
Chapter 154


" Lilly" Maya screamed before rushing to her sister who lay unconscious on the bed. " Take her to the hospital already. Can't you see how badly she's injured?" She yelled at her mum.

" I wish we could. We don't have any money so she was brought back home" her mum explained.

Maya scratched her head, she couldn't watch her best friend die. She had to think of something, fast.

She rushed into her room, pushed her bed and took her piggy bank before rushing back to her mum.

" Here, this should do for her treatment. Take her to the hospital" she said in tears.

 Her mum took the piggy bank and broke it before counting the money .

" This isn't even enough for the admittance fee" her mum said, disappointed and Maya sobbed.

" Just take that it to the hospital. Give me sometime, I'll gather enough money for it" she said and ran out of the house.

She ran from house to house, begging for money. She had to put her pride at stake and she did it just to save her sister's life.

After she was sure she'd raised enough money from begging, she hurried back home only to meet with the most shocking thing ever.

She got in and saw Liliana rolling on the bed in pain.

" Lilly? What's wrong?" She asked in tears.

" M.... Ma... Maya? I'm sorry. I can't bear the pain" she muttered in pain.

" What are you saying Lilly? You can do it. Look here, I've got enough money for your treatment. Please stay strong" Maya begged in tears.

" I wish we had more money to live a comfortable life but we didn't. I'm sorry Maya, I have to go. " She said and tears streamed down her eyes. It was obvious she was in so much pain.

" What are you saying Lilly? Look at me, I can't live without you. Please stay strong. Mum" she screamed " call the ambulance, you'll be fine lilly" she said in tears.

" There's no need for it. One day, we'll meet again. I'll surely miss my best friend and sister but it's all for good" she muttered and Maya cried.

" Please Lilly, don't do this" she begged.

" Can I get one final hug? " Maya hugged her sister tightly and Lilly closed her eyes, never to open them again.

" Nooooooooooo" Maya screamed in pain.


Maya pulled herself to the bed, she alone knew how she'd managed to live without her best friend and sister by her side. That very day, she lost the person she loved the most and why.... She didn't have the root of all evil. More tears streamed down her cheeks as she remembered how her chance of saving her father's life was stained with ketchup.

" I'm sorry dad, I couldn't bring the money home" she said in tears.

She sniffled, she couldn't remain locked in her room forever but what could she do? She couldn't look her mother in the face after losing a cheque of half a million. She sighed before lying on the bed. She was feeling very tired and crying over spilled milk would just add to her worries.


" Yes, I still love him. Even after everything I went through because of him, I still love him" she fell to the ground in tears, " I'm sorry Leonard. I still love Raymond" she said in tears and Leonard moved back in shock.

" But.... You told me every feeling you had for him had died"

" I thought it was but I'm not in control of my heart. Even after ten years of being away from him, after I saw him that first day, the feelings I thought were dead sparked and I'm sorry" she said in tears.

Leonard sighed, " so you're gonna tell him you're actually Ariana?"

She got up and wiped her tears. " Never, Ariana Wilson died Ten years ago and the woman before you is Becks M, America's most successful actress" she said and left.

Leonard heaved a sigh of relief, the future of his children were still safe.



I sighed after dropping Maya off. I was now certain that Maya hadn't ruined the cheque I'd given her but If she didn't, who did and why? I hit the steering in frustration as I parked in front of my house.

I got down and walked into my room. I showered before changing and retiring to bed. Whoever it was who ruined Maya's cheque was not going to get away with it. I'll make them pay for it.

  I woke up the next morning and prepared for my morning workouts. It was a weekend so I had to exercise.

I put on my joggers and went  jogging. After jogging, I lifted weights and exercised for exactly four hours. After exercising, I showered, changed and left for work.

I got there and saw Maya already seated at her desk. She was speaking with one of her colleagues but there was something different about her, her smile. There was no smile on her face and I felt bad.

I fought the urge to meeting her but I lost so I walked into her office.

" Good morning sir" they both greeted.

" Morning. Maya, may I have a word with you?" I asked politely.

" Yes sir, what is it?" She asked and I signalled for the colleague to leave.

" Do you perhaps have any enemies here?" I asked.

" No sir, why do you ask?"

" I figured that whoever it was that stained your cheque had a ninety percent possibility of being the one who locked you up yesterday so tell me, is there anyone who you're not on good terms with?" I asked.

" No sir. I am on good terms with everybody but the fact that I was locked in the bathroom still baffles me" she said

" Alright then, I'll be on my way. Have a nice day" I told her.

" And you too sir" she said without that smile and it didn't feel right. I was used to seeing that smile everyday so not seeing it this morning made me feel kind of weird.

I walked into my office and tried burying myself in work but I just couldn't. My mind was on making who ever it was that locked Maya in the bathroom pay so I decided to work on it.

I took my telephone and called my secretary.

" Good morning sir" she greeted.

" I want a list of all the staff in this company and their termination letters. Tell them to meet me at the meeting room" I said and put down the call.

I wasn't arranging the termination letter of all my employees to terminate their appointments but since I didn't know who it was, I had to arrange it so that when I found out who it was, I'd terminate their appointment right there.

If they were so heartless as to lock their fellow employee in the restroom and cost them half a million, then it wouldn't hurt if I cut them off their means of livelihood.

" Whoever you are, get ready for me" I muttered before taking a sip of juice.