
DxD: Kistune Yokai Gamer (On Hold)

Seven_deadly_sins_ · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Waking up in the Void


As far as I could tell, that's where I was, surrounded by nothing. There were no sensations, no thoughts, and I couldn't remember how I got there. I couldn't remember much at all, just vague flashes of a life that I could only assume was mine, but it was patchy. I couldn't recall my name or any family I might have had. There were some fuzzy remnants, but they'd been growing more and more difficult to recall. The passage of time was impossible to track as well, so I couldn't even guess how long I'd been here.

But eventually, I felt something. A vague pressure that slowly increased. It wasn't scary and it didn't hurt. In fact, it felt a little warm and comforting. I waited as the pressure slowly increased until it was nearly all-encompassing, and then it stopped. It hung there, neither increasing nor decreasing for a few moments, and then suddenly I felt a burst of heat.

Sensations flooded into me like a switch had been flipped or a valve opened. I could suddenly see and hear and think again, though I still didn't have a body and all around me was an empty void. Except for right in front of me, where there was a woman in a skimpy pink outfit, pink hair, and a large pair of iridescent wings. She was a fairy, but not just any fairy. I recognized her as Kyu, the Love Fairy.

"Aw hell yeah, I knew I could do it," Kyu exclaimed as she pumped her fist. "You should be able to hear and see and talk and junk now."

"Uhh. Hello?" I said tentatively, unsure of my new capabilities. My voice sounded right to me, so with a bit more confidence, I decided to ask a question. "Where am I right now? How did I get here?"

"Well, You was stabbed to death by your girlfriend's ex-boyfriend." Kyu says While Spawning a Wheel.

What...wait now I remember, her ex-boyfriend was very angry that his ex-girlfriend break up with him and jealous that I has stolen his ex-girlfriend.

"Well I picked you as my Gamer and this wheel Is the gacha wheel the wheel that shows how many Rewards you get decides the stuff I am already giving." Says Kyu While pushing me towards the wheel.

I then spin the wheel it spins for what I can tell a few seconds then stops on ten.

"Ok you have ten cheats. Oh but first let me give you your gamer ability's " She says then she summons 10 more wheels while putting a button that says spin in front of me.

Pick Your Race


"Hey Kyu does this mean I can get two races." ??? Asks while curious.

"Yes you can but it is gacha so you can get anything from a roach to a god." Says Kyu while curious about what races he would get.

I then spin the race gacha and get.

Kistune/ Fallen Angel

"Hey Congratulations you get two of the most powerful Races but pick your classes and come spin these wheels cause it seems you got the luck of the devil." Says Kyu While Smiling

I nod and look at the gamer screen.

Skills Gained

[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

Allows the user to calmly and logically think.

Gives a peaceful state of mind

Immunity to psychological status effect

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

Gives the body the ability to live like an RPG character

[Observe] (Active)

Provides information about the target

Choose Your Class

[Fighter] [Rogue] [Mage] [Support]

I want to learn magic. The others probably have their strong points. Like learning to use a sword, but magic. Who would give up that?

Choose Your Specialization

[Elementalist] [Summoner] [Necromancer] [Druid] [Illusionist]

What would be the best choice? Summoner and Necromancer sound amazing, but I don't want to have to rely on others. Druid... fuck that. I'm not going to be a tree hugger. Illusionist... I would have to trick others to fight for me. Elementalist is my choice.

Choose an element

[Pyrokinisis] [Aerokinisis] [Geokinisis] [Cryokinisis] [Hydrokinisis] [Locked] [Locked] ...

I was hoping for something with shadows that may be light. However, I guess I need to work for those.

I don't want Geokenisis because honestly, it is one of the lamest elements. So what you can control earth. It isn't like you can cause earthquakes. Well... you probably can, but it must be a lot of work. That may be something for another time.

Hydrokinesis sounds like an amazing choice. However, ice would be an upgrade to that element and it much cooler. That leaves Ice, fire, and air. Ice and fire sound amazing and I could bring down chaos, but Ice seems better to me.

Class Gained

[Cyromancer] - LVL 1/100

Gain 5 Mind every level

Skills Gained

[Ice Magic (Novice)](Passive)

Gained instinctual knowledge about Ice magic.

Ice Magic related spells are 10% stronger.

