
Tutorial Pt.1

[True Dragon Emperors Bident:

Description: This sacred gear is a combination of Heavenly Dragon Vritra the Prison Dragon, The Purple Dragon emperor, Divine Dividing or The Heavenly Dragon Albion the White Dragon Emperor, Boosted Gear or the Heavenly Dragon Draig the Red Dragon Emperor, And a Cursed Bident and they were combined by some one who was born with all gears and if he didn't combine them he would die.]

"Well I can say this you are incredibly lucky cause you have a sacred gear with Three heavenly dragons combined into 1 creating a three headed Hydra but the only thing is that they all have their original personality." Says Kyu while amazed at the fact he got a power from a alternate reality.

"Ok that is everything I am ready to go to dxd I opened everything Kyu so what now." Asks Soren with a smile thinking of how strong he could get with and without his sacred gear.

"Well we can go now we will go to the Apartment your family in that world owns just to let you know there is a chance for Yasaka and Azazel will visit you cause you are know to them cause we had to make a story for your existence so you should also have manuals on how to use your Racial powers and Senjustu, Yojustu, and touki and many more your parents left before their demise." Says Kyu happy to get a potential strong partner.

"Ok let's go." Says Soren with a smile thinking of his favorite waifu in dxd.

Kyu then nods and snaps her fingers then it went dark.

Beep!! Beep beep!!!!

Soren then smash's his hand down on the alarm.

"Hey Soren wake up it is time to do the tutorial dungeon. But first learn these and take your mother's Kusarigama named Āsukitsune no kiba and Learning manuals for her fighting style with it and Yojustu, Senjustu, Touki, Foxfire Magic, Tail Manipulation, and Limited Shapeshifting, Fox Earth Magic your mothers unique trait only she had. Then there is your fathers naginata named Kazan-jū no kiba like your mother a learning manual for the naginata and Corrupted Holy Magic, Corrupted light Magic, Flying, Wing Summoning, Corrupted Holy Volcano Magic your fathers unique Trait that only he had. Oh and don't forget to open your gift pack it has 6 items in it." Kyu says suprised cause she just chose two random powerful Kistune and Fallen Angel.

Soren Opens his eyes to see Kyu with two weapons and 16 Manuals, He grabs the weapons and puts them into his storage with his gift pack and weapons but he then opens his gift pack.

Āsukitsune no kiba looks:

Kazan-jū no kiba looks:

[you have obtained...]

1. Mana Manipulation Manual

2. Magic Circle Creation and Manipulation Manual

3. Eraser Head/Shōta Aizawa Template

4. Five Ero-Tokens

5. 50,000 Love Shop points

6. Runic Magic

"Ok let's look at all the manuals." Says Soren with a smile.

[Will you like to learn.]

1. Yojustu

2. Senjustu


4.Whirpool Smashing Earth Kusarigama Arts

5.Whirlpool Smashing Earth Body Arts

6.Fox Fire Magic

7. Tail Manipulation

8. Limited Shapeshifting

9. Fox Earth Magic

10. Corrupted Holy Magic

11. Corrupted Light Magic


13.Wing Summoning

14. Corrupted Volcano Magic

15. Erupting Volcano Naginata Arts

16. Erupting Volcano Kicks Art

17. Mana Manipulation

18. Magic Circle Creation and Manipulation

19.Runic Magic

[Yes or No]

"Yes I will learn them." Says Soren While pressing yes then he looks at his status.

