
Redstone Flux

Seeing George was very hard thinking about it, the A.I. said.「Ding! To be honest.. If host was really worried about those useful electronics from modern earth, host could also buy a RF powered electronics in this shop!」

George curiously asked "RF powered electronics? What the hell is that?"

George never heard anything about RF things and was really curious about it. He never played any Minecraft mod that had machinery in it. So it's not a wonder if he doesn't know anything about it.

「Ding! Redstone flux or what people liked to call is as RF is a form of energy that was released with Thermal Expansion 3. It is designed to be very simple to use and low on server impact. It is an API and thus many mods can use it to power their own machines, for example: Ender IO, MineFactory Reloaded, Extra Utilities, and many more. According to King Lemming, Ph.D. redstone flux is an extension of the redstone power system.」

"W- whoa! Wait.. Why does minecraft turn into something so complicated all of sudden? Seriously? Even someone with a Ph.D. degree played this game too?!" He was still taken aback by it, but the A.I. continued to explain things about redstone flux energy.

「Ding! We actually don't know if he had a real degree or not. He himself wrote the whole documentation of redstone flux in his website with his own name, King Lemming Ph.D. 」

George : "..."

「Ding! Anyways.. He said in the documentation that redstone exhibits a fascinating property of absorbing kinetic impacts. And Redstone Flux is the name for the stored energy which manifests as a standing resonant wave in a mass of redstone. The resonant properties of this wave mean that this energy can be stored indefinitely if contained properly. This is a logical extension of redstone dust's ability to maintain a signal indefinitely at a given point. The amount of energy that can be stored or transmitted through a given mass of redstone is determined by various factors, such as the cross-sectional area and the saturation coefficient of the mass.」

"Ahaha.. ha.. Wot?"

George unintentionally scratched his head. Everyone can relate to this especially if you were studying in science class.

「Ding! There are four kinds of things that can be done with Redstone Flux: The first thing, Redstone Flux can be produced by certain devices. These devices usually consume some kind of fuel to do so or convert other types of energy into RF. Secondly, Redstone Flux can be moved by various means. Usually, this involves pipe-like blocks that carry RF around or blocks that can teleport RF. Third, Redstone Flux can be stored by some blocks and items. Some devices are dedicated to storing RF, and some have an internal buffer for their operations. And lastly, Redstone Flux can be consumed by devices that perform specific actions. Machines and powered tools do this instead of the primitive way of consuming pieces of raw fuel.」

"Ahaha.. Everything that you just said.. I have no idea what it means.." George laughed awkwardly. Same like his last reaction, it was very relatable.


Seeing that the A.I. didn't give any reaction, he laughed awkwardly. "Okay.. I was just joking! I know what you meant. So.. this redstone flux is more like an advanced redstone technology in Minecraft and was a kind of energy that we can use. To make it, you need a machinery that could convert energy to it, like the usual law of conversations energy.. And you could store it and use it by using some kind of cable or in this case.. a pipe? that channeled the energy to any machine that you use."

「Ding! Well.. it's more or the less like that.」

George thought that it's interesting and uniquely intriguing. "So.. what you are saying.. you sell an electronics that could use redstone flux as the source of power?"

「Ding! Yep!」

If there is such a thing, he was interested in it. So, George just bought a Minecraft mansion for fifty thousand spirit stones. He bought the largest and the most expensive one, so it was really huge and not less luxurious than any mansions that rich people on earth had. From the decorations alone, he was very pleased with it.

Not only there's a ton of rooms, but there's also a basement area and garden area.. So, he didn't need to buy anything to make the farm. Well.. maybe if he needed to expand the farm.

All of the people that saw what's happening were also shocked by it. "It- It's our home?!" Mu Yifei narrowed her eyes until it almost came out from her eye sockets.

George laughed awkwardly. "Yep.. I thought that we need to keep the theme and made our house matching the surrounding by making it out of blocks! What do y'all think?" He also didn't expect it to be something like this. There's also a fish pond, a pool, and many more interesting things.

"I.. it was very huge and spacious and luxurious and.. what should I say.. uhh.. blocky.." Mu Yifei responded.

There's even a sofa made of wood stairs.. "Man.. maybe I should change the inside.. These things are kinda good to be a chair, but my *ss didn't say so!" So he changed the staircases to a real soft sofa. Not only that, all kind of furniture were changed to the one that was produced on the earth to increase the functionality of this mansion.

The bed.. the sofa.. the table, and many more.

George wanted to buy that redstone flux powered electronics, but he needs to make some kind of RF generating machinery to make sure that he had enough RF to power things that he needed.

George then thought for a moment before asking the A.I. "Tell me about all things that could produce RF! And oh! don't forget the battery cell thingy to store any of those RF and the cable or pipe thingy!"

LMAO the source is: https://teamcofh.com/docs/redstone-flux/redstone-flux-a-primer/

Here comes the boring part! LMAO..

TrinityShockcreators' thoughts