
Enslaved for Revenge

"All my life I've been waiting for this moment. I've been craving to have sole dominion over the Lycan blood pack, I wanted to inflict so much pain on them and make them experience what it feels like to be slaves but unfortunately, your father seems to be hard-headed. But not to worry.." he paused again. His corner slips curved into a smirk. Making him look more deadly. "I can still achieve my revenge through you. Rather than killing you, I've got other plans. I'm gonna make you pay for the atrocities of your father and you are gonna take all the afflictions for your pack, from now on, you are my slave." He said with much venom in his voice.

IamDora · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 27.

Rachel POV.

I sat on the dresser gazing at the reflection of myself in the mirror as I took my time to do my makeover. When I was done with my makeover, I reached out for my hairbrush and drove it through my short hair to eliminate some tangles. I was still primping up myself when I heard the creaking sound of the door and with the reflection of the mirror, it opened and Rena walked in. Her sight instantly got me infuriated.

"So you finally remembered you have a home." I spat. I mean I woke up this morning and I was going to give her some peace of mind but she was nowhere to be found and now it's already evening. "Where the heck have you been?" I yelled angrily, still busy with my hair.

"At Wallace. Since when did you start caring?" From her reflection in the mirror, I saw her roll her eyes and she went to drop her bag on her dresser. Then she sat on her bed to take off her jewellery. Ye, ah we stay in the same room, another disadvantage of being twins.

"Oh correction I don't care and I have no plans of caring. You can go to hell for all I care at least maybe that will finally eliminate you from me." I snapped and I turned to face her since I was done with my hair.

"What's you this time? Are we quarrelling?" She was giving me a confused look.

, "Oh you think after what you did yesterday that we will just sleep, dine together and forget about it?" I puffed and flared up. "Because of you my plans got ruined, that girl Daciana is probably still alive all because of you." I paced around in rage.

"Wait...Don't tell me you are angry because I perverted you from carrying out your evil plans. So your conscience is only going to allow you to kill an innocent girl all because of your selfish desires?" She dropped her last jewellery which was an earring and then equally stood up to face me.

"I knew you have a thing for Lowell but I never knew you were this desperate. This is not the sister I grew up with." She gave me a disapproving look.

"Oh, thank goodness you acknowledge I'm not that sister you grew up with." I rolled my eyes and continued. "That sister who allows you to mould and control her life has been long gone. I'm changed now and If I was bad before, now I'm worse. I could do anything to anyone who crosses my path and that includes you so if you don't want to die soon stop sticking your nose in my business." I yelled at her and we started a heavy argument. We were almost fighting when mum walked into the room.

"What's going on here?" Mum asked sternly.

"Mum, It's Rachel." Rachel accosted immediately.

"No it all started with Rena." I defended my back. "We wouldn't have a problem if she would just stick her nose in her own business." I snapped.

"Mum You wouldn't believe that Rachel could have the heart to cause someone's death just so she can have the alpha all to herself." Rachel said and mum furrowed his brows in surprise.

"What? Is that true?" She turns to face me and I fold my arm not bothering to reply cause there will be no use in that since never believes me anyway.

"Are we still on this?" She further asked. "Haven't I told you a countless number of times that because you are friends with Lowell doesn't mean he is yours? Stop clinging to him and wait till you find your mate." Mum scolded like she always does.

"I knew right? I've always known you'll take Rena's side after all I'm treated like an outcast just because I'm yet to meet my mate." I accosted as tears started welling in my eyes. I didn't want the tears but I can't help it. The thought of not meeting my mate yet always makes me feel so bad.

"No, don't say that Rachel." Mum's voice was now soft as she walked closer to me. "That's not true. You aren't an outcast, you are just a late bloomer. Sooner or later you'll meet your mate." She cupped my face into her palms using her thumb to caress my cheeks. "Why should I be the late one? You met yours at age 12 Rena met hers at age 15 and now I'm age 21 I still haven't met my mate. So there's no hope I'll do all I can to get the alpha" I rasped and heard an annoying snort from Rena.

"Well if you are so desperate for a mate why didn't you agree to Michael who has been asking you out?" Rena hacked in which made me turn to her. Her mentioning the name Micheal made me grow angrier. My vision had turned to pure red and I was technically glaring at her.

Micheal is the stupid delta of this pack and he's one of Lowell's closest friends. I don't know much about him cause I don't give a damn, one thing I know is that he is so annoying and stupid. Like Lowell, he's a man whore but he's a wretched player at that and he wanted to add me to his player list but I gave him a taste of his medicine and he disappeared into thin air after that day.

. "Just accept it. You just want to be Luna." Rena's annoying voice spoke again in a mocking tone, I had wanted to slap her but the star that shone CT on her is that she walked out of the room.

My fist balled beside me as I breathed in and out trying to relieve my anger. Mum tried touching me but I pushed her off and yelled at her to get out.

I was angrier at Mum cause she's the root of all this. If she didn't give birth to a bitch who will rather help outsiders than supporting her sister, my plans wouldn't have been ruined but in any case, I'm not yet done with that slave. Firstly I'll pay a visit to Mrs. Avira, Lowell's mum. I'm quite certain she isn't aware of any of these. She was never in support of Lowell waging a war against Adolphus so if she knows Lowell is holding Adolphus's daughter hostage she is sure going to be against it and maybe pressure her son to take her back to her pack.

At least that will be better for everyone.