
RF Generating Machinery

「Ding! There's a lot of things that could create Redstone flux, so you should probably just look at this!」

The A.I. gave George pop ads regarding those machines that could generate RF.

< Steam Dynamo >

The most basic machine to generate energy. Inspired by the real-life steam engine, Minecraft mod called thermal expansion recreates this amazing machine.

The Steam Dynamo is a power-generating machine from Thermal Expansion. Like all other Dynamos, it generates Redstone Flux at a rate of 80 RF/tick. The Steam Dynamo requires Steam to generate power; Steam may be supplied directly via Fluiducts, or the dynamo may instead be supplied with Water and a fuel such as Coal, Charcoal, or Coal Coke. Steam is used at a rate of 40mB/tick, but only if the dynamo is over half-full of Steam.

[Price : 50.000 Credits]

< Magmatic Dynamo >

The Magmatic Dynamo is a power-generating machine from Thermal Expansion 3. Like all other Dynamos, it generates Redstone Flux at a rate of 80 RF/tick. The Magmatic Dynamo requires Lava or another hot fluid such as Blazing Pyrotheum to generate power. One bucket of lava generates 120,000 RF, and one bucket of Blazing Pyrotheum generates 2,000,000 RF. These liquids can be input directly with a bucket or through a pipe such as a Fluiduct. The dynamo has an internal buffer of 40,000 RF, where it can store power while it is not connected to any power system, this power will slowly drain and be lost if it's not removed from the dynamo.

[Price : 50.000 Credits]

< Compression Dynamo >

The Compression Dynamo is a power-generating machine from Thermal Expansion. Like all other Dynamos, it generates Redstone Flux at a rate of 80 RF/tick. The Compression Dynamo requires some type of fuel like Fuel from BuildCraft or Liquifacted Coal, as well a coolant like Water or Gelid Cryotheum to generate power. Liquid Nitrogen can also be used as a coolant. These liquids can be input directly with a bucket or through a pipe such as a Fluiduct. The dynamo has an internal buffer of 40,000 RF, where it can store power while it is not connected to any power system. This power will slowly drain and be lost if it's not removed from the dynamo.

List of fuel that can be used: Creosote Oil, Seed Oil, Liquifacted Coal, Crude Oil, Tree Oil, Grassoline, Naphtha, Refined Fuel, Gaseous Fuel, Mixed Light Fuels, Distilled Oil, Mixed Heavy Fuels, Light Fuel, Heavy Oil, Dense Oil, Dense Fuel, Canola Oil, Oil, Crystallized Oil, Empowered Oil, Hootch, Fire Water, Rocket Fuel, Ethanol, Biodiesel, Crude Oil, Diesel, Gasoline, Biogas.

[Price: 80.000 Credits]

..." And many more.

They are very basic and was not very hard to understand. But.. there are a few questionable ones.. like these..

< Pink Generator >

The Pink Generator is a block added by Extra Utilities 2. It generates Redstone Flux(RF) from Pink Dye, any item with Pink Dye in its crafting recipe (such as Pink Wool), or any items that are used to craft into Pink Dye (such as Pink Tulips). It consumes one item every 0.5 seconds to create 400 RF per item. It outputs power at 40 RF/Tick. Speed Upgrades can be added to it to burn items at a faster rate.

[Price: 25.000 Credits]

< Culinary Generator >

The Culinary Generator is a block added by Extra Utilities 2. It produces Redstone Flux(RF) from food. The amount of RF it produces depends on the food. Foods with high saturation and food values produce more RF/t. As with all Extra Utilities 2 generators, Speed Upgrades can be added to increase the fuel burn rate.

[Price: 55.000 Credits]


George's face immediately twitched when he saw these ridiculous things. "What the heck? How does that even possible?! Seriously.. a pink generator? a generator that generates power by using pink-colored items to power it?! and then there's this culinary generator?! What a bunch of shiets!!"

George sighed... He was more interested in the compression dynamo than those ridiculous things. The compression dynamo could be used by many types of fuel, so he immediately interested in one.

"Hmm? Is there any simple machine from the Minecraft mod to create a seed oil, or maybe a tree oil?" He thought. If it was possible, then maybe there's a way to make it automatically. But he hoped it won't make a mess out of the environment, like real machines on earth does.

「Ding! There is. You could use a machine called fractionating still to refine tree resin to tree oil and rosin. It was a good combination too.. You use the tree oil in compression dynamo, while using the rosin for the steam dynamo. And you could also create grassoline with it, by refining biocrude in it. To make biocrude, it was only a material obtained by processing various plants in sawmills.」

George was intrigued by the first part of the introduction. "So.. rosin is something burnable like coal or wood? And we used it to generates power just by using tree resin? That's a pretty good one!" He thought that with some kind of set-up, he could really automate things up.

And by using tree resin, it could be an infinite and renewable power source. As the resin will slowly generate itself. And for the grassoline.. It would be harder to do it, as you need to create biomass, and then refined it to biocrude, before it could be turned into grassoline.

"But.. the most important thing! Does it environmentally friendly?"

「Ding! You only collect the resin from a tree to make a fuel out of it, so it shouldn't be a problem! The tree will continue to live, even if you collected their resin.」

"Mmn.. if it's like that.. I've decided to create the tree oil one!" George thought that he could use the surrounding trees, as there's a ton of trees in the twilight forest that he could use. And if the energy that was made by a few trees wasn't enough to power the whole mansion.. he needed to just expand it and it'll be no problem at all.

Tbh.. my favorite generator for all time is culinary generator XD.. But yeah.. how does that even possible?!

More boring stuff lmao.. 2 more of this shiets lol

TrinityShockcreators' thoughts