Name: Soren Ryuken Age: 18

Template: Eraserhead/Shōta Aizawa: 0.25

Race: Kistune/Fallen Angel

Total Level: 1

Class - Cyromancer - LVL 1/100  Exp: 0/100

Rank - Mortal

Alignment - Neutral Evil

HP - 1000 [20 per minute]

MP - 1500 [30 per minute]

KI- 1500 [50 per minute]

Body: 10

Mind: 20

Spirit: 10

Points - 5


Active Skills: Observe Lv.1, Senjustu Lv.1 (+), Youjustu Lv.1 (+), Touki Lv.1 (+), Haki Lv.1 (+), Ice- Make Magic Lv.1 (+), Runic Magic Lv.1 (+),  Id Creation & Destruction Lv.1 (+)

Kistune Skills: Limited ShapeShifting Lv.1 (+), Fox Fire Magic Lv.1 (+), Tails Manipulation Lv.1, Fox Earth Magic Lv.1 (+)

Fallen Angel Skills: Corrupted Holy Magic Lv.1 (+) , Corrupted Light Magic Lv.1 (+), Flying Lv.1, Wing Summoning Lv.1, Corrupted Holy Volcano Magic Lv.1 (+)

Passive Skills: Gamers Mind, Gamers Body, Ice Magic (Novice)

Extra Skills: Mana Manipulation Lv.1 (+), Magic Circle Creation & Manipulation Lv.1 (+), Erasure Lv.1 (+)

Martial Arts: Rokushiki Lv.1 (+), One Sword Style Lv.1 (+), Hassaikai Style Lv.1 (+), Erupting Volcano Naginata Arts Lv.1 (+), Erupting Volcano Kick Arts Lv.1 (+), Whirlpool Smashing Earth Kusarigama Arts Lv.1 (+), Whirlpool Smashing Earth Body Arts Lv.1 (+), Eraser Martial Arts Lv.1 (+), Binding cloth Arts Lv.1 (+)

True Dragon Emperors Bident: Absorption Line, (Delete Field, Shadow Prison, Blaze Black Flare (Locked), Divide,(Reflect, Dragon Poison Magic: Reduce(Locked),Boost, (Transfer, Penetrate, Store, Dragon Fire Magic: Blazing Iferno of scorching Flames(Locked),(Dragon Shadow Magic: Shadow Stitching, Dragon Blood Magic: Blood Hyena, Life Drain, Portal Creation(Locked), Dragon Aura, Holy Aura, Dragon Slayer Aura, Dragon Shot

Devil Fruit Ability: Space Lv.1 (+), Time Lv.1 (+), Soul Lv.1 (+)

Space of Babylon: Hassaikai, Shichiseiken, Kazan-jū no kiba, Āsukitsune no kiba, Capture Scarf, 5 Ero-Tokens

Love Shop:

Love Points: 50,000




"Well it is time to get you battle ready so I think you should take out the capture scarf and Hassaikai and when we get to the dungeon activate Busoshoku Haki: Hardening and Kenbunshoku Haki: Presence Sensing they both will be weak cause you are just starting but this will also let you use erasure through Kenbunshoku Haki: Presence Sensing, For Busoshoku Haki: Hardening you can use it to Harden Your skin but I will be teaching you black bones, Black Muscles, and Black Organs it's basically where you infuse so much Haki into that part that it turns black with Haki permanently like a Black Blade like Yoru. I also want you to learn Flaming Haki it is something I have seen only Luffy do with his red hawk technique." Explains Kyu with excitement in her voice.

"Ok let me Get them." Says Soren while opening his storage that looks like a golden blackhole and pulls out Hassaikai, and the capture scarf.

"Hey do you think it would be a good idea to wear the capture scarf to Kouh academy next week Kyu." Asks Soren.

"Yes it would you could practice it with Kendō with the kendo girls cause I am sure they would love for you to show them to a new martial arts you technically created in this world that is lethal and not lethal at the same time so I am sure they would love to help you practice." Kyu says with a lewd smile that you would see on Jiraiya from Naruto.

Soren nods he then uses id creation to create the tutorial dungeon which in a White flash he teleports into the dungeon.

"Ok now we are in a zombie dungeon so you should also know there are hidden treasure chest hidden under around the city, you can also use magic but I would prefer you get your Cyromancer class to 65 in the passing 5 weeks is when I think you can get it their now get out there and beat some undead ass." Exclaimed Kyu

Soren then nods while activating Kenbunshoku Haki: Presence Sensing and Busoshoku Haki: Hardening While grabbing the scarf and running out looking for a presence with his Haki he then sees a group of 10 zombies.

