miaomiao's concentration.

Turning to Lin Dawei, she sought his opinion on the situation. "How is it? If I had given her the Progress Prize earlier, she wouldn't have worked hard to study," she remarked, seeking validation for her approach.

In response, Lin Dawei merely shook his head, offering a different perspective. "Fine, you're becoming more smarter and smarter, but let me remind you not to set her expectations too high. Pushing too hard can be just as detrimental as not pushing hard enough. And when it comes to psychology, you need to understand Lin Miaomiao's personality. She's the kind of person who can go from feeling scolded one moment to enjoying a sweet moment the next. You've always been tough on her since she was young, and now that she's grown up, you want to connect with her, but she may find it difficult to open up to you," he explained, offering insight into their daughter's psyche.

"Dawei, I realize you can stand against me on the opposite side anytime, anywhere, and for anything. We've never worked together. We live under the same roof. It's a big mistake," Wang Shengnan said as she stood up and went to the bedroom.


Ye Family Residence

Ye Bai sat at his desk, eyes fixed on the computer screen as he monitored the growth of his investments. A satisfied smile played on his lips as he observed his money steadily increasing.

Knock, knock

"Coming," Ye Feng's voice rang out before he opened the door and stepped into Ye Bai's room.

Taking in the sight of his son's workspace, Ye Feng approached Ye Bai's chair and glanced at the screen displaying financial data. "Just starting to dip your toes into the world of investments, huh?" he remarked, pulling up a chair to sit beside Ye Bai.

Noting the relatively modest sums being invested, Ye Feng raised an eyebrow. "Why are you playing it safe with such small investments?" he asked, curiosity evident in his tone.

Leaning back in his chair, Ye Bai sighed softly. "As much as I'd like to dive in with larger investments, I'm wary of attracting too much attention," he admitted.

A knowing smile tugged at Ye Feng's lips as he listened to his son's concerns. "You're smarter than me. When I first arrived here in this world, I made big investments right away, and it almost got me in trouble," he recounted, his tone tinged with reminiscence. "It nearly led to perilous encounters, but thankfully, your grandfather's connections came to my rescue."

Ye Bai's eyes widened with intrigue as he absorbed his father's tale. "Really?"

Ye Feng nodded solemnly. "Because of the large investments I made, I encountered some influential individuals and my life was almost in danger. I didn't even know that your Grandfather Ye Long was a well-known figure in the military. When I finally informed him of my problem, he swiftly resolved it with just a phone call."

Intrigued by the revelation, Ye Bai couldn't help but inquire further. "Then, what is the extent of our wealth?" he asked, a mix of curiosity and excitement dancing in his eyes.

Ye Feng offered a cryptic smile, opting to keep their financial status shrouded in mystery. "I'll arrange for a friend to assist you in setting up an account under my name. This way, you can pursue your investment endeavors without attracting undue attention."

Ye Bai stood up and massaged his father's shoulders. "Dad, you're amazing. Maybe you can also give me a substantial capital for investment." He said playfully.

Ye Feng chuckled warmly at his son's enthusiasm. "Okay. Okay. I'll leave you to your pursuits now, lest you request more of me," he teased, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Ye Bai was thrilled that a golden opportunity had landed on his doorstep.


Social Science Classroom

Tang Yuanming clapped his hands as he entered the classroom to grab the attention of the students.

Lin Miaomiao, who had been leaning back in her chair, straightened up to listen to her uncle's announcement.

"The New Year's Day Party is now history, and the final exams are approaching. Everyone should focus on their studies," Tang Yuanming said, holding up a stack of papers. "Here are the in-class exams."

Upon hearing their adviser's words, the students expressed their dissatisfaction.

"Please pass the papers to the students behind you," Tang Yuanming instructed, distributing the test papers.

Lin Miaomiao glanced at the exam paper, scratching her head before turning to Ye Bai. "Xiaobai, let's review later in the broadcasting room."

Ye Bai, who was scanning through the test paper, looked at Lin Miaomiao. "Sure, no problem."

"Great!" Lin Miaomiao cheered happily.


Broadcasting Room

Qian Sanyi observed Ye Bai and Lin Miaomiao engrossed in conversation at the adjacent table, their smiles indicating a sense of camaraderie after completing their program. As they began to tidy up their belongings, Lin Miaomiao focused on her test paper while Ye Bai sat beside her, occasionally glancing at her to observe her solving math equations.

Suddenly, the ringing of Ye Bai's phone interrupted their concentration. Ye Bai swiftly rose from his seat to answer the call. "Just a moment," he said into the phone before turning to Lin Miaomiao and Sanyi. "Miaomiao, Sanyi, I need to step out for a bit to take this call," he explained.

Lin Miaomiao nodded understandingly, giving him a reassuring 'OK' gesture. Sanyi also nodded, continuing to tidy up his desk. Once he received their acknowledgment, Ye Bai quickly exited the room to take the call.


"Hello, Mr. Ye Bai, I'm Lei Qing, one of your father's assistants. I apologize for calling at an inconvenient time," the voice introduced itself on the other end of the line.

