
day 2 intruders

various traps had been set up on the first floor

pitfall traps, filled with spikes, streams with constant flowing unseable and untastable poison, pitfall traps, rockfall traps, even bear traps.

my pitfall traps on the first floor were yet ones with spikes inside it, but they varied.... acid fall traps, poisonous bug fall trap, and they are all quite self explanatory but for good measure ill explain a few of them to you.

these pitfall traps are covered in a kind of light mesh so it blends in with the enviroment, covered with fake grass over the grassy plains, and considering im the the one that made them, they were pracitcally indistinguishable from the surrounding fauna and area.... it was honestly quite frightening.... thankfully my monsters seemed to know by instinct where the traps are located.... and its through out the entire floor, but most intensely at 'rest points' ive created through out the 1st floor considering i made it so massive.

there was also wild life or monsters from spawners here... such a a goblin spawner, of course they were mating as we speak, and they were mostly female... and they breed extremely quickly....

it only takes a month for the gestation period to be completed...and merely a week for them to grow up.... the life span of the average goblin is 30 years oh yeah, 2-3 babies are practically garenteed from a goblin a female.

there was tough boar spawners and red deer spawners on the first floor as well, along with various edible fauna for them to hunt down and eat...

so lets think about it, in 1 month my forces could potentially double to.... well there is 50 males and 150 females.... 2x150 is 300 so my goblin forces will potentially be more than that... and will boost to 500 goblins.... pretty nice right?

of course i set a day and night cycle for the first floor, they train by day aganst each other females included, no matter if their pregnant or not, and they spar each other....

of course i bought a high hobgoblin to lead them. with their superior inteligence.... whats more he gained the class [ Goblin Commander ] i decked him out with full plated gear witch he adores, and a large sword and shield....

goblins have superior strength in this world as well... humans were on the bottom of the food chain. beastmen were at the top.... however we were located in human territory.

that was when my alarm went off in my head... and i saw 40 figures enter into my domain....

20 of them were swordsmen in full plate, while the rest were bowman....

the leader clad in golden armor spoke to his forces....

"this is a subjugation mission we are, birng back this young dungeon core back to the city to fuel our magic power."

indeed humans had the option to increase their potential and magic power by using a dungeon core, we were currently near a Empire of Humans on the plains near my dungeon however, were stationed in a high risk area.

called the valley of death.... unfortunately they had an outpost near it, and many dungeons were inside the forest of death, along with a great spawn rate of said dungeons.

Lucien watched them advance when suddenly.... a small group of 6 clad in full plate, broke something underneath their heel.... and than they screamed...


they fell into a large pit a welcoming... presnt of the dungeon from me to you....

Lucien laughed coldly... as he watched them get impaled from the massive wooden spikes bellow filled with various poisonous flesh eating insects....

centipedes crawled and bit into their flesh, worms went down and into their orfices and began to eat them from the inside out, while specially bought insects, called scarabs... dub into and under their flesh and began to eat their bones.... and chirped happily at the meal....

[ 500 DP ]

I heard the sound of poping and i saw a notification appear in front of me on after the other Six times.... gaining me a sweet 3,000 DP.... a massive increase from my original 0 DP that i had left over.

all the while....

people were heaving on the 1st floor watching their comrades die in such a horrific manner, it made them pale and heave into the pit or into onto the surorudning grass.... and this beuatiful landscape of meadows and grassy hills became a deathtrap to them... but charles the leader... shouted to them

"fear not... we will send a scout in every direction! i need volunteers!"

no one dared to raise their hand for such an endeaver "it was by the order of the crown, and by my right as lietenant of the army of the Azin Empire, i order you all to comply! VOLUNTEERS!"

he shouted and flashed a golden sigil with a lions head on it... they paled, and a few brave souls volunteeered for death. numbering 5 in total... leaving a total of 29 with the main force.... it was at this moment.... a band of goblins hidden by their green skin opened fire towards them... with their bows...

silently the arrows flew as they were destributing duties.... a massive hail of arrows..... numbering 150 yes all of the females....

and like that all of the archers died, while a mere 14 knights raised their shields to block the hail of arrows.... a few hot lucky lowering the troop of knights to 10.... than it was at this moment....

goblin wolf riders came leaping towards them on their green dire wolves, sword in hand as they did so... and began to mop up the knights...

some raised their swords to meet the wolves in battle however, a few forward archers were placed... and they began to snipe them from places all around them, they were dressed up ghillie uniforms of snipers in the modern era... so they couldnt defend themselves... and than they died... just like that... the last one... with golden armor was putting up one hell of a fight;.... he waved his sword this way and that.... but never the less, an arrow met his neck.


i sat there ecstatic... as looked at all the DP in my hands now... now numbering 21,000

happy... i began to add in my forces for the other floors along with a bunch of monster spawners...

i also upgraded the mana circulation of the dungeon costing me 10,000 DP.

upgrading the mana circulation of the dungeon, increases the overall mana in the dungeon, and enhances my monsters, along with increasing their ability to evolve....

i summoned another 200 Goblins and added them to the village, along with more spawners... adding to the quality of life factor, i also bought a goblin alchemist, smith, carpenter. costing me 500 DP each.

i increased the number of floors i had by 5 again.

the six floor was a massive mountainous valley, set to have bears and werewolves, 7th floor a fiery mountain of doom, with fire sprites and elementals... 8th floor a massive bog where you have to follow a select path or you will drown and die in the bog.... 9th floor, a massive forest with trees that are like scy scrappers, inteligent monkeys were set to live inside this area, 10th floor a massive temple of light, set to have creatures of light inside here... this was my fallen angels boss room, and my home currently.

.... now that i was back to zero DP... im gonna go to sleep and leave Alac in charge of defence while im out.

Alac the goblin commander.

Next chapter