"Ok I know what combo I can do though it might not work cause this is the first time I am using it." Soren says to Kyu then he uses Observe to see he starts running at the zombies.

Zombie Lv.4

Body: 5



He then uses Smashing Capture he uses his scarf to wrap around all the zombies throwing them in the air and smashing them down head first while jumping up and grabbing Hassaikai and doing a Technique called Earth Crash smashing Hassaikai onto the Ground sending sharp Shockwaves to the surrounding destroying the zombies brain.

[you have defeated Zombie x10 75 Exp x10]

[You Have Reached Level 8]

[Hassaikai Style has reached level 5]

[Binding Cloth Arts has reached Level 7]

"Wait we are doing this wrong I should master hand to hand combat and Magic to a certain extent before weapons cause Eid I lose my weapon I won't get beat easily I am going to put these weapons in my storage Kyu and work on hand to hand and Magic." Says Soren while opening a golden blackhole and throwing them in the storage.

He then activates Busoshoku Haki: Hardening on his legs cause his arms already has it.

Name: Soren Ryuken Age: 18

Template: Eraserhead/Shōta Aizawa: 1.25

Race: Kistune/Fallen Angel

Total Level: 8

Class - Cyromancer - LVL 8/100  Exp: 93.75/1295

Rank - Mortal

Alignment - Neutral Evil

HP - 1000 [20 per minute]

MP - 1500 [30 per minute]

KI- 1500 [50 per minute]

Body: 18

Mind: 55

Spirit: 18

Points - 40


Active Skills: Observe Lv.1, Senjustu Lv.1 (+), Youjustu Lv.1 (+), Touki Lv.1 (+), Haki Lv.1 (+), Ice- Make Magic Lv.1 (+), Runic Magic Lv.1 (+),  Id Creation & Destruction Lv.1 (+)

Kistune Skills: Limited ShapeShifting Lv.1 (+), Fox Fire Magic Lv.1 (+), Tails Manipulation Lv.1, Fox Earth Magic Lv.1 (+)

Fallen Angel Skills: Corrupted Holy Magic Lv.1 (+) , Corrupted Light Magic Lv.1 (+), Flying Lv.1, Wing Summoning Lv.1, Corrupted Holy Volcano Magic Lv.1 (+)

Passive Skills: Gamers Mind, Gamers Body, Ice Magic (Novice)

Extra Skills: Mana Manipulation Lv.1 (+), Magic Circle Creation & Manipulation Lv.1 (+), Erasure Lv.1 (+)

Martial Arts: Rokushiki Lv.1 (+), One Sword Style Lv.1 (+), Hassaikai Style Lv.5(+), Erupting Volcano Naginata Arts Lv.1 (+), Erupting Volcano Kick Arts Lv.1 (+), Whirlpool Smashing Earth Kusarigama Arts Lv.1 (+), Whirlpool Smashing Earth Body Arts Lv.1 (+), Eraser Martial Arts Lv.1 (+), Binding cloth Arts Lv.7(+)

True Dragon Emperors Bident: Absorption Line, (Delete Field, Shadow Prison, Blaze Black Flare (Locked), Divide,(Reflect, Dragon Poison Magic: Reduce(Locked),Boost, (Transfer, Penetrate, Store, Dragon Fire Magic: Blazing Iferno of scorching Flames(Locked),(Dragon Shadow Magic: Shadow Stitching, Dragon Blood Magic: Blood Hyena, Life Drain, Portal Creation(Locked), Dragon Aura, Holy Aura, Dragon Slayer Aura, Dragon Shot

Devil Fruit Ability: Space Lv.1 (+), Time Lv.1 (+), Soul Lv.1 (+)

Space of Babylon: Hassaikai, Shichiseiken, Kazan-jū no kiba, Āsukitsune no kiba, Capture Scarf, 5 Ero-Tokens

Love Shop:

Love Points: 50,000


