

unknown_20281 · Anime und Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 46

The great idea of ​​proving yourself to the gods was eventually refuted as a chuunibial disease.

However, for the organization concept called "Cabalion" proposed by the two.

Even if he is unwilling to admit it, he has to say that it is indeed more reliable than following the group of misfortune to carry out terrorist attacks.

Humans don't need to prove to anyone, but should try to make themselves stronger.

"I admit that you may be right. If humans want to have their own dignity, they should make themselves strong."

"The 'Cabalion' you said is the way to truly make humans stronger."

"But I also have a path I choose, don't think I'll do things the way you want."

The things he was working hard for were devalued by others, which made Cao Cao quite a blow.

The most important thing is that he still feels powerless to refute.

The only thing he can do is to keep going according to his own ideas, to prove that what he has done is not useless.

As for the thing about being angry and wanting to take action against Su Mu...

Since he had already admitted in his heart that the path that Su Mu chose was more suitable, he would not be so narrow-minded.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the "Holy Spear of Twilight", the god-killing tool that harbors the will of the deceased God of the Bible, will not choose him as its host.

Of course, even if Cao Cao shot Su Mu, Su Mu would not be afraid.

Before he knew it, the power in his body had approached the standard of the most advanced demon.

In this case, even if he just used the "Chilong Emperor's Hand Armor", he would probably be able to force Cao Cao to use the holy spear's profound meaning "Bahui" to deal with it.

In addition, Su Mu still has the power that he acquired almost naturally after the original substance was lit up.

Even if you can't win, it's okay to stay undefeated.

At this time, Cao Cao was actually quite tangled in his heart.

Reason told him that Su Mu's idea was right.

However, he himself couldn't let go of the road he had insisted on for so long.

If possible, he really wanted to fight Su Mu directly, and he would talk about everything based on his strength.

However, if anything can be solved by fighting, then there is nothing to do with the brain.

After tangled for a while, Cao Cao was ready to leave directly.

At this moment, he seemed to suddenly think of something and looked at Su Mu.

"By the way, do you need a maid or something?"

Su Mu was somewhat unable to react, saying that the turning point of this topic was outrageous.

Seeing Su Mu's expression, Cao Cao scratched his hair and said with a disgusting expression.

"This morning, 253 we set up our stronghold in the underworld, and a little devil girl broke in for some unknown reason."

"Although we caught her in time, we don't know what to do with it."

"I wanted to kill this guy directly, but we have a few soft-hearted guys over there. Seeing this is a little girl, we just disagree."

"It's troublesome to put it on our side, and I don't know if there is any free space on your side, otherwise I'll just throw it to you."

"When did your hero faction start to engage in human trafficking?" Su Mu gave him a strange look, "Also, it's better to just let it go."

Hearing Su Mu's words, Cao Cao shook his head resolutely.

"Our hero faction has been causing trouble all the time. Now if we catch someone and let him go, wouldn't it be a joke?"

Su Mu was speechless for a while.

Probably, this is the insistence of the evil organization.

"Anyway, I'll have someone bring the things over first." Cao Cao said, taking out his mobile phone and seeming to send a text message.

Then, along with the fog, Georg appeared with a sack and nodded towards Su Mu.

Cao Cao took the sack, opened the rope attached to it, and then grabbed the bottom of the sack and slammed it down.

The next moment, a petite figure who was still asleep rolled out of the bag.

It was a petite girl with blond hair and two ponytails.

It always feels a little familiar.


After it was put on the shelves, the average number of words in each chapter was about 3,000, and it was six more. It felt a little unbearable, and the quality declined a bit. Let's do this tonight, adjust the state, and make up tomorrow.

Chapter 85: Rebel Signs the Prosecution Document (2/6)

Paranormal Research Department.

On the ground, along with the dazzling light, the vigorous magic power spread out a mysterious magic circle on the ground.

Rias's emerald green pupils narrowed slightly, her eyes swept over, her slender eyebrows furrowed unpleasantly.

"Gurefia, I've made it very clear that I won't change my mind."

The neat figure in the maid outfit that appeared in the center of the magic circle didn't care about the resistance and dissatisfaction in Rias's words.

She bowed slightly in respect.

As the "queen" of Sazex, the strongest queen of the underworld, with the "Silver-haired Killer Princess", she just regarded Rias's performance at this time as a child's trouble.

Not only her, but also Rias' brother, Sazex thinks the same way.

Rias was not unaware of the attitudes of Sazex and Grefia.

But because of this, it made her more and more disgusted with this kind of thing.

"Master Rias, please don't be too self-willed. Your attitude will trouble both Master and Sazex-sama."

Gurefia saluted respectfully, her manners were decent, and her words did not fluctuate in the slightest.

"Trouble... You mean, it's just trouble?" Rias laughed angrily, pressing the fire in her heart and asked.

"Da, please keep calm and don't lose your demeanor as the next head of the Gremory family."

Grafia was not moved by Rias' anger, her tone was calm.

