
Chapter 96


" please sir, believe me. I didn't do anything of that sort" Ariana cried.

" Oh really? So she would she just ignore the fact that I have a video of you making out with Nicolas Maduro?" A red haired girl asked.

" That video is fake. You edited it, I know myself and I know that I can't do anything of that such" Ariana cried 

 " That's hilarious. Sure you know yourself but can you guarantee that you know yourself when you're drunk?" She asked.

" What do you mean by that? I guarantee I was not drunk last night. Infact, I only had juice" Ariana said in her defense.

" Oh really? But you know what lays you off?" The girl asked.

Ariana gave her a questioning look.

" Why were you not at dinner last night? The answer is simple, you were busy making out with Nicolas Maduro. That was why you were able absent from dinner last night" the red haired girl said.

" That's enough already Sofie. Stop telling lies. I know Ariana and I know that she would never do such a thing" Casey defended.

" If only trust was enough to prove your innocence" Sofie said.

" Casey, you know I could never do something as ......"

" I know Ariana. You could never do something as despicable as making out with another boy when you have a boyfriend" Casey said and gave Max a dirty look.

" Nicolas" Ariana called as she ran to Nicolas. " Tell them, tell them nothing happened between us. Tell them we're just friends. Tell them that video is a fake" Ariana said, crying.

" I can't. I can't lie Ariana, we made out last night and I can't just lie, especially after I found out it was your first" Nicolas said and Ariana slapped him.

" You disgust me Nicolas, you disgust me" she cried. " I should never have trusted you"

" Ariana, what has happened. Don't lie, we have made love last night and we can never change the fact that......." Before Nicolas could complete his statement, he received a slap from Casey.

" You disgust me Nicolas. You're the most shameless person ever'' Casey said.

Nicolas was about to speak when Mr Shawn spoke.

" That's enough already. Ariana, do you have evidence to prove that the video is fake?" Mr Shawn asked.

Ariana couldn't speak, if Nicolas could figure out that it was her first time, that she was still a virgin, then it meant they made out.

She fell to the ground in tears. Eighteen years of being a virgin had being broken. Why? Because she had made friends with someone as disgusting as Nicolas.

" I asked you a question Ariana. Are you the one in the video?" Mr Shawn asked.

Ariana looked at Casey,  Max, Nicolas and then Mr Shawn before replying.

" Yes sir. I'm in the girl in the video"



Bet you didn't see that coming. Ariana spent the night with Nicolas? This is bad!! What will Raymond do when he finds out?

Stay anticipated.

More updates coming tomorrow.