
Dungeon Master: Divinity

Following a Reincarnator killed by truck-sama. watch as he builds up a grand dungeon

Tristan175 · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Day 1

inside a certain cave, a man clad in black robes opened his eyes, the throne was simple course stoned shaped coursly.... and rough....

atop that throne seated on there was a man clad in ancient black robes.... he had black shaggy black hair, and deep abyssal eyes.... dispite his appearance, that of being a human he gave the world around him a 'sickly' feeling, with his deathly pale skin.

atop at the very roof above the throne is a crimson jewel glowing brightly



[ welcome Master ]


[ you are now a dungeon master, master ]

it continued to press me.... and throw infomation my way.... as a UI appeared in my vision... with a list

Dungeon Store

- Quests

- Monsters

-Dungeon Turrein and Appearance

- Equipment

- Essentials

than there was other options such as - Mail - witch in fact i did have mail....

[ Gift Pack open? y/n? ]

[ yes ]

immeadiatly a popping sound could be heard

- 20,000 DP

- 10 Golden Gacha tickets.

seeing this i was ecstatic... and began to look at the details of the items of gained

- DP, a currency to be used for oyur dungeon.

- Golden Gacha Ticket - a grand gacha ticket with a 10% chance to get something valueable. be it a monster or item

immeadiatly i chose to use my golden gacha tickets....

the results were

- flower pot (random)

- Goblin Rider Wolf Pack (random)

- a stick (random)

- a boiled egg (random)

- Manticore (baby)

- a high class battle butler (random)

- Fallen Angel (Random)

- detailed world holographic map

- a fork (random)

- Ant Queen (random)

instantly... they appeared before me one by one.

a simple black flower pot appeared in front of me, followed by a Goblin rider wolf pack... number 20 in total.... they looked fierce and experienced.

followed by a simple stick... it will actually make a good walking stick... go figure. a boiled egg arrived in my hand, surprisingly it was massive, and white like an ostrich egg....

than a manticore baby appeared in front of me, with a small lions head, leathery wings, a griffins body and a scorpians tail....

i looked at the rating it had [ S CLASS! ] the goblins were merely [ D-Class! ]

than soon in front of me a stunning women appeared.... dressed in a butlers uniform of dressed shirt and pants, and black vest and smart dress shoes with her hair tied up in a pony tail with black hair and grey eyes

[ A-Class! ]

i looked at her status

[ Sebestian Micheales

the martial bulter

desc: a loyal butler to serve her master ]

than a black winged man appeared in front of me.... [ SS-Class ] i was flabbergasted at my luck..

though all of these are young and untrained individuals, the classification seems to merely show their potential.

finally a black fork was summoned in my hand, than finally...

a in a massive burst of light...

[ Giant Armored Ant Queen ]

it was ginormous taking up majority of the cave, it was at least 4 times the size of an elephant... and its giant mandibles clacked.... it shifted and bowed in my direction as i sat upon my throne....

seeing this, i began to create my dungeon.

i expanded the first floor and summoned a great deal of goblins as they were going to be a main source fo fire power for me, as they breed quickly and were cheap... only 5 DP.

so i bought 200 goblins, costing me 1000 DP. leaving me with 19000 DP... witch i used to expand my floors... going right up to 5 floors.... costing me 5000 DP, and an additional 2000 DP to customise and create a layout for the floors....

when suddenly when i hit the fifth floor [ Creating Mana Veins ] instantly i felt the change in all the dungeon, as more and more mana filled the air... the monsters in front of me seemed to strengthened as a result and i gained additional options.

it was an additional 500 DP to arm all the goblins with bows, arrows and copper swords...

1st floor became grassy plains with a great mountain in the middle with a village for the goblins.... the second floor became a mausoleum with a dark evil forest, covered in mist. than the third floor became a laberinth an intricate maze and ancient looking maze. while the 4th floor was a massive grassy plain, with a single mound in the middle, for the ant queen. and the 5th floor is a massive swampy area... each floor was given the corresponding monsters...

1st floor was to be the home of goblins and orcs, 2nd floor, undead, and golems, 3rd floor, minotaurs and magical constructs, 4th floor home of various monsters and ants, 5th floor, lizardmen, and various monsters or elementals that thrive iin the swamplands....

i used every single DP to fill up and customise my dungeon.... as i already had a boss-class monster, such as the ant queen, and my fallen angel witch i armed to the teeth in iron gear.... i was set.