
DxD: Issei with Divine Dividing

Host of one of the heavenly dragon emperor also known as Divine Divinding, and you can even remeber this dragon as a long eternal rival of red heavenly emperor dragon. Fed up in the part time work where he was exorcist, and his superior hypocrisy and their behaviour, he quits. And now find himself again in japan to be exact in kuoh city. Now he just have to wnjoy life and build a harem worthy of a dragon.

Vengeance9578 · Anime und Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 2 Don't try to stop me.

Irina had grown up nicely in the last few years. Her long hair in a chestnut color was tied into twin tails. Her purple eyes shined at him with pricking tears. He had seen her body in the skin-tight Church Battle attire just like Xenovia but now, both of them were wearing long robes.

Xenovia had blue hair with a green streak. It was short and that was how she liked it. Her eyes were yellow and Issei found it was fitting they would say goodbye dressed modestly. He wondered why they had chosen to wear those clothes like this as it was hot for them. Underneath those robes, they had to be sweating and he preferred biker clothes above those outfits.

"Issei, you really are leaving?" Xenovia asked while Irina remained quiet. She knew when her friend made up his mind, there would be no stopping him.

"Yes and don't try to stop me." He answered and both girls knew that he wouldn't stop with his decision.

They knew why and unlike them, he was free to make his calls.

"Please. We need you." Irina had tried the tears before but Issei shook his head. Wiping the tears away from her eyes, he offered her some kindness.

"Come on. My childhood friends shouldn't cry over an idiot like myself." She had to laugh through the tears. Opening his garage, he rolled his bike out. The airport would be open and he had a flight to catch.

"Issei, please." Xenovia begged him and Issei felt his heart twinge a bit.

"I have made my call. There is nothing else." Looking over them, he felt sorry but they had to be comforted by others.

But he wouldn't leave them just crying her. So grabbing the two girls by the shoulders, they felt a searing kiss on their lips. Irina was the first to go down while Xenovia fell down on the pavement as she felt the kiss.

Turning the helmet on, Issei winked at them;

"We'll see each other again. I am sure of that." And with that, Issei drove off with his bike. He was going back home.

While he left another one.

Scene change

Issei knew that getting his bike onboard wouldn't be easy but luckily, his cars had already been flown over to Japan. He had booked a luxurious apartment in Kuoh that had enough place to store them. He would be turning heads as soon he strolled into Kuoh.

Now, he was taking a plane in an airplane. First-class with enough space. While there were limits to what he spent money on, this was a one-way flight to Tokyo. From there out, he could drive to Kuoh. He sat back with a drink and sank into his headphones.

Music began blearing into them. He could sleep as well during those times. He had no idea what he would be getting into but he doubted that it wouldn't be anything that he couldn't handle.

As long the captain would keep the bogus to himself. From someone who should be flying an airplane, he was taking a mighty big interest in what he was doing back in his place.

After fourteen hours.

Issei had to thank Albion for knocking him out during the flight. That way he felt the trip go by fast and he no longer had to worry about his energy levels.

He slept like a log while the Sunday had set over into Tuesday now. It would be a week before he would be in Kuoh taking classes. It would be more to enjoy his daily high school life. He would need to keep it in moderation though.

Kuoh was unfamiliar territory to him now. As soon he got from the airplane, he smelt it. The smell of soy sauce. Mixed with chemicals and the likes. Well, he would be getting his butt out of Tokyo. In the parking lot, his Yamaha waited.

When the whole thing was set done, he drove off. He had to take a mighty long tour but for Issei, there was nothing better. He was going back home for a good reason. To get Asia. He only wondered where the blonde would be.

At least, he had a good idea of what he could do during that time. Asia had to get to Kuoh and from there, he could go further. And well, those other ladies didn't look too bad either. Unlike other beings, Issei didn't discriminate against other beings.

Well, it wouldn't hurt taking a tour around. And from there on, Issei drove his bike. All to the south. Kuoh laid there. If estimates worked out and he drove with just a break in between, he would get into Kuoh in three days.

That would give him enough time to settle in. And with that done, Issei drove off to his new home.

He lived for the battle and would see that he had new scraps to get into. It would be good training until he found his foes. Destinies sucked.

Three days later.

On Thursday, late evening, Issei Hyoudou rolled into Kuoh. Miles before he would even get there, he made sure that he sealed his powers deep. It would be nearly impossible to detect him.

Nearly. Issei had learned through life that the impossible didn't exist.

It had been ages since he set foot into Kuoh. The city had changed a lot. Roads were gone or they appeared. Playgrounds were torn down or rebuilt. God, he missed this place. When he drove into the city, it really hit home how much he missed his home.

He passed by his folks' place. Half of him wanted to jump off and ring the bell. A part of him was prepared to get a hit on the face from his father, his mother crying, and a whole lot more. As soon he walked in, the spell done on them by the Church would be dispelled.

A real cruel fate for his folks. He learned only later that they had lost two siblings before and that they had given the information that Issei died during a traffic accident.

Cruel but having a young Dragon in your house would lead to deaths that were tenfold in cruelty.

He couldn't do that to them. Not until he was sure he could keep them safe.