
Elliot Dragonuv

Raphael lived his life as an adventure. One day he came across a fallen arch Duke by the name of "Elliot Dragonuv" who just lost everything. The two of them lived as adventures together and many years later, Elliot opened up to Raphael about his past, the mistakes he made and how things could've been different. After their talk, Raphael went to sleep but when he awoke he was in the body of a younger Elliot Dragonuv.

Victor_Progress · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Duel between two houses

(A few days after returning to Dragonuv Estate. Elliot calls a meeting with his knight order to properly introduce Yolanda to their ranks.)


Introducing the the ruler of the Dragonuv arch-dukedom, His majesty, Lord Elliot Dragonuv. 

(Cheers from the knigts.) 


Greetings, my fellow knigts. Staring today you'll have a new member to your ranks. Although I'm sure you've seen her a lot lately. Let me introduce to you to Yolanda, also known as "The blind witch". Starting today she'll be the vice captain of the order as well as you're training instructor.All those who don't agree with my decision are welcome to test her strength. 

(A couple of minutes later, Yolanda made quick work of all the Knight's apart from Sir James.)

Knight 1:

No fair. The young master should've told us she's this strong. 

Knight 2:

I know right? I think I broke a rib or two. She's a beast. 


Pathetic. Is whining all you can do? You guys are a disgrace. You call yourself knights and all you do is complain. You should quit while you're at it. 

Knight 3:

Shut up, your nothing but a commoner. I bet you bewitched the young master into giving you the position. You filthy commoner. 

(Yolanda gets angered by the statement and charges in to attack the knight with her sword.)


Sir James. If you would. 


Yes, your majesty. 

(James moves at high speed and manages to repel the sword attack with his own.)


Now, now. That's quite the mood swing, young lady. 


Get outta the way, gramps. 

(James and Yolanda both take fighting stands.)


Young master. Please allow me to teach the young lady her place. 


Fine by me. And James, go easy on her. Okay? 


As you wish. 

(Both James and Yolanda exchanges blows with each of them suffering minor injuries from their attacks. Although Yolanda has the speed advantage, James is more experienced and can easily predict where her next attack will be.)


Why can't a land a solid hit on you, gramps? 


It's my special skill. "Hawk eye" it let's me see my opponents attack pattern 5 seconds before and gives me the advantage in battle, although it drains my aura quickly. 


A special skill? That's only achieved by those who broke through to the 5th Rank. Are you trying to tell me you're a 5th ranker, old man? 


As a matter of fact, I am. Tell me, young lady. In your life time haven't you heard of "The one eyed hawk" James Elsworth? 

(It was at that moment Yolanda saw that she was at a disadvantage. And quickly withdrew from the fight.)


I give up. You win, gramps. 


You know I'm not even 50 right?


Doesn't really make much of a difference. 

Elliot:(Clapping his hands)

That was a great display of your power, both of you. I'm impressed, this shows I gotta work hard on my part. 


Such praise are waisted on me. 


Don't be like that. James You are truly what kept this house safe while I was in my slumber. Thank you. We're lucky to have you. 

(James bows on one knee.)


Than you, young master. 


Now, I've decided on who will represent house Dragonuv at the upcoming duel. It will be Yolanda, myself and the traitor himself Micheal. 

(Everyone is in shock.)


But sir. There are many capable knights here who can help you win a clean sheet. I see no need to take a weakling like him. 


James, James, James. If I win clean where's the fun in that? I know Michael is going to lose, that's why I'm putting him first. Yolanda will be in the middle because she's well known for strength and I will be last. 


Why are you last? That's were their best fighter will be. 


Exactly. I need to crush him with my own hands to show house Rosélei who the superior house is. 


What if their last fighter is a 4th Ranker like myself or a 5th like gramps? 


That shouldn't be a problem. I've already beaten a fourth Ranker before, remember? And if his a 5th I'll have no choice but to up my game a bit. 

(A few days later) 

(Elliot and his family, sir James, Yolanda, Micheal and a few knights arrive at house Rosélei. They are Greated by the Knigts infront of the gate and escorted to the training grounds. There they meet with Sir Charles, Lady Martha and Lady Ayda, along with Jacob and four other knights.)

Rosélei Knight captain:

Introducing the Duke of the Rosélei territory, Sir Charles Rosélei. As well as Lady Martha and Lady Ayda. 


Greetings, I am Elliot Dragonuv. A pleasure to meet you. 


The pleasure is mine. We have arranged sits for you and your family. 


Thank you for your generosity. Let me introduce ourselves. I am Elliot, you know my sisters, Jessica, Mary and Camillia. My mother Lady, Rosé. The Gentleman over there is sir James, our Knight captain. 


A pleasure. 

Martha:(fakes a smile)

Rosé, it's been a while. How have you been? 


Greetings, Martha. I'm well, yourself? 


I'm Good, but it didn't have to be like this, you know? 


Pardon me? 


That idiotic son of yours, if only je didn't course a commotion after waking up. You might have kept your dignity in the end. 

Rosé:(genuine smile)

Oh, but your mistaken. If he didn't course the commotion you still wouldn't know your place in this world. If anything, today you'll be reminded wich house truly runs the southern side of the empire. If that is all, I'll get to my sit. 


That bitch. Who does she think she is? I'll show her, I'll crush her son right infront of her. 

(A strong Aura appears in the middle of the training grounds in a instant.)


This aura! I'd recognize it anywhere. 


Greeting to House Rosélei and House Dragonuv. I am Marki walker, a lieutenant of the Royal knight order. Today I have been assigned as the overseer of this battle. Are both parties okay with that? 


Fine by me. 




Good. Shall we draw up the agreement then? Will leaders of both parties come forth and state your demands. 


