
Chapter 62

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Ariana stood up, stopping the kiss.

" What are you saying? I am confused"

" What don't you get Ari? I love you and I want us to get into a relationship" he said.

She sighed and sat down, " how do I say this? Listen Nick, we can be buds but for now, I'm not ready to fall in love. Max's promiscuity, Raymond's rejection, Beatrice's betrayal..........all that is enough for me to deal with at the moment. I'm not saying this will affect our friendship, all I'm saying is let's take things step by step, hmmmm?" 

He nodded. " Thanks Ariana, I thought you were gonna stop being friends with me just like Raymond did"

She gave him a hurt look. " Excuse me" she said and gave him a peck on the cheek.

    On her way out, she saw Raymond at the door, she shook her head and made to leave but he held her.

" Let go of me, what are you doing?" She asked, struggling to get free.

   Not wanting to get attention, he dragged her out of the auditorium to the school garden.

" Let go of me" she said and pulled out of his grip.

" Is it true?" He asked 

" I don't wanna answer your questions" she said and looked away.

" Just answer Ariana, is it true that you don't wanna do love again just because I rejected you" he asked 

   She felt hot tears form in her eyes, why did he still have the same effect on her? Why did she still feel sad whenever she was reminded that he rejected her? She cursed inwardly.

" Answer me Ariana" Raymond said turning her to face him. He saw the tears that welled up in her eyes and he couldn't help but feel pain in his heart.

" Ari?" He called, trying to get her attention..

" What do you want from me" she screamed. " Really, what do you want. Oh I get it, all you want is to keep rubbing salt in my wounds right?" Tears were now falling freely.

" You don't love me, yes I know that, you made it clear to me. You rejected me, yes I know that but why do you keep trying to rub salt in my wounds" she said crying.

    Ray could not help but feel sad. He had rejected many girls in the past, he had hurt many girls but never had he felt bad for doing so. So why was it when he rejected Ariana that he started feeling bad.

" Ariana, I........."

" Save that for yourself" she said and left in tears.

Darn it!! He cursed inwardly. Why did he feel bad when he saw her in tears? Why did he wanna explain himself to her? He was confused. Was he in love with her?

" What do you want from her Raymond?" Nicolas asked 

Raymond looked at Nicolas, " none of your business" he said and made to leave

Nicolas stopped him," you know it is. I love Ariana and soon she'll love me back. Besides, we're gonna be kissing and I need her to be in the best mood for our first kiss"

  Immediately Nicolas said so, Raymond felt jealousy envelope his entire being. He felt like punching Nicolas when he made mention of kissing Ariana but what could he do?.

" Stay away from her Raymond. Stay away" Nicolas said and left.

Raymond sat on the bench. His mind travelled to all the times he spent with Ariana, how they made up, how he stole a kiss from her and how their lips brushed on cultural day. He smiled at the memories.

    Wait!! Did he just smile after thinking of Ariana?

No no no. He was overthinking this, he took out his phone and decided to listen to a podcast from his favorite podcaster, johnny Zayn.

" Hello people" Johnny's voice started after the theme song of the podcast was played.

Raymond smiled, how he loved johnny Zayn.

" Today's topic is love" Raymond's eyes flew wide 

" Not johnny too" he muttered.

" What is love?" Johnny started. " Love is a feeling..........." Johnny started speaking on the topic love and Raymond paid extreme attention to all that he said until johnny said something.

" If you feel jealous when another man touches her or flirts with her, it means only one thing. You're in love with her" immediately johnny said those words, Raymond switched off his phone. He felt those things whenever he saw Ariana with Nicolas.

Johnny was right. He was in love with Ariana.

" I love you Ariana, I love you" he muttered and smiled.