

Enchanted university, a school known to focus on mythical creatures of all kind and educate them, creating strong relationships between people and mythical creatures, which causes the world to be balanced and harmonized; their relationship being yin and yang. Helping the stakeholders of each species of creatures out there is what they do, and they all have been highly educated about those creatures before being sent on missions to work on maintaining the balance between what’s able to be seen, and what’s not. Will there be something that causes the world’s balance to hang on a loose thread? Will there be a slip up which dooms the world as we know it? Read more to find out. --- "You pervert!", Calbee yelled as she slaps Hade Louigh on his face. "How dare you to slap my handsomeness!", Hade Louigh said as cold as ice, which made Calbee afraid. "Why wouldn't I?", Calbee ask as she steps back. "No body had ever touch my face and slaps me like that, you!", Hade Louigh yelled with anger, as he walks toward Calbee, the beast inside him had awakened. "Is that so, I-DON'T-CARE!", Calbee yelled and never hesitated to kick his balls. "Aw!", Hade Louigh screams in pain, to the point that his face can't be drawn but still his handsomeness is indestructible. This woman is too much. Calbee was about to run when she noticed that Hade Louigh is really hurts, she got guilty so she bowed and touch his other shoulder with her left arm. "I'm sorry, did it hurt?", Calbee ask him with sincere expression on her face. This woman is crazy, she hit the most sensitive part of a man and now she's asking if does it hurts! Your brain got cough go and check the doctor darling. "I'm really really so sorry, I didn't mean to, I just got pushed by my emotion. I shouldn't let my emotion control me.", Calbee said sincerely apologizing towards Hade Louigh who's now crouching down and holding his private part due to a lot of pain. "Shut up! Your sorry can't help, what if I got barren-?!", Hade Louigh said while still managing the pain from his manhood. -then I won't be able to produce any child for you, then there would be no one that would be able to inherit my handsomeness! You crazy woman! "I'm so sorry, a-are you fine now?", Calbee noticed that he's already calming down. Calbee feel so embarrassed right now, if only she could disappear quickly like a bubble, she already did, but she need to stay, it is her responsibility to never left him unless he feel a little bit calmer, besides she's the one who kick his balls. I wanna thank my Mommy @marichat_nettenoir for helping me with my synopsis development, ilysm Mommy Mari♡!

Jamaica_Masihul · Fantasie
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24 Chs

I almost run out of Blood


Calbee's back hit the wall so bad, but due to the shock that she felt, she can't even bother to open her eyes.

"I knew it was you.", it was the cold voice earlier.

Calbee opened her eyes slowly which widens more due to the guy whose face is leaning so close in front of her now.

I should've notice earlier, it was Mister Frost!

A flash of handsome face glow within her eye complexion, his perfectly black and thick brows are beautifully shaped on an arc, why are those thick and long eyelashes are so mesmerizing, those black eyes are so mysterious while the divinity on his eyes possessed a lot of passion within it, beside of those cold stare that he gave her, she still feel the heat on her cheeks, her sight goes lower to his straight and pointed narrow nose,it's perfectly carve into an arc, her sight can't feel but to get attracted by his thin and moisty hydrated light pink lips, they looks like their only design for kissing, and beneath those is his thirsty adams apple, Those pale translucent skin he had is so glowing, his feature look a lot more define and that made Calbee can't feel but to appreciate the perfect face feature that the guy had in front of her. He's perfect physical features are indeed making him a living god and greek on Earth that could make any woman even man fall into his knees.


Calbee gulped unconsciously due to the tension that she's feeling right now, what had happened earlier was a big embarrassment.

"You're lucky, that I was the one who entered.", Hade Louigh said with his cold stare on hers.

"I-It wasn't me.", Calbee replied and leave him a gulp as she was about to scratch her hair when she noticed that he's arms is bolding her not to do unnecessary movement.

"Not you?", he replied

"Aha, not me.", Calbee replied as she shake her head and putting her cute attractive eyes on service, she's like a cute kitty showing of her innocence.

Calbee are you trying to fool the Alpha on our university?

"Who do you think you can fool with that voice.", Hade Louigh gave her a dark stare that no body would want to see to the point that even Calbee froze like a statue due to his cold icy stare.

No matter how hard you try to copy a man's voice you're voice is still as soft and fluffy like a marshmallow fluff!


Calbee let embarrassment slaps her entire face.

I have nothing to say, what should I say. Calbee started panicking what to do.

"Don't do this again, you might get in trouble.", Hade Louigh said this meaningfully besides those cold face and voice that was released from his mouth his heart is indeed warm.

Almost all of the boys here in the university have a lot of great action skills, they may take advantage on Calbee since she's a girl and much worst a transfer student who doesn't know how to fight for herself.

Now that Mister Frost is mad at me for the second time there is no way that I'll leave this university with a good relationship ending with him.

"I'm sorry, can you let me go now.", Calbee think that her nosebleed would be manifesting soon if Hade Louigh is still in front of her.

"Sure, as long as you stay.", Hade Louigh said still on his cold aura still not letting go of Calbee.

"Okay, I'll stay.", Calbee replied calmly staying on her position.

"What are you waiting for, let me go already.", Calbee yelled.

"That's not what I meant.", Hade Louigh let out a deep sigh that he wanted to slap his self due to her stupidity.

Why does this woman is so slow, her brain has cough.

"I'm staying still so let me go already!", Calbee yelled this as she feel some liquid is flowing from her nose.

"Oh, my nosebleeds.", Calbee said as she covers her nose, he shouldn't see this or else double embarrassment, but how couldn't he his in front of her.

"I got a handkerchief.", Hade Louigh said and gave her his handkerchief as she let her go as he keeps the distant from her, he was way too close he guess, however there some part of him that wanna made him laugh for no reason, and those are also filled with hope.

"As if you're not gonna do anything to me.", Calbee said as she grins after wiping the blood on her nose.

"Me to you, tss. Over your dead body.", Hade Louigh said as he smirked.

This made Calbee made Calbee's cheeks blush out of anger that she wanna slaps him on his face.

"You...Then why were you cornering me earlier?!", Calbee yelled towards him with her furious brows.

How dare you to yell ate me, no body have ever yelled at me ever since I were born, but this woman, she's crazy!

"That doesn't matter but who's the one who loves flirting on strangers that they just meet from a mission?", Hade Louigh said towards Calbee as he crossed his arms and raised her left brow and a pair of smirk on his lips, he looks like a king who's fighting for his justice, but that posture made Calbee adore his handsomeness and charm.

"Why.. you! He saved me so it's much better to be nice at my knight and shining armour.", Calbee said while she started covering her nose that is now starting to bleed again due to his handsomeness.

Oh, come on Mister Frost stop being cute.

"Knight and shining armour?! Isn't that suppose to be me?", he said unemotionally and shows her his dangerous glare.

"As if!? You're the one who wanted to inject me by that zombie toxin so why is it supposed to be you?", Calbee yelled as she finished wiping the blood on her nose.

"Are you sure, that I didn't help you?", Hade Lough response as he walks closer and closer to Calbee that also made Calbee step backward as he steps forward to her until he reached the corner of the wall again exactly the position where she was cornered by him, Calbee's nosebleed is attacking again.

She really feels that she'll run out of blood any minute from now she could fell unconscious if this continues.

Calbee feel those cold wall brushing her back so hard, while still covering her nose, Hade Louigh still doesn't stop getting closer to her his like a tiger who's so hungry and wanted to eat her so bad. He cornered her again with his attractive slender arms, Calbee can't do anything but to look at him so frightening, Hade Louigh lock his look on her eyes.

Those eyes they were beautiful.

He continued mesmerizing at her eyes, as his handsome feature get close to her, Calbee feel so much heat that made her suffer of her nosebleed. Calbee's heart was indeed pumping blood so hard that also made her nosebleed fall so much, as Hade Louigh leans more closer, Calbee feels her heart pump much more faster than it was.

That look, doesn't he know that it's so seducing. What is he doing, is he going to kiss me? Have mercy do it already, my nosebleeds so much.

"Ahh!", Hade Louigh pulled her all the way to his place now she's the one who's on his position and cornering him, and that made the handkerchief that she was using fall onto the ground, that left her nose still flowing blood all the way to her lips as it drop smoothly all the way to the ground.

Calbee has no idea how attractive her lips was they were plump red and hydrated and the blood that was flowing from her thin higher lip all the way to her thick lower lip are making the shape definable and looks so fluffy like a marshmallow, they look so delicate due to the soft texture in which the blood made it appear more perfect, this made Hade Louigh gulp as her throat started drying for an unknown reason as his body temperature are getting hotter, he found her lips so perfectly attractive as he continued being mesmerized by every inch of her skin.

Calbee's face is totally red and blushing, which made her kinda cute, her eyes with the perfectly long curled black eyelashes make it dolly with a pinch of chubby aegyo-sal(tear bug) below in which made her look so youthful and glowing, those perfect epicantic fold on her eye shadow, she indeed got the perfect eyes in the universe, her nose are slim and cute while they were shining highlight on the tip of it, so pointed and lovely, the average hair of brows that suit her femininity are shaped innocently, her face is small and her jawline is indeed definable, it's not too V they were kinda semi round and cute like baby's face,her cheeks are kinda full and fluffy like it's totally made for someone to pinch it. Some of her hair covered her ear which made Hade Louigh frustrated.

He is now raising his hand as she carefully tack Calbee's hair that is covering her ear all the way to the side of her ear in order not to cover the beautiful view, which made Calbee want to step aside due to shyness but the more that she want to the more that she is like a statue in front of him, unable to move.

His eyes lowered it gaze all the way to her neck, they were slim, as it get lower all the way to her define collarbone, she's indeed skinny, but her hour glass body is hot, she looks like a goddess of cuteness.

Due for some reasons he wanna lick her slender neck, but he can't but to keep his desire onto his only, she's so innocent and he deserves a respect because most of all she got cough on her brain.

The blood dropping to her neck got his attention, which made Calbee feel uncomfortable.

"You pervert!", Calbee yelled as she slaps Hade Louigh on his face.

"How dare you to slap my handsomeness!", Hade Louigh said as cold as ice, which made Calbee afraid.

"Why wouldn't I?", Calbee ask as she steps back.

"No body had ever touch my face and slaps me like that, you!", Hade Louigh yelled with anger, as he walks toward Calbee, the beast inside him had awakened.

"Is that so, I-DON'T-CARE!", Calbee yelled and never hesitated to kick his balls.

"Aw!", Hade Louigh screams in pain, to the point that his face can't be drawn but still his handsomeness is indestructible.

This woman is too much.

Calbee was about to run when she noticed that Hade Louigh is really hurts, she got guilty so she bowed and touch his other shoulder with her left arm.

"I'm sorry, did it hurt?", Calbee ask him with sincere expression on her face.

This woman is crazy, she hit the most sensitive part of a man and now she's asking if does it hurts! Your brain got cough go and check the doctor darling.

"I'm really really so sorry, I didn't mean to, I just got pushed by my emotion. I shouldn't let my emotion control me.", Calbee said sincerely apologizing towards Hade Louigh who's now crouching down and holding his private part due to a lot of pain.

"Shut up! Your sorry can't help, what if I got barren-?!", Hade Louigh said while still managing the pain from his manhood.

-then I won't be able to produce any child for you, then there would be no one that would be able to inherit my handsomeness! You crazy woman!

"I'm so sorry, a-are you fine now?", Calbee noticed that he's already calming down. Calbee feel so embarrassed right now, if only she could disappear quickly like a bubble, she already did, but she need to stay, it is her responsibility to never left him unless he feel a little bit calmer, besides she's the one who kick his balls.

"No, but your nose, they are still bleeding.", Calbee take her fingers to her nose, it's maybe because I was too embarrassed, and too much but are burning, I need to calm my self down.

"Where's your handkerchief earlier?", Calbee ask, as she so Hade Louigh can't stand so straight yet but he manage to point where it is and to surprise, the handkerchief was to wet with her blood earlier for her to use it again.

"Since like I'll just need get this and, I would return it to you once it's neat and clean with no rusty smell from my blood.", Calbee said and pick up Hade Louigh's handkerchief.

Calbee was about to go to the male's comfort room again when, a gang of male students they were like in junior just passed by and entered, that made Hade Louigh stands straight in pain and Calbee to cover her nose.

"Now, how am I suppose to wash my nose, where's the female's comfort room by the way?", Calbee asks while still covering her nose.

"It's on the other edge of this hallway on the other side.", Hade Louigh answered on his hoarse voice.

Calbee turned her sight all the way to the long hallway they were a lot of rooms that she should pass by and she might get the student's attention.

"Come here.", Hade Louigh said and unclothed his suit despite of being uncomfortable of moving to much.

"Here take this.", Hade Louigh suggested and gave her his suit.

"Why? This looks so expensive, I can't take it just to be my handkerchief it would be stained by blood.", Calbee denied to take iit just by the texture of the coat its fabric cost more than a million, that kind of brand can't be just bought by an ordinary person.

"No take it, I got a lot of them if you want more, and besides I'm the reason behind your nosebleed after all.", Hade Louigh said and smirks.

"T-thank you.", Calbee feels a glitch of warm on her heart somehow this made her smile.

"How could we live together if by just looking at me you'll be running out of blood already.", Hade Louigh said and grins.

"Are you saying that you wanted your balls to be kicked again?", Calbee said while wiping her nosebleed and grins as they look at together with a dangerous stare between them.

"If only you're not a woman, I could easily crack you into pieces.", he replied as he leans closer on her small face.

"I hate you!", Calbee said and runs as fast as she can.

"Hey! Where are you going!?", Hade Louigh yelled.

"None of your business!", Calbee yelled back and continued running like a child.

"Just wait you! Brain coughed girl!", Hade Louigh said and showed up his mysterious smile on nowhere.

Don't tell me that you still wanted to drop at the University after what I did, I'm sure your gonna miss my handsomeness if you leave.

Yes, he got telepathical power, he can read any body's mind.

Watchup, ketchup, I love you here's your update, uwuuu♡

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Let's bring Calbee on the top! >_<

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