"It's no problem," Ye Bai responded.

"Mr. Ye Feng informed us about your situation. If it's convenient, we would like to arrange a meeting to discuss further," Lei Qing explained.

"Of course, there's a shop near our school where we can meet," Ye Bai suggested.

"Great, thank you, Mr. Ye," Lei Qing replied before ending the call.


After finishing tidying up his desk, Qian Sanyi walked over to the other table where his bag was placed. He couldn't help but glance at what Lin Miaomiao was doing.

"You're so diligent today," Sanyi remarked, observing the review materials on his table before moving to where his bag was and putting his things away.

Lin Miaomiao leaned on the table, tapping her pen. "I'm going to take the exam soon."

Upon hearing Lin Miaomiao's statement, he walked over to her table and looked at her test paper. "It's a simple question. Here, let me explain." He pointed at the paper. "Like this. It's easy once you break it down."

"Huh?" Lin Miaomiao furrowed her brows, puzzled by Sanyi's explanation. "Don't skip steps; you need to be clear."

"Is Liberal Arts math really that difficult?" Qian Sanyi pulled up a chair and sat beside Lin Miaomiao. "Why are you working so hard?"

"You don't understand my struggle. Anyway, I'll wait for Ye Bai to explain this," Miaomiao said.

"Let me see," Qian Sanyi said.

Lin Miaomiao pushed the test paper toward Qian Sanyi.

Looking at the test paper, Qian Sanyi asked, "What was your first reaction when you saw the title? You need to understand what the question is asking and what the person who wrote it wants."

"What does the person who wrote it want?" Lin Miaomiao repeated, glaring at the test paper. "They obviously want me to fail." She slapped the paper. "They're always the ones trying to hurt me," she said.

Observing Lin Miaomiao's reaction, Qian Sanyi felt a hint of remorse for only having seen her charming side. "Can we take this seriously? Would you like me to demonstrate how to approach this question? Tell me your reaction when you read the title."

Lin Miaomiao glanced at Qian Sanyi. "Seriously?" She leaned back in her chair. "My first reaction is... Suppose you have 4 pencils, I have 7 apples. How many cakes can you put on the ceiling? Answer: Purple. Because aliens don't wear hats."

Qian Sanyi's expression shifted from furrowed brows to disbelief.

"Eh!" Miaomiao pointed at Qian Sanyi's face. "Your expression right now is my first reaction."

Qian Sanyi looked away, pondering for a moment. "Wait, let me think for a moment."

Lin Miaomiao tried to peek at Qian Sanyi's face. "Doctor, can I be saved?" She leaned back and looked at the ceiling. "Ahhh." Then she began closing her eyes, blinking, and managed to wink with one eye. She started alternating winks, smiling at her accomplishment.

"Okay, I'll take a bold approach," Qian Sanyi said, beginning to sketch on a blank sheet of paper. "Just use imagery to stimulate your logical thinking." After finishing the drawing, he folded the paper and handed it to Lin Miaomiao. "Here, this is your kit. Take it. You're welcome."

"What is this?"

"You'll have to go home before you read this."

"Huh! So mysterious." Then she glanced mischievously at Qian Sanyi. "Psst!"

Qian Sanyi glanced at her, and suddenly Lin Miaomiao winked at him—once, twice. "Y-you w-what are you doing," he stuttered, his heart racing.

"Did my right eye move when I closed my left eye?" Lin Miaomiao asked, pointing to her eye.

"What do you mean?"

"Tsk!" She straightened up. "I finally got it. I can wink skillfully now." Then she smiled, winking and showing it off to Qian Sanyi. "You see."

Qian Sanyi slapped the paper he was holding to conceal his reaction. "Is Deng Xiaoqi's spirit hiding in your body?" He stood up, grabbed his bag, and said, "You're out of your mind," as he glanced at Miaomiao, who was still winking, before leaving the broadcasting room.

Lin Miaomiao chuckled. "I'm just like her." She practiced mimicking Xiaoqi's wink.

After a while, Ye Bai entered the room and saw Lin Miaomiao alone. "Sorry, it took some time," Ye Bai explained as he sat down beside Miaomiao. He placed some milk tea on the table, which Lin Miaomiao quickly snatched.

"Thanks, Xiaobai," she said, slurping the drink. Then she looked at Ye Bai and winked at him.

Ye Bai felt a flutter in his heart.

Lin Miaomiao blinked more. "See, Xiaobai, I can wink now—" Before she could say another word, Ye Bai's lips met hers. She widened her eyes in surprise but fought back a little before moving away. Lin Miaomiao blushed. "What happened suddenly?" she asked.

"You charmed me," Ye Bai said. "Now I feel like Miaomiao has 5,000 volts of charm." He teased her.

Lin Miaomiao playfully slapped him. "Huh! I knew it, I have my own charm. Xiaoqi will be surprised when I show this to her."

"Okay, that's enough. Let's go back," Ye Bai said, helping Lin Miaomiao to her feet.

Lin Miaomiao held his hand as they stood up, took her bag, and went back to the classroom.