[Ice Needles]

Creates Ice needles from anywhere that Freezes and bites your target, Deals Mind plus 50 Ice Damage

Costs: 50 MP

[Ice bullet]

Shoots bullets of Ice from Anywhere. Deals Mind plus 25 Ice Damage

Costs: 25 MP per bullet

[Ice Spears]

Launch spears of Ice at your target. Deals Mind plus 100 Ice Damage.

Costs: 100 MP

[Ice Wall]

Create an large wall made of Ice for protection.

Costs: 50 MP

Now for my status

Soren Ryuken

Level - 1

Class - Cyromancer - LVL 1/100

Race - Kistune/Fallen Angel

Rank - Mortal

Alignment - Neutral Evil

HP - 1000 [20 per minute]

MP - 1500 [30 per minute]

KI- 1500 [50 per minute]

Body: 10

Mind: 20

Spirit: 10

Points - 5

MP Regen = Mind X 2

MP = Mind X 10

HP Regen = Body X 2

HP = Body X 10

Ki Regen = Mind X 2

Ki= Mind X 10

Hm that must be my new name oh well I don't remember my old one anymore anyway.

"You seem to be done go click the button and then come over here they are going to spin for a while I have to explain something to you." Say Kyu in a cheery tone.

I then push the spin button and they all start spinning so I walk to Kyu so she can start explaining.

"Ok your cheats are spinning so let me say this you are going to highschool dxd and you are going to have the biggest harem possible. Oh wait we have to create your body here pick what you want." Says Kyu remembering I don't have a body.

"I already know what I want to look like it is my favorite anime character with changes its scar from Fullmetal alchemist but with Lavender and Silver hair and I am changing the location and shape to over my right eye and in the shape of let's go with shanks scar from one piece." I say while creating my body.

"Ok but make sure to put a huge dick cause I am not about to have you a virgin like issei even after all the girls that throw themselves at him." Says Kyu with a lechurous smile on her face.

"Ok how big I mean I was already big with 8 inch's in my last life." I ask while also not wanting to blue ball myself like issei does the whole show.

"Well I think you should go 12 inches long and 3 and an 1/2 inches wide cause you most likely will grow from all the powers you get." Explains Kyu with a sagely nod.

"Ok but isn't that over kill." I ask worried for the women that I sleep with in the future.

"Naw women stretch don't worry plus I will be giving you Ero-Token they have eromancy skills to pick from you will be able to pick one for each token. Oh look they are stopping" Kyu says with a smile.

I then look at the and see I got some of the most broken skills and items ever.

1. Hassaikai & Manual on kaidos Fighting Style with it (One Piece)

2.Shichiseiken & Manual on one sword Style (One Piece)

3. Space Devil Fruit (One Piece)

4.Time Devil Fruit (One Piece)

5.Sacred Gear Ticket (Dxd)

6.Soul Devil Fruit (One Piece)

7. Complete Rokushiki Manual (One Piece)

8.Haki (+) (One Piece)

9. Gates of Babylon (Empty) (Fate)

10.Ice- Make Magic Manual (Fairy Tail)

"Wow you got a lot of powerful stuff we'll eat your devil fruits and put the rest in your inventory wait hold on you have the synthesis function after you eat all the fruits I have recommendations on what to fuse." Says Kyu while smiling with a crazy smile.

I then eat all the devil fruits and learn all the learning skills I can then I ask " hey Kyu now what do I fuse."

"Well you can fuse The Inventory, Gates of Babylon and Space Fruit this will turn gate of Babylon into a space Fruit ability, then you can fuse all your ice spells into ice make magic, that all I suggest fusing fight" suggest Kyu.

I then go to the fusion function and I do as she says with fusing them.

(Space-Space no Mi + Gates of Babylon + Inventory = Space-Space no Mi (+))

(Ice Needles + Ice Bullets + Ice Spears + Ice Wall + Ice Make Magic = Ice Make Magic (+))

"Ok Done Now what." I ask with curiousity

"Well you should use your sacred gear ticket to see what you get." Kyu says.

I then use the ticket and I get the True Dragon Emperors Bident.

[True Dragon Emperors Bident:

Description: This sacred gear is a combination of Heavenly Dragon Vritra the Prison Dragon, The Purple Dragon emperor, Divine Dividing or The Heavenly Dragon Albion the White Dragon Emperor, Boosted Gear or the Heavenly Dragon Draig the Red Dragon Emperor, And a Cursed Bident and they were combined by some one who was born with all gears and if he didn't combine them he would die.]
