
DXD Issei: The Mind of Games

Waking up to reality with the view of a system, the stats that he could see described his powers. Issei died to only be revived once more to see the world in a different view. This view was the supernatural world... the same world that killed him. Getting up and with this new gamer like system, Issei would strive to become the strongest there was. He would be the epitome of strength and resilience just to get his revenge on that fallen angel. (Title cover is not mine and is drawn by Juan Acosta)

DatBoiEraser · Anime und Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 38

Everyone who knew Issei widened their eyes. Rias finally began piecing things together with the way that Issei acted with others, especially women, recently and how different it was with the rumors that went around about him. Issei... was traumatized by Raynare and the way that he blew up upon hearing the woman's name. Rias could only look at Issei in sadness as he stood surprised while looking at Vali, who was still in mid-air while pushing his kick into Issei's arm.

"Did I catch you off guard." Vali smirked, but he didn't expect Issei to immediately grab his leg and slam Vali straight into the floor of the school, the one that they stood in, causing for the entire room to collapse into the ground. The sheer power behind Issei's slam was enough to throw Vali straight into a critical condition.

Once the smoke settled, Issei was seen standing in front of a broken, bruised, and bloody Vali. It took only one slam for Issei to nearly kill Vali.

"You speak for someone very puny."

"Vali! What is the meaning of this?" Azazel questioned Vali, who in response, simply began laughing while getting up.

"What is the purpose of this?" Vali began spitting out some blood while cracking his neck before reentering his balance breaker form. "I was getting bored Azazel... I was itching to fight against someone strong. A certain someone was able to speak to me into joining their side... Now, I am on my own side." Vali turned his head to Issei and began backing away. "I wasn't expecting for you to be this powerful... I have no other choice but to enter this form of mine."

"Partner... Vali will be entering the Juggernaut Drive." Ddraig mentally spoke to Issei immediately upon realizing what the host of the white dragon was going to do.

Issei acknowledged the comment but continued waiting for Vali to enter this form.

"I don't know how long it will take... But I need a couple of seconds to say the chant..." Vali mumbled to himself.

"I'll wait... If this will bring you to your most powerful, then I'll wait." Issei shouted to Vali.

"Issei! Do not underestimate the power of the Juggernaut Drive!" Azazel screamed at Issei, but the boy simply ignored it.

"I, who am about to awaken..."

<They are going to be blasted away>

<They certainly are going to be blasted away>

Vali began changing his body, as his arms, within the armor, began growing to resemble more of a dragon.

"Am the heavenly dragon who lost all to the principles of supremacy..."

<The dream will end>

<The illusion will begin>

His head began extending and changing furthermore to resemble more of a dragon. With the teeth being sharp and the eyes beginning to shine with a flaming inferno.

"I shall become the white dragon of supremacy..."

"And I shall take you to the limits of innocence!"

[Juggernaut Drive]

Standing at triple the height, Vali finished his metamorphosis as he finally stood on all two with his draconic body.

"I hope you don't regret your choice."

Issei stood still with no emotions shown. Vali shot straight towards him, shooting his fist across, and landing it directly onto Issei, he watched as Issei's head shifted in direction with his fist and spat out saliva. However, what he also noticed was Issei continued staring straight into his eyes.


Name: Vali Lucifer (Juggernaut Drive)

Title: The White Dragon Emperor

Race: Devil/Human hybrid

Level: 80 (+20)

HP: 7500/7500

MP: 9225/9225

STR: 125 (+100)

AGL: 105 (+50)

END: 100 (+50)

INT: 123 (+50)

Bonus: +40% Damage Reduction


Issei simply said, "Balance Breaker..."

Shining in a bright crimson light, Issei was covered in crimson armor that protected him. His body began glowing with a bright reddish aura of pure dominance. Everyone was shocked beyond belief...

"You're... the Red Dragon Emperor?" Vali was in pure surprise and was only able to mutter that.

Rias could only stare in awe as she witnessed her hero become even more badass in her eyes. Sirzechs was relieved to know that they didn't have Issei as an enemy... It would have caused issues in the future with the rate his power was increasing.

"Ha! Both the Red and White are fighting... No matter what the situation is... They always tend to find each other to brawl with." Azazel jokingly said while watching as Issei anchored himself and, activating both blitz and Berserk's Wrath, slammed his fist straight into Vali's gut.


Blitz has evolved to Speed Demon

Speed Demon will now increase agility stat by 25%


Issei watched as Vali was shot straight through the sky. With them being at the same level and Issei being able to tank nearly all of Vali's attacks, this was going to be a one-sided massacre. Speed Demon and the Balance Breaker bringing Issei's agility stat to something close to Vali's. It was just the battle between the two brutes in strength.

Shaking his head from the blow, Vali spread his wings and continued muttering the words divide.

[Divide x 10]

However, Issei only felt a little bit of his power being depleted. Rushing straight at Vali, the latter being surprised with how easily his divide attempt was shrugged off. Summoning is hammer, Issei simply brought it to overshadow the moon in Vali's eyes and slammed it down. Vali could only attempt to block the attack...


With such power, activating Berserk Wrath, Issei shattered straight through Vali's guard and slammed him into the ground again. Causing the ground to concave up, an earthquake was formed, spreading tremors to the outlandish cities form where they stood, Issei brought wind pressures not even the most powerful hurricanes could produce. Vali, once more, stood underneath Issei with his entire body broken, bruised, and bloody. However, his spirit was still strong, smiling and reentering the Juggernaut Drive form. He swung at Issei, expecting for him to catch him off guard, he was horrified in seeing Issei outright tanking the blow.

"You can't even hurt me." Those words sent shivers down Vali's spine. Backing away, he realized that he stood no chance against this... behemoth.

