
Come to my room

''Oh, Lucy. What am I going to do with you?" he pressed his forehead against hers, ''There are very few things that can faze me in this world. And memories are not one of them. They do not matter. Even if they did, I would rather be here with you and have nightmares than stay away from you and have sweet dreams.'' 

Luciana's lips parted and her breathing fastened. Such sweet words. Did he... always have this effect on her?

A faint blush crept up her cheeks.

''Now...'' Cardan pulled back from her, ''Are you going to tell me what lies your father spouted about you doing cultivation behind closed doors? And why are you here?"

Luciana stiffened.

Cardan narrowed his eyes.

The horse neighed.

Luciana: "_"

''Just go away,'' she pushed him away and mounted the horse to run away from the man.