

In the year 2050, no one knew that their life was about to change about over 10 billion black holes appear all around the world out of nowhere and started sucking up all living thing. As peter open his eye he found himself in the middle of a sea after a few days of surviving in a new world every human and living thing was transported back to earth where the true apocalypse begin. Monsters: goblin, wyvern, zombie, phoenix, dragon dinosaur, and many more

7r7r_8r7rut · Fantasie
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2 Chs


Alex please don't do this a black hair boy known as Kelvin said as a gun was pressed on his head and tears slowly slipped through his eye.

Kelvin goodbye Alex said as he was about to press the trigger but suddenly what seem to be a massive black hole came out of nowhere and swallowed Alex.


Alex said as he woke up on an island looking around he saw a large island about 500 meters away as he walked into a forest on the island after a while he heard a scream after looking around he saw a snake that just bit a man's hand as the man hand suddenly decayed and fell to the ground