
Dungeon God System-The God Of The Apocalypse

Isaiah Lucifer was a God-level strategist For a VRMMORPG Called Dungeon World Conquest or DWC for short in 2266. In DWC You can play as a Dungeon Master that makes Dungeons or you can play as a player and as a player, you go all around the virtual reality world conquering dungeons that The Dungeon Masters make. But Isaiah Lucifer worked for both sides as a strategist for Dungeon Master's that help's his/her to make his/her Dungeon stronger to take down by the players so they can not get the dungeon core Also, Isaiah Lucifer played as a strategist for players that help's them to beat the dungeon and get the dungeon core. When Isaiah Lucifer got done from one of his games and got out of the gaming capsule he was not in his room but he was in a Dark endless Void. In the Void, Isaiah Lucifer gets the Dungeon God System. So let watch as he goes to different worlds to open up dungeons like Gates to the World he is in. I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. Ps: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. This is just a fanfiction:) I don't own the book cover, so if anyone has issues about it let me know :)

SniperHunter2003 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter- 5 (Part 2) The First Holy Battle Royale! Enigma Past Reveal!

(Author Note - This what Enigma means.

~Enigma~ (1)A person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.

(2) What does it mean when a person is an enigma?

A person who is described as an enigma is a bit of a mystery. You never know what that person is really thinking, or what his or her motives for doing something are.

PS From The Author - Some people don't know what Enigma means so I just trying to make your lives a bit less difficult. Author out! I hope you enjoy your read!)

But before Alex and Jacob can make a plan they heard.


The Wolves hearing the howl stopped battling and ran to where the howl came from leaving the 4 teens to look at them in confusion.

Alex suddenly looked behind him and yelled." RUN! