


I love reading informational books, I think I'm pretty, I'm shy, I love learning & practicing new skills, I'm afraid to try sport, it's not that I'm afraid to the ball I'm afraid of people's judgment.

2021-04-30 BeigetretenPhilippines



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Enchanted university, a school known to focus on mythical creatures of all kind and educate them, creating strong relationships between people and mythical creatures, which causes the world to be balanced and harmonized; their relationship being yin and yang. Helping the stakeholders of each species of creatures out there is what they do, and they all have been highly educated about those creatures before being sent on missions to work on maintaining the balance between what’s able to be seen, and what’s not. Will there be something that causes the world’s balance to hang on a loose thread? Will there be a slip up which dooms the world as we know it? Read more to find out. --- "You pervert!", Calbee yelled as she slaps Hade Louigh on his face. "How dare you to slap my handsomeness!", Hade Louigh said as cold as ice, which made Calbee afraid. "Why wouldn't I?", Calbee ask as she steps back. "No body had ever touch my face and slaps me like that, you!", Hade Louigh yelled with anger, as he walks toward Calbee, the beast inside him had awakened. "Is that so, I-DON'T-CARE!", Calbee yelled and never hesitated to kick his balls. "Aw!", Hade Louigh screams in pain, to the point that his face can't be drawn but still his handsomeness is indestructible. This woman is too much. Calbee was about to run when she noticed that Hade Louigh is really hurts, she got guilty so she bowed and touch his other shoulder with her left arm. "I'm sorry, did it hurt?", Calbee ask him with sincere expression on her face. This woman is crazy, she hit the most sensitive part of a man and now she's asking if does it hurts! Your brain got cough go and check the doctor darling. "I'm really really so sorry, I didn't mean to, I just got pushed by my emotion. I shouldn't let my emotion control me.", Calbee said sincerely apologizing towards Hade Louigh who's now crouching down and holding his private part due to a lot of pain. "Shut up! Your sorry can't help, what if I got barren-?!", Hade Louigh said while still managing the pain from his manhood. -then I won't be able to produce any child for you, then there would be no one that would be able to inherit my handsomeness! You crazy woman! "I'm so sorry, a-are you fine now?", Calbee noticed that he's already calming down. Calbee feel so embarrassed right now, if only she could disappear quickly like a bubble, she already did, but she need to stay, it is her responsibility to never left him unless he feel a little bit calmer, besides she's the one who kick his balls. I wanna thank my Mommy @marichat_nettenoir for helping me with my synopsis development, ilysm Mommy Mari♡!

Jamaica_Masihul · Fantasie
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