Vali began throwing blow after blow, watching as none of them fazed Issei.

[Half Dimension]

Vali's last resorted technique, he watched as Issei simply shrugged it off. His pure raw strength was too much for Vali's technique to work properly. The vast difference in power between the two made Vali's current half dimension be nullified.

Issei continued looking down at Vali... waiting for him to be tired out and be hopeless. "If you investigated properly... You would know that there will be one thing in common between you and Raynare."

Vali, being out of breath from giving his all into each blow into Issei while they stood in front of each other, widening his eyes as he had an idea of what Issei was going to refer to. "What is it?"

"Hell is your final destination." Raising his hammer into the sky, Issei activated Iron Flesh and Berserk Wrath once more.


Iron Flesh has evolved into Crystallized Frame

Crystallized Frame: The skill allows for the user to become the epitome of defense. The user will get 10% endurance, strength, and health gains. The user will gain 15% damage reduction with the skill activated. The cost of the skill will now be 3 MP per second used. 25% health will be healed when the skill is activated, once per battle.

Berserk Wrath has evolved into Titanic Smash

Titanic Smash: The skill allows for the user to have near impenetrable hyper armor when going through attacks. Upon piercing through attacks, the user will be given 7.5% damage reduction, depending on the strength the user has compared to their opponent. Will allow for the user, upon contact, to immense damage depending on the condition.

Dependent Damage Condition: If the user has the same strength as their opponent, the user will deal 50% more damage and have 10% pierce damage. If the user has 20 strength more than their opponent, the user will deal 75% more damage and have 15% pierce damage. If the user has 50 strength more than their opponent, the user will deal 100% more damage and have 20% pierce damage. If the user has more than 100 strength than their opponent, the user will deal 200% more damage and 30% pierce damage.


Seeing as though Issei had more than 50+ strength compared to Vali, he was going to absolutely incinerate the man.

"Wait! Don't kill him!" Azazel screamed from behind Issei. "Please! Don't... He's my... He's like a son to me!"

Vali could only close his eyes as Issei slammed the hammer... Creating a tornado of fiery winds from the heat that Issei produced with the pressure, all that could be seen afterward was a burning crater with an unconscious Vali and a disappointed Issei.

"This was... interesting..." Walking away, Issei could only watch as Azazel sighed in relief and Sirzechs was smiling warmly at Issei.

"Did it again... Saving the day." Grayfia could only rush towards Issei with Rias by her side.

"Are you okay?" Grayfia questioned... After hearing the details of Issei's trauma, her motherly instincts were kicking in... Issei was still a child after all. Placing her hands on Issei's cheek, she could vividly see a small scratch formed from Vali's first punch on him.

Rias also began to check if Issei was alright. When seeing nothing harmful on him, she sighed in relief and hugged him. "How do you always save us?"

Issei couldn't answer with the fact that the system wanted him to save them for rewards... He simply sighed and continued walking towards Sirzechs. "I'm fine... Just tired is all. No need to worry about me..." Without anyone noticing, someone broke into the barrier that was broken by Issei and snatched the unconscious Vali from the ground and escaped.

Standing in front of the leaders, Issei could only ask, "So... is the peace treaty finish?"

"We just have to tell our people that it is... Because we all unanimously agree." Sirzechs spoke, earning the nods from the other leaders.

"I just wanted to ask... if it isn't too difficult to ask... But, can we borrow your hero for help... We need a little bit of help in Heaven." Gabriel innocently asked.

Knowing that this was going to become a quest for him to finish for rewards, he simply nodded. "Sure... Just tell me when and I'll help, but for now... I'll probably crash at my house."


Quest Completed: Survive the Meeting

Rewards: +++++ Reputation with everyone in the room who you don't know

+Level Up X 8

+New Title

+Reward from Sirzechs

+12 titanite shards


New Title Obtained: Hero of the Devil Faction

Details: Obtained from helping the devil faction severely and being in good relationship with them.

Attribute Bonus: +10% to all stats


"Issei... before you leave... I have something to give you. The reward that I had said earlier for saving the factions and specifically my sister... I wanted to give it to you in person." Summoning a special item... Issei inspected the item... "This was something I wanted to give you in hopes of helping you on your journey to becoming someone powerful. Seeing how you love to end your battles in quick sessions and tank the blows... I decided to make this extra durable and extremely powerful. Using the many rare ores that Hell has to offer, I enchanted the armor to make sure that it would be to your liking. I was only able to afford to make the leggings..."


Armor: Satanic Leggings (Enchanted)

Rarity: Legendary

Attributes: +25 Endurance

+10% Damage Reduction

Enchantments: +20% Strength

+20% Endurance

Enchantments are the empowerment of armor and weapons made by a greater being of sorcery. These weapons can have powerful enchantments which can change the rarity of weapons.


Smiling warmly to Sirzechs, Issei grabbed the leggings and thanked him before teleporting away.

Equipping the leggings and seeing his level shoot up... Not only that, Issei decided to use his Titanite Shards to upgrade the Giant Crusher to level 3.


Giant Crusher —> Giant Crusher (+3)

Cost: 12 Titanite Shards

Attribute change: +80 STR —> +90 STR


The first two levels brought in +3 STR each, but the third brought in an additional increase on top of the three. Issei watched his stats and his jaws shot open.


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Title: Hero of the Devil Faction

Race: Titan

Level: 103

HP: 40824/40824

MP: 537.5/537.5

STR: 280.5 (+92)

AGL: 136.4 (-10)

END: 153.12 (+51)

INT: 115.5 (-8)

Bonus:+88% Damage Reduction

+20% Pierce Damage

Skills: Crystallized Frame

Titanic Smash

Chaotic Manipulation


Issei was shocked... who at his level would be able to compete with him in strength?