
Chapter 123


" Becky" Ashley called and rushed to Ariana before embracing her tightly. " How are you my darling?" She asked while giving her motherly kisses.

" Who are you?" Ariana asked and pushed her away.

" Becky, what are you saying? I'm your mum and I'm sure you recognize me. Tell me, you recognize me right" Ashley asked in tears. It was an emotional scene getting to see her daughter again after many years.

" If I recognized you, would I have asked?"

" Becky, what are you saying? It's me, your mummy. I left when you were only seven so how can you not remember me Becky?" Ashley sobbed.

" It's good you remembered that you left when I was seven but one thing remains the same, I don't recognize you" Ariana said. " I ......."

" You're lying Ariana, you do recognize here" Mariana said and walked down the stairs while Casey smirked.

" What do you mean by that? I'm saying I do not recognize her and you don't believe me?"

" I'd have believed you if I hadn't found this evidence in your room" Mariana said and gave Ariana a picture.

Ariana stared at the picture before staring at Mariana, " were you snooping?" She asked.

" What she was doing doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that you recognize Ashley and you're denying it" Casey said.

" I don't recognize her" Ariana said.

" You do recognize her Becca" Edward walked into the house.

" Dad?" Ariana muttered to herself.

" Alright, let's say you don't recognize Ashley, you do recognize me right?" He asked.

" What are you doing here?" Ariana asked.

" You haven't answered the question, do you or do you not recognize me?" Edward asked again.

" You don't have the right to ask me questions and it's not my duty to answer you" Ariana said and made to leave.

" You still haven't changed Becky, trying to run away from the truth but guess what, it all comes back to you today. Answer the question, do you or do you not recognize me?" Edward asked again.

" Of course she does" Mrs Lambert said and walked into the house with Mrs Wilson and some officers but something was odd, Mrs Wilson was handcuffed.

" Mum?" Ariana called and rushed to Mrs Wilson, " what happened, why are you in cuffs?" She asked 

" Because she is busy paying for her deeds" Mrs Lambert said and walked into the house.

" And what deeds are you talking about if I may ask?" That was Casey.

" Kidnapping, prostitution, attempted murder, and getting a child addicted to drugs" an officer said

" What are you talking about? She could never do any of those. I admit I am upset with her but I know she'll never dream of doing such disgusting deeds so let her go now" Ariana said.

" It's of no use Becky, she committed those deeds and she'll have to be punished for them" Edward said coldly.

Ariana ran to him, " dad please, don't let them take her to jail. Do something and........." She stopped immediately she realized that she'd just called Edward dad.

" I thought you said you didn't know him" Raymond asked.

" I..... I never said I didn't know him, all I said was that I didn't know his wife" she said in a shaky voice.

" He never mentioned her being his wife so how did you know she was his wife?" Raymond asked and Ariana gulped.

Ariana gulped, " f**k" she cursed, this wasn't her day.

" Tell me Ariana, how did you know she was his wife?" Raymond asked again.

" Because she's his daughter" Mrs Wilson said.

" No. She's lying, don't believe her. I'm not his daughter, I....I ..... I am not his daughter, I'm her daughter" she said pointing at Mrs Wilson, " I'm Ariana Wilson" Ariana defended herself as tears streamed down her eyes.

" You're not Ariana Wilson, you're Becky Morgan"  Ashley yelled. " Stop claiming to be who you're not" she cried.

" You have no right to tell me what to do because you're not my mother"

" She is your mother" Edward stated coldly.

" And what gives you the right to tell me who my mother is? I decide who my mother is and you don't have any right to tell me who she is" Ariana said to Edward.

" I have the right, I have the right as your father to tell you who your mother is" Edward said.

" No you don't. You don't have the right to tell me who my mother is, you lost that right seven years ago when you didn't......" She began to feel dizzy as memories of her childhood enveloped her. " You.....you....you did...did...." Before she could make any sense, she passed out.

" Becky" Edward called out and rushed to her.


Ariana opened her eyes and saw all the worried faces staring at her. From Mrs Lambert's to Casey, Mariana, Raymond, Beatrice, the officers, Ashley, Edward but Mrs Wilson, she didn't even feign concern for Ariana.

Ariana sat upright on the couch and coughed dryly, indicating that she needed water.

Mariana quickly poured her a glass of water and she gulped it in a go.

" We still need answers" Raymond said.

" What are you talking about Raymond? No one here is asking me questions so why are you asking me?" She asked 

" Everyone here wants to know the truth Ariana and you have to tell us" Mrs Lambert said and sat beside Ariana who was already in tears on the couch.

" It's alright Ari. If you don't want to tell us what's going on, we won't force you but we're only trying to help you. You're my daughter Ari so as your mother, I need answers. I can't claim to be your mother if I know nothing about you" Mrs Lambert said " so I think it's high time you tell us everything" she said and gave her a reassuring smile.

" I'm afraid you won't like the truth and you'll start hating me. I don't want you to hate me so I'm afraid I can't tell you" Ariana said whilst in tears.

" We could never hate you just because of a little secret Ariana. You're my best friend and I could never hate you because of a secret" Casey said and gave her a reassuring smile.

" I'm afraid that's not enough Casey. For a while now you've being acting strangely towards me all because you felt I was hiding something so how will you react if you're to find out what my secret is?" She asked.

" Ariana, I've never being the best with words but I think you're killing yourself by keeping this secret to yourself. I'm sure it's all because of this secret that you made an attempt on your life but luckily, you survived because Casey was there but think about it, what if Casey isn't there some other time and you're successful? What will happen then so I think it's best you tell us so we can be of help to you" Raymond said.

Maybe it was finally time for her to open up on everything. She couldn't keep the truth hidden for much longer after all!!

She sighed and inhaled deeply, " Edward's right, he is my dad and Ashley's my mum" she said and broke into tears.

She raised her head to look at the shocked faces of everyone in the room but no one was shocked.

" You aren't surprised" she was forced to ask.

" We're not surprised because we already know she's your mum and he's your dad" Mrs Lambert said.