"Perhaps you now think that Sazex-sama and the master disregard your opinions and happiness, and want to use you to exchange benefits. However, as the strongest demon king in the underworld, Sazex-sama has not fallen to the point of being incapable of protection. My family, or in other words, haven't been reduced to the point where they want to use the happiness of my sister to exchange benefits."

Grafia bowed slightly.

"What Mr. Sazex wants to protect is the underworld, but the most fundamental thing is to make his family happy."

"One day, Rias, you will take over the position of the head of the Gremory family. At that time, you will have to consider more issues. Not only yourself, but also your family, and the entire underworld looks up to you and yearns for it. Being able to rely on your more presence."

"You will one day become an adult who can get everything out of others, even Lord Sazex can't keep you under the protection of his own wings forever... No, it should be said that he has this right , but if this is the case, the first person who wants to leave under his wings must be yourself." And what Lord Sazex is doing now is actually thinking about that time. "

There was an imperceptible tenderness on Grafia's face, but it quickly disappeared.

"In the underworld, the Phoenix family can be said to be the most powerful family under the four major families. With this marriage, not only the Sazex-sama and the Gremory family, but also the Phoenix family will be your help~ ~."

Rias looked at her silently, her lips pursed.

"Maybe you will resent me now, and Sazex-sama. But when you can really see further and think more, you may be glad that we pushed you out and you didn't want to go out. step."

Grafia saluted gracefully.

To be honest, Sazex and others behaved like parents in a mortal family.

They often push their children to do things they don't like to do.

As for the reason, it is for your own good.

Between children and parents, conflicts often arise because of such issues.

However, who is who is right and who is wrong, in fact, sometimes...

"I know that my elder brother's decision is actually for my consideration."

Rias's complexion became complicated.

It's not that she doesn't understand.

She was angry that her future was arranged like this, but she also knew that her family was actually for her own good.

"But even with the 'for good' reason, I don't want to do something I don't want to do."

"Maybe in the future, I will feel how naive I was who tried my best to resist. Maybe what I did at this time, as you said, was just willful."

Her tone became agitated, causing Grafia, who could hear the determination in her tone, to frown slightly.

"But even so, I will try my best to resist what I don't want to do now. Maybe I will have a headache in the future, but I can leave the headache to the future. Now I just want to do things according to my own ideas!"

"So, it seems that it is impossible to convince you by words." Graffia sighed, her eyes closed slightly, and she shook her head gently.

However, there were not many troubles caused by Rias' will to resist.

Because just like those children who want to rebel against their parents, because their economic lifeline is in the hands of their parents, they eventually have to succumb.

The current Rias, in fact, does not have the strength to resist fate at all.

Her only chance is the ranking game.

However, as a ranking game veteran with a complete family, Lysa Phoenix couldn't possibly lose to Rias, a pure rookie with few family members.

You must know that even the most advanced demons would not dare to say that they would be able to win against Leza, a descendant of the undead Phoenix family.

In any way, she is sure to lose.

Or...if Rias can really win, then neither Sazex nor she will be happy.

"Gurefia, you came here, shouldn't you just be talking about this?"

Rias looked at her suspiciously.

Is it to persuade, or to enlighten yourself?

With Grafia's character, it's hard to imagine that he would do this kind of thing exclusively.

"Well, about this, it's because of a sudden accident." Gurefia's face was calm, "It may be a good thing in your opinion, the ranking game between you and Lord Raisa and the subsequent engagement, have to face postpone."


Rias had a puzzled look on her face.

Grefia just mentioned the ranking game two days ago.

If the ranking game is lost, then the follow-up will naturally be the engagement, and the marriage after graduating from college.

As for the remarks in Gurefia's words that directly said "follow-up engagement" that she would lose, she ignored it for the time being.

Because even she herself doesn't have much confidence unless she can get some foreign aid.

Su Mu's figure instantly appeared in Rias' mind.

If he can get the help of Su Mu and his two friends, then maybe it can improve the winning rate by a small amount.

"According to the news just came from the Phoenix family, the little princess of the Phoenix family, Rebel Phoenix, went missing unexpectedly."

Grafia spoke softly.

"¨"That Rebel is the bishop of Lord Raisa."

"Even so, he does not lack determination to win. As your future husband-in-law, the third young master of the Phoenix family places great importance on his family."

"So, he is reluctant to hold a ranking game and an engagement ceremony at a special time like his sister's disappearance."


the other side.

The one who rolled out of the sack was a cute girl who was unconscious because of a magic technique.

The golden steering wheel... ahem, it should be said to be a double ponytail.

The small face that seemed peaceful because of the deep sleep, the delicate skin that could be broken by blowing bullets, and the rather rudimentary Xiao Long Bao on his body.

Isn't this a roast chicken girl?

"Do you know this little girl?" Seeing the slightly surprised look on Su Mu's face, Cao Cao was stunned and asked.

"I don't know, but I probably know who this guy is."

Su Mu replied.