
Elysium: The Divine System

****CANCELLED (I am dropping this story therefore it will no longer be updated until further notice.) What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NSchan · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Archive 28: Seeing is believing.

"How bad is my relationship with father?" 

The family including the servants and Pollux turned to look at Alastor. At first there was a look of confusion on their faces, but they soon came to the realization that Alastor hadn't gained back all his memories. 

There was silence in the dinning room for awhile until Esmeralda spoke up. 

"Alastor sweetheart..." She started to say while stroking his hair.

"You don't need to sugar coat things for me mom. Please tell me, I feel as though this is something I was bound to find out sooner or later." He said assuring her that he was fine with knowing the truth. 

It was better for him that way, since he would have to face the music one day.

"... your relationship with your father is rather... strained." 

This comment made Apollon who was quietly sipping his tea scoff. "Strained is putting it rather lightly don't you think?" 

Aurore glared at Apollon as soon as he said this, to which he shrugged in response. "You know I'm right." He retorted back. 

Aurore had nothing to say in response which made Apollon laugh mirthlessly. 

"We haven't spoken to that father of ours in over a year. And if you think that's bad," he turned to look directly at his younger brother, "you haven't spoken to father in three years, despite living in the same house. Granted he's out most of the time on his expeditions, but it still doesn't change that fact." He said, his voice tinged with resentment. 

"Apollon! That's your father you're talking about. Mind your manners!" Esmeralda scolded him. 

Three years? That's a long time to go without speaking to someone, especially one's parent. What could've happened to make this boy stop speaking to his father and vice versa? Also it seemed like he wasn't the only one who was getting the cold shoulder. 

Suddenly, Magnus felt a piercing pain at the back of his head and was then flooded with memories from Alastor's past. Magnus was frozen on the spot for what seemed like hours but only two minutes had gone by. He was jolted out of his trance by Esmeralda shaking his shoulders. 

"Alastor honey, what's wrong?" She asked concerned. 

"... It's nothing... I think I just remembered something?" He said feeling a little disgruntled. 

"Something from your memories?!" She exclaimed. 

Apollon and Aurore rushed to his side looking concerned as well. 



You've just incovered a fragment of the hosts memories. 

Use this information to fix the relationships with those around you. 


"Are you alright? Do we need to call the doctor? Pollux quickly send a message…" she was quickly cut off by Magnus. 

"No it's alright. I… just remembered an unpleasant memory." This made the three others look at each, their expression turning dark. 

"Was it one with your father?" She tentatively asked. 

He nodded in response. 

"I see." There was silence in the dinning room once again. 

"I think we should retire for the night. Alastor clearly needs some rest." She said again. 

"But what will we do about tomorrow?" Apollon asked. He was worried that his brother would revert back to how he used to be after regaining that memory. He silently wished that his memory hadn't come, at least not on the eve of his fathers return. 

Aurore who usually has an expressionless face had a look of concern which was rare. He as well as Apollon shared the same sentiment. 

Magnus couldn't stand the sour atmosphere, especially at his expense so he decided to reassure everyone that he was fine and that he wasn't going to let this memory ruin things tomorrow. 

"Are you sure you're alright? Because if you don't feel up to seeing your father tomorrow, I can make something up." She assured him. 

This made Magnus smile. This family truly cared for him and he was grateful. 

"I really am fine. Everyone please don't worry about me. I am not same weak boy from before. I can handle seeing father." He said with confidence. 

Of course I'm not going to let some mere mortal scare me. I faced far worse foes, I will not loose to likes of a human. 

And with that the once chaotic mood turned peaceful again. 

That night, Magnus made sure to ask the system about the memories he just saw. 

[It would seem the host still has consciousness over its body. You are able to see what is left over of them. I believe this is not the first time you have suddenly remembered something that has to do with the boy correct?] 

"You're right. There have been times where I was aware of things I had no prior knowledge of. I guess that explains it. But I've seen seen actually images of said memories before."

[Yes your awareness has grown significantly and has therefore unlocked your spiritual awareness as well. I do not think this will be the last time you will be seeing this boys memories.] 

This made Magnus frown.

That would mean he would be experiencing more unpleasant experiences this boy has gone through. From what he can could see, it seemed like he was on the receiving end of constant scrutiny from his father which therefore lowered the boy's self esteem. This started to affect him mentally and has hindered the boys growth both physically and spiritually. 

He hasn't made any progress in his training which resulted in more resentment and disappointment from his father. 


It's no wonder the boy turned out this way. A weak mind will result in a weak body as well. 

One's mental and emotional health are important. And it seems humans are quite weak when it comes to aspect. Easily broken, easily corrupted. 

"Humans truly are pitiful creatures." 

[Would you not count as a pitiful creature yourself since you are currently living as a human?] 

This made Magnus scoff. "I am merely taking residence in a body that happens to be human, against my will by the way. I remain the same and my mind is still superior." 

[Yes, but for how long I wonder] 

"What was that?" 


"Oh so now you go silent." 

Ladies and gentlemen. The long awaited reveal of Duke Helio from the Caesrus Clan.

You guys will finally be able to meet him!

NSchancreators' thoughts