
Chapter 97

So I decided to share a chapter from my book, an affair with my brother in law. Hope you enjoy

Alex paced around the sitting room, looking for the right words to express his disapproval to the decision Mr and Mrs White had just made for him.

" How do I put this, .........no. " Alex said and sat down on the couch.

" What do you mean by no?" Mr White asked. " You will get married to Stephanie and there's no going back"

" It's my life. You're not the one getting married and you're not the one who is going to be spending their whole life with a woman who you don't love" Alex said, seriously.

" You're my son and I'll make the decisions for you. You'll have to get married to Stephanie and that's our final decision" Mrs White said.

" Well, if you're gonna impose decisions on me, then I guess I'll...."

" Leave like you did five years ago? Because apparently, that's all you do. Run away from your problem" Mr White said and sighed.

" Oh I see, you're bringing up things that happened five years ago. Listen to me, I love Scarlett and it doesn't matter what the f**k you say or do. We'll be together" he said and made to leave.

" You wish!! You might love Scarlett but I doubt she loves you too. She loves your brother and that's the only person she'll ever love, Roberto" Mrs White said with a grin on her face.

Immediately Mrs White said those words, Alex felt a sharp pain in his heart. He loved Scarlett with all his heart but it never crossed his mind that she would still have feelings for Roberto but something crossed his mind.

If Scarlett still loved Roberto, then there was no way she would have told him she loved him.

He turned to his parents, " you wish she didn't but sadly, she does. She loves me with all her heart and she told me so I'll advise you to stop trying to instigate me against her" he said and left.

" We can't let it end this way. Alex must marry Stephanie and that's it. He doesn't have any other option" Mrs White said.

" All this wouldn't have happened if you had listened to me earlier" Mr White said.

" Can we just put this behind us and face the way forward?" She asked.

" No we can't. We're in this mess all because of you. Before, it was those women and soon, it'll be the whole town. I'm warning you, do something about this or else you'll regret it" Mr White said and went to seat on the bed.

" You shouldn't warn me because you knew from the start so you should have started making preparations to stop them but no, you didn't, you just sat back and watched them grow more in love and now you stand here trying to force me to come up with solutions. Don't even dare because I'm not in for the nonsense" Mrs White said and left.

On her way out, she bumped into Stephanie.

" I heard your argument with Mr White, sorry for eavesdropping but I think I've got a trick up my sleeve that can help" Stephanie said.




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