
DXD Issei: The Mind of Games

Waking up to reality with the view of a system, the stats that he could see described his powers. Issei died to only be revived once more to see the world in a different view. This view was the supernatural world... the same world that killed him. Getting up and with this new gamer like system, Issei would strive to become the strongest there was. He would be the epitome of strength and resilience just to get his revenge on that fallen angel. (Title cover is not mine and is drawn by Juan Acosta)

DatBoiEraser · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 37

"Issei!" Rias ran to Issei... they were standing in the middle of the meeting room in which the faction peace treaty was going to take place.

Hugging the brunette, Issei could only slightly groan. "Hey Rias... how's it going?"

Smiling brightly, Rias replied, "Great because you're here now."

Sirzechs was in the back giggling. Artemis wasn't here because Issei was able to convince her that she wasn't needed to come and the fact that it would cause some... unnecessary interactions between the Greek and the factions.

That was when he heard another man laugh, turning to see a man with black feathers, twelve of them, and black hair that had yellow tips, Issei narrowed his eyes at him. "So, this is the man that you hold so highly, Sirzechs?"

"Azazel... Trust me, he's far stronger than he looks." Sirzechs backed Issei up.

"I don't doubt that... it's just baffling that someone randomly, who was never known to the supernatural world, just stop Kokabiel and is bringing the three factions together to have peace."


New Quest: Survive the Meeting

Rewards: +++++ Reputation with everyone in the room who you don't know

 +Level Up X 8

 +New Title

 +Reward from Sirzechs

 +12 titanite shards


Alright, all Issei needed to do would be to survive this meeting.

Michael, the blonde-haired man, stood at the opposing side of Azazel and Sirzechs with a smile on his face responded to the bickering of the other leaders. "Should we begin the meeting?"

"Of course!" Azazel sat down on his side of the table that they were circling.

Serafall quickly shot straight up, her being on Sirzechs's right, and pointed her finger straight at Azazel, "Your people started this! They nearly killed my dear little Sona!"

"Just because one of my people went out of my control and decided to go stray doesn't mean it's my fault." Azazel quickly defended himself.

"Kokabiel is your responsibility!"

"And stray devils? Whose responsibilities, are they?" Azazel quickly interjected Serafall.


"Tell me... what about the Holy Sword project?" Michael and Gabriel, the beautiful blonde-haired angel sitting next to Michael, both frowned a little from that remark. "You want to blame me for my people... then what about the many lives your people traumatized and killed? We all can't control everyone... we're not their parents."

After saying that, Azazel sighed and sat down. Sirzechs noticed the silent Serafall, who also followed Azazel and sat down, and he quickly spoke, "I understand-"

Issei quickly interjected all of the leaders, "Aren't we here for peace?" The leaders looked at Issei and noticed his bored expression... Issei was getting very bored. "You all came here for peace... yet you all are beginning to argue again. Just... pledge you want peace or not."

Sirzechs smiled slightly hearing Issei, "He's right... we shouldn't blame each other for the mistakes others have made. All we can do now is to move forward and fix those mistakes... one way we can atone for these mistakes is to make peace. I, Sirzechs Lucifer, agree to make peace with the two other factions."

Before the other two factions could get a say in the matter, nearly everyone in the room froze. Rias's peerage, including Xenovia and excluding Rias, froze and Sona's peerage was the same. Everyone else was fine... even Issei, as he was powerful enough to bypass the weak time freezing attempt.

"What the hell happened?" Serafall exclaimed.

"Rias... Did Gasper do this?" Sirzechs asked his sister, in which she widened her eyes and realized her mistake.

"Brother! I left Gasper in the occult building... I didn't think... I need to save him now!"

"Damn it! So... we're being under attack?"

Issei noticed hundreds of mages all beginning to be summoned in the area. The occult building... wasn't that the building where Rias usually stays around?


New Quest: Save the boy

Reward: +++ Reputation with Rias and her peerage


Blasting straight through the wall in front of him and exciting the building, Issei darted straight towards the occult building. Many of the mages were shooting at him, he simply tanked them. None of them were at his level, not a single one was near his power. With a simple slam of his hammer, which he summoned while he noticed a few hundred mages in front of him, he killed nearly all of them from the sheer pressure of his attack.

Appearing right in the building where Gasper was being hostage, the little boy noticed Issei and began to panic. "Please! Stay away from me!" He was being held hostage by three mages.

"Stay back or the boy gets it!"

"We will kill him right here and now-"

Issei already threw his hammer straight at the mages head, decapitating the woman and leaving her right on the ground to create a pile of blood. The other two mages screamed in fear of the sudden death... However, Issei already grabbed the two with his bare hands and crushed their heads with no hesitation. "Speed run..."

Gasper looked up at Issei with absolute fear... everything in his body was telling him to run away... everything was telling him that this man was a threat... but something was telling him that if he ran... this man would catch him in seconds. Issei looked at Gasper and... the boy passed out from fear.

"Mission... successful... I think?"


Completed Quest: Save the boy

Reward: +++ Reputation with Rias and her peerage


"Easy reputation points... Now, time to bring him back." Grabbing the boy and lifting him up, Issei rushed straight back to the main meeting room. Seeing the others fighting against the mages, Issei placed Gasper down onto the ground and watched as everyone was finally unfrozen.

Rias was the first to run towards Issei, hugging him and sobbing into his shirt while thanking him... Issei simply ignored her sobs and turned to see Azazel finishing off his opponent... Issei didn't know who the opponent was because Azazel already killed them by the time he turned to see them.

"Hmm... an all out attack..." Issei felt someone rushing towards him, he simply moved his arm up and blocked the oncoming kick.

"Damn... you're good." Turning to see who it was, Issei noticed a silver-haired man smirking down at him.

"No... you're just bad."


Name: Vali Lucifer (Balance Breaker)

Title: The White Dragon Emperor

Race: Devil/Human hybrid

Level: 80 (+5)

HP: 7500/7500

MP: 9225/9225

STR: 125 (+30)

AGL: 105 (+25)

END: 100

INT: 123

Bonus: +30% Damage Reduction


"Issei right? When I heard of a hero of the devil faction... I was confused. I didn't expect for the devils to have a hero... However, when I pinpointed who the person was by watching you defeat Riser with ease... there was many things I was able to find out about you." Issei raised his eye brow upon hearing that. For someone to investigate into him... "To my surprise, it wasn't hard to find out that you're the infamous pervert in your school. The largest pushover... That just didn't seem right... I went around asking others in your school about you... they continued saying the same until... I asked one of your classmates in many of your classes..."

Narrowing his eyes, Issei didn't like where this was going. "You changed... they said... so, I began investigating around the place until I found a certain Fallen Angel near the proximity... She was quite a sight to behold."

Vali smiled mischievously, "Raynare... Your first date... your first lover that killed you. No wonder you changed... you were traumatized by her..."