
Ebora oru (midnight demon)

A Nigerian originated super hero

Raheem_Ahmadoski · Fantasie
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4 Chs



The Simons packing their luggaes as they are preparing on going to the airport

Marvelous: (looks outside) the driver has arrived,let's start going

Mr.simon: Good, everybody ready

chorus: yes

Mr.simon: let's go

Moments later....

They arrive at kotoka international airport, Accra, Ghana

Marvelous' uncle, bro. Jimi who had been waiting for them before their arrival finally sights them

Bro.jimi: marvelous!, gives a signal

(The Simons move towards bro.jimi)

Bro.jimi: Hey, how are you doing. Welcome to Ghana

(After a long talk, bro jimi takes them to where his car was parked and drives off to a five star hotel) They offload their luggaes from the car and enter the hotel. They walk to the receptionist

The receptionist: Welcome to Eden hotel and suites, how may I be of help.

Bro.jimi: i reserved a royal family 4 bedroom suites

(shows her his platinum card)

The receptionist: Ooh, (hands over the apartment card to bro jimi ) on the 5th floor the second apartment by your right, that's it.

And you can make use of the elevator

(points to the elevator )

Bro jimi: Thank You, (They all head to the elevator)

Bro jimi: (To the simons) This apartment costs a fortune . I played for a week and I spent close four hundred thousand cedis

Joshua: show off ! , so why are you telling us

Mr.simon: (hits Joshua ) how rude , he's trying to tell us the stress he went through to get us a nice apartment

Marvelous: why didn't you just take us to your mansion, instead of booking us an apartment in the hotel

Bro jimi: My wife's family are in my house and since my mansion only has six rooms it won't fit us all

(They got the fifth floor and moved inside their apartment)

Mr.simon: wow, a very lovely apartment

(They all settle in, after a while )

Mr.simon: (to his family members) everybody switch off your phones and hand it over

( They all did as he said )

Bro jimi : (confused) why?

Mr.simon:see, the country we are coming from Nigeria is full of drama and sorts. Honestly, we need to take a break from the country, so we don't want to receive anysorts of news or anything that has to do with the country

we came to Ghana to take a break from the country. we are even planning on busting the nicest places in ghana tomorrow

Bro jimi: well I'm going down to redress my car , I will be back in a jiffy

Mr.simon: why don't I follow

Bro jimi: you just arrived at Ghana, You need to relax

Mr.adeche: it's just 7pm, I want to stroll out

Bro jimi: if you insist

(They both walk out of the apartment)

Mrs.simon: (Goes to one of the bedroom)

kids, I'm off to sleep

Joshua: I need to make use of the toilet

(Gets to toilet, the door opens automatically)

Joshua: Nice, a high tech toilet

Marvelous: be careful, you know.....

Joshua: shut up, I know how to use a high tech toilet, I have seen it in movies

(enters the toilet)

Joshua: wow!, it's very large , it even has a tv, (sit on the the toilet. Watching basketball, a player made a crazy drive to the opponents pain drives out back and makes a three-pointer shot)

Joshua: Nice!, (applauds the player

The light goes off and on until it finally goes off)

Joshua:(snaps his finger) I thought this was a 5 star hotel, why the power failure

(due to the fact that he snapped his finger , he switched on the hot spring of the shower close to him )

Joshua: (screams) ha! ha! , hot! hot! hot!( tries to look for the exit but since the lights were out he couldn't see, he mistakenly hits the room temperature controller and sets it to a way higher temperature)

Joshu: (screams for help) pls let me out

(The toilet is sound proof. Moments later bro jimi and Mr Simon enter the apartment. Marvelous and Sharon we at the sitting room, Joshua was missing so bro jimi asked where he was Marvelous told him and they discovered he has been there for over an hour, he finally came out and he was looking horrified. he explained what happened)

later in the midnight, Joshua enters marvelous' room, wakes him up

Joshua: bro, I want to pee

marvelous: then make use of the toilet

Joshua: To continue with final destination?

No way, I will rather pee on my body

Marvelous: (laughs) I thought you knew how to handle an high tech toilet.

The next day the simons visited a resort on Ghana. A day after was uncle Jim's wedding.

After the wedding, on Sunday they spent some of their time on a quick tour across Accra and they headed back to Nigeria. They arrived at Nigeria around 8pm and got to their estate 10pm, they all freshend up and had their dinner

Marvelous at the exit of the apartment

Mrs simon: where do you think you're going to this late hour

Marvelous: I'm going to rex's house

Mrs simon: This late hour, and you know how dangerous it is out there

Marvelous: Mum, it's just 10:45 pm and besides we live an estate, we have security and besides I'm 17 years old . I can handle any situation.

Mrs.simon: will you keep quiet

(Mr Simon cuts in)

Mr. adeche: he's right, we live in an estate , by the way i want him to get me a pack of d+ energy drink from the nearby supermarket

Mr simon: (hands over #3500 Naira note to marvelous)

After a while , marvelous got to rex's house he discovered that the lights were out

Marvelous: (speaks in yoruba) abi kin kpe rexxie? (should I call rex)

discovers that his phone was still with his dad

Marvelous: hmmm.., we'll see in school tomorrow

(heads to the supermarket , discovered the first supermarket was closed when he got the second supermarket it was also closed )

Marvelous: weird, even if it's Sunday the supermarket are always opened until 12 am

And it's so weird throughout I've not seen anybody passing bye, I've to try the main estate market , on his way there he saw some people in white garment leaving the market although they couldn't see him cause their back was turned against him)

He enters the market, discovers it was empty but he was hearing a noise coming from inside the market . he walks inside, the place he was was were the demon was awakened exactly 12:00am the demon was awakened

The demon: Human, get ready for your doom!

Moves towards marvelous and kills him!