
Enslaved for Revenge

"All my life I've been waiting for this moment. I've been craving to have sole dominion over the Lycan blood pack, I wanted to inflict so much pain on them and make them experience what it feels like to be slaves but unfortunately, your father seems to be hard-headed. But not to worry.." he paused again. His corner slips curved into a smirk. Making him look more deadly. "I can still achieve my revenge through you. Rather than killing you, I've got other plans. I'm gonna make you pay for the atrocities of your father and you are gonna take all the afflictions for your pack, from now on, you are my slave." He said with much venom in his voice.

IamDora · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 28.

Lowell POV.

Being horny should be considered a terrible disease.

For the past two nights I've been hungrily craving to get laid and I am so desperate to shove my dick into somewhere just anything to make me feel better.

Rachel hadn't come around and my slave girl is being hospitalized at the moment.

Fuck, I miss her.

I just can't wait to have her come out of that damn freaky hospital bed and fuck her so hard till she bleeds.

I had asked Wallace to watch over her but I haven't heard from him in quite a while and I was already planning to call him down when I walked into him in the hallway.

"How's my slave girl doing?" I asked him. I was already feeling jealous for asking my beta to watch over her. I hated the feeling but in my defense, she's my property, I owe everything to her so she's not allowed to be taken care of by another man. "Umm... Lowell I haven't checked on her for a day now I'm sorry, just that my mate was being naggy and clingy." He bowed in respect. I know he expects me to flare up but somehow I felt relieved.

"Ah! It's alright it's not like she's that important." I huffed, searching for reasonable reasons why I felt relieved that Wallace hadn't been with her.

"But the last time I checked, the doctor said that she has some internal critical issues so she's likely going to stay unconscious for a long time. That was last night." Wallace tells me.

Fuck! Who the hell is gonna be my sex toy till then?

Wallace and I were still conversing when Lady Priyanka rushed down with heavy breathing.

After bowing to greet me, she announced. "The Luna is here and demands your presence Alpha." Her head remained face down. My brow arched and I looked at Wallace who was also stunned as well. My mother is here?? But why could she be here? I mean she just visited last week and she rarely visits unless there's a problem.

I asked Priyanka to leave and dismissed Wallace as well while I headed for the living room.

As I entered the living room, I saw chaos everywhere. Maids were running around carrying out one duty or the other and there were some petals on the floor. I don't remember having a celebration today so I almost wondered what's with the buzz about when it clicked. Luna is here.

As I continued to walk, I spotted mum at the king-size chair, a few maids shrouding her while one served her a glass of drink.

The moment she spotted me walking toward her, she dismissed all of them.

"To what do I owe this visit mum?" I asked the moment I got to her. I sat down and she stared at me for a while, giving me that stern look of hers.