Should my party win. We would like for Arch-duke Elliot to step down as the Arch-duke of house Dragonuv. 


Arch-duke. Are you okay with the demands? 


It's okay with me. 


And what are your demands? 


Nothing major, just sole rights to the shared mines. That's all. 


That's impossible. That means the kennel township will be taken put of our Dukedom and put into your arch-dukedom. 


A small price to pay for my families title. Don't you think? 


Agreed. Duke Charles, should you back down as the one who requested the duel,there will be a penalty for your actions. And for waisting the Empires time. 


I'm not backing down. I'm just saying he should be another trophy. 


I'm no changing my mind. 

(Marki looks at Charles) 


Okay, okay. I agree to the terms as well. 


Good, now I'll write the contract and both parties shall give the approval stamp of their territories. 

(After the formal matters were taken care of both parties are instructed to send in their first fighter.) 


You're up, Micheal. Remember your performance will determine your fate. Impress me and you might be forgiven. 

Micheal:(bows on one knee)

Thank you, your majesty. Your kindness is waisted on me. 


Poor soul. If only he knew that regardless winning or losing, his fate was already been decided. 


The first round would be Micheal of house Dragonuv verses Jacob of house Rosélei. There will be no usage of aura or mana in this battle, however whether or not your opponent keeps his life after the battle is up to you. Both men, Stand your ground. 


This is my chance to get back at Elliot. Ayda, watch as I secure this win for you. 

(Jacob and Micheal cross blades. Although Micheal posses higher strength, Jacob can utilize his speed to his advantage and drives back Micheal. Micheal launches multiple attacks at Jacob and only manages to leave a shallow wound on him.)


This is getting too annoying. 


Yeah, it is. It was a good fight but I must end this. 

(Micheal gets on the offensive again, however his moves have gotten slower due to his exhaustion. With one less effort, he puts all his might in the swing and manages to stab Jacob on the shoulder. Jacob grabs the blade with his own hand, preventing Micheal from escaping. He then unleashes multiple slashes at a fast rate. Hence killing Micheal.)


The winner of the first round. Jacob of house Rosélei. 

Charles & Martha are seen smiling with joy. 


(He snaps his fingers and Micheals body disappears.) Now will the next contestants come forth? 


I guess it's my turn. 


Don't go dying on me, now. 


You wish. You're going to kick the bucket way before me. 

(Yolanda goes to the field and she is joined by a man Wilding a great sword. The man looks like a giant up close. He is about 2 times the size of Yolanda.) 


The second round between Yolanda of house Dragonuv and George of house Rosélei, will now begin. 

Both stare at each other. 


You know, I've always wanted to see who's stronger between us. Who would've thought I'd get the chance to find out so early. 


Pardon, do I know you? 


No. I doubt. But I know who you are. Yolanda "The blind witch." 

Charles:(in shock)

What, that woman is that Yolanda? Why on earth is she helping Elliot? 


Why is a rank 4 swordmaster like herself hanging around him? Does he have some kind of dirt on her? 


You know, I hate being called a witch. It's an insult to someone I hold dear.


Apologies. Allow me to make it up to you hy Introducing myself. I am George "The iron golem" I'm a Rank 4 aura swordmaster myself. 


Look, you seem like a cool guy, so I'll give you the first attack as a show of respect. 


I'll answer your kindness by not holdingback on the first attack.(takes out his greatsword) I should worn you though. Only a handful of people survived my strikes. 

(George holds his sword high and unleashes a powerful slash. The impact of the slash connecting was strong enough to Crack the ground below him and send a Shockwave. But to his surprise the attack didn't connect at all.)


Ohh, what's this? When did you get there?(he turns his head and looks at Yolanda.) 

(Yolanda charges at him with both her daggers in hand and attacks. But, George manages to repel them and counters.)


He sure moves fast for his size. 


This is bad. Yolanda seems to be loosing. 


If she loses doesn't that mean we lost? Why didn't you send James in there or something. You Morron. 


No, you're wrong. 

Mary & Jessica:



Look again. Despite their gap in strength, Yolanda is the one landing in more hits. And not just random hits as well. She's aiming for the joints. 


I'm surprised you could see them at the speed they are fighting. But you're correct. She weakened him by aiming at the joint over and over and now his movements are slower. It's only a matter of time before the finishing blow. 


I'm surprised she could see that with no form of training. Well, Elliot did always say she had the best set of eyes out there. I wonder. Just how far can those eyes of hers see? 


George, end this now. 


Time to end this, Yolanda! 


It was a good fight. Come at me. 

(Yolanda moves at her top speed and slashes him over and over again. The slashes had enough strength behind them to just critically wound him and not kill him. George falls on his back.)


The winner of the second round, Yolanda of house Dragonuv. 


What? She won without taking damage? 


Thats the power of "The blind witch"? 

Mary:(in awe)



Good work. You did well. 


Stop drolling over me,you're up next you know? 


I know, I know. Let's get this over with. 


The last battle will now begin. The last representative of house Dragonuv, the Arch-duke himself. Elliot Dragonuv. And representing house Rosélei is Sir Carl. 


Did he say Carl? 


Do you know him? 


He's a 5th Ranker like myself. Actually his a beast. His only 22 but I lost to him once. 


When was that? 


8 years ago. 


Wait. You're saying he reached the fith rank at the age of 14? 


Exactly. However he got lazy and unmotivated due to the lack of a rival his age. 


Wait. This might be what he needed to get back into shape. If the young master can beat him, maybe he'll start taking things seriously again. There's only a 4year gap between them. 


I greet you, arch-duke Elliot Dragonuv. 


Greetings to you too. 


The final match may now begin.