
Chapter nineteen

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" Doctor, please will she be fine?" Mr Shawn asked

" I can't say for sure. Cases like this are rare so my answer is........I don't know" he sighed and left.

" I wonder who could've done this." Mr Shawn thought to himself.

" Sir" Casey ran into the hospital.

" Cassandra, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in class" Mr Shawn told Cassandra.

" Sorry Mr Shawn but I couldn't concentrate knowing fully well Ariana's in the hospital. I just couldn't take i and besides,..." Tears were welling up in her eyes. " What's the point of being in school of you don't even understand a thing" Casey said and burst into tears.

" Here, wipe your tears" Mr Shawn said giving her a face towel.

" Thank you sir" she said and wiped her tears.

" Cassandra" Max walked in.

" What are you doing here? I don't think the security is tight. If it were, students wouldn't be able to get out of the school without my consent. Excuse me!!" Mr Shawn said angrily and left.

"Max, do you think Ari will be alright? I don't wanna lose my best friend" Casey said crying.

" She'll be alright" Max consoled her trying hard to fight back his own tears.

" Cassandra will be a better best friend to Ariana than Beatrice" Max thought to himself.


" Where's Ariana?" Raymond asked a student.

" You don't know?..... Ariana is currently in the hospital" the student told him.

" Hospital?" Raymond was shocked. " What's she doing there? Just because she threw up a little bit doesn't mean she should leave the school" Raymond said with a smile curving on his face. 

" I wish I was there to see how embarrassed she was after vomiting all over herself" Raymond thought to himself.

" It would have been better if she'd only vomitted" the student told Raymond.

" What do you mean by that?" Raymond asked.

" Ariana is on the hospital because she's fighting for her life. According to what I heard, she was fed apples and she's deathly allergic to those. As we speak, she's fighting for her life. Poor girl!!!" The female student said shaking her head in pity.

" Move away" Raymond said pushing her away and leaving.

" He touched me!!!" The girl was happy.

" Beatrice, Beatrice!!!" Raymond yelled at the top of his lungs.

" Yes baby" Beatrice answered  caressing his chest.

" Don't you dare baby me you bitch" Raymond said pushing her away. " Why didn't you tell me Ariana eating apples could kill her?" Raymond was furious.

" Is that what's bothering and getting you all worked up?"

" Don't answer me with a question Beatrice. Why didn't you tell me Ariana was deathly allergic to apples?"

" Because I wanted her dead"

" Beatrice" a slap landed on her face