
Ebora oru (midnight demon)

A Nigerian originated super hero

Raheem_Ahmadoski · Fantasie
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4 Chs


They pressurised peace college just 4 seconds left marvelous passed the ball to the team's captain Dennis, he wasted time making his decision he shot the ball, he fell and missed !

just exactly 1 second left the refree called for foul, and it was a three-point foul. Dennis was to play the free throw. The first chance he misses , he made the second and the last to draw a tie to over time . During the overtime period, John jakub college dominated the game at the end of the overtime John jakub won by 33-5 and in total 104-76.

waiting for the last game of the series at the game.

After the game, olamide goes to meet marvelous

Olamide: Nice game, your performance was outstanding, you made about 90% of your shots, it sounds impossible but you did it.

Marvelous: Long story short, I was also surprised by my performance.

Olamide: Now that I remember, I didn't know you can fight.

Marvelous: Fight?

Olamide: Yes, the yesterday I saw you around my block, you fought with some robbers

Marvelous: wait, how did you know ?

Olamide: my block was close to where the incident happened, so I could see you from my block

Marvelous: honestly, If I told you I knew what much of what I was doing I'm lying to you.

i've not told anybody yet, right from the time I went to the main market on Sunday a voice kept on talking to me, directing me and I've been feeling weird since that time.

And I can't figure out what exactly it is

olamide: wait, you mean you went to the main-market in the midnight

Marvelous: Yes

Olamide: Didn't you know there was curfew?

Marvelous: I didn't at that time cause I was at Ghana and switched off my phone but I later found out there was curfew. They said it was a ritual for the gods to choose a new righteous leader in the elder forum

Olamide: Well that was what people were told , but the real purpose of the ritual was to summon a power demon that fights crime they just said another thing so that the ritual activities won't be interrupted by "some people"

Marvelous: how did you know ?

Olamide: My gate keeper ? his uncle is the 2nd head of the elders forum and his father is the chief priest of the forum

(continues) From what you just said about what happened to you, it's like you are possessed by the demon . Although people don't believe the demon possesses people they feel it's to sacred to be in a mortal's body and the theory hasn't been proven wrong.

But my gatekeeper said he believes that the demon can possess people.

If you don't mind you can follow me home we can discuss this with my gatekeeper

Marvelous: I don't mind just don't let him know I'm the one being possessed by it I don't want anybody's attention

Olamide: ok

( The driver comes to pick olamide up and they arrive at her house)

Olamide to Mr. Odubiyi

Olamide: Mr.odubiyi, I want to discuss something with you

Mr.odubiyi: Ok, come have a seat

( Marvelous greets Mr.odubiyi , he also joins them on their conversation)

Olamide: so about the Ebora oru

Mr.odubiyi: Yes, what happened to it

Olamide: Why do they summon it ?

Mr.odubiyi: They summon it during state of emergencies, when the state is in complete chaos.

Olamide: How powerful Is the Ebora oru

Mr.odubiyi: Very powerful, beyond the limit you can think of. it can wipe out a whole state within a blink of am eye

Olamide: So can the demon possess a human

Mr.odubiyi: although people don't believe it can but it can

Olamide: What if the demon possesses someone is there a way you can cast the demon out

Mr.odubiyi: yes, you can

Olamide: What are the side effects of when the posseses a human

Mr.odubiyi: when it comes to possessing it has two stages

in the first stage you can really call it possession, because you are in total control of your self and you have the basic ability of the demon.

But the second stage...

how can I explain?, you know when you are angry you loose control of yourself ?

So in a weird way when you are angry you loose control of yourself and the demon automatically takes control of yourself . Then you are possessed by the demon and you become 100 times stronger than before since it is now the demon that's in full control

Olamide: Thank you sir , that's all I need to know

Mr.odubiyi: but why do you want to know about the demon ?

Olamide: ehm... we're making researches about it in my school

( to marvelous)

Olamide: Let's go inside

Marvelous: No thanks

Olamide: why na ?

Marvelous: Don't you feel weird, only me and you inside your house what about when you parents arrive

Olamide: Don't you know my parents aren't we family friends, they are cool

(drags marvelous inside)

Olamide: so now that you know about everything that happened to you what do you want to do.

Marvelous: at first , I didn't enjoy the fact that I have this demon inside of me always talking to me and disturbing every time but now everything is great with the powers i got from it. My basket journey is going great and then there's no harmful effect of this demon inside of me . so I feel I like it this way

Olamide: but you know if you loose control of yourself the demon takes control of your body.

Marvelous: yh, I can't loose control of myself No matter what, you know me .

Olamide: you also know that the demon give you alert on emergency cases happening throughout Lagos State, how are you gonna cope with that

Marvelous: I can cope, don't worry about it

Olamide: so... you wanna be a superhero

Marvelous: yh... I guess?

Olamide: cool.., less I forget how did you look like when you went for emergencies today, I hope it wasn't like yesterday where your identity was open

Marvelous: Nah I wore face masks so nobody can see my face.

Olamide: That's good, so now let's talk about your superhero name, how I'll help you design your costume and your hideout

Marvelous; I have a superhero name

olamide: what ?

Marvelous: Burna boy

Olamide: seriously?, that's dumb

Marvelous: That's how burna boy got his name, it's is his super hero name

Burna boy

Olamide: then that's smart

But still you can't use it, it's already somebody's name , what about Ebora oru since you are possessed by it

Marvelous: then everybody will know I got my power from it and then the elders forum will ask me to give the demon up.

hmmm I've got an idea

olamide: what ?

Marvelous: démon de minuit

olamide: What does that mean ?

Marvelous: midnight demon, but in French

I doubt if anybody speaks French in our state

even if so, the won't stress over it cause it's not so obvious .

After that they discussed everything concerning the super hero

Days later , Marvelous' s brother "Joshua " observed marvelous' s strange attitude, since they stay in the same room.

He talks to himself and then sneaks out of the house. And currently Joshua is being educated about drug abuse in school, he thought his brother is a drug addict and told his parents about the recent behaviours they also discovered that he has been exhibiting some weird behaviour and his eyes are always pale in the morning .

So when marvelous got home in the night that day they asked to search his belongings for drugs and they searched everywhere they couldn't find any. They were about to stop when Joshua came across his superhero costume, and that's when everything became clear to Joshua, all the midnight rush, extremely strong powers he exhibits

( Joshua screams )

Joshua: so you are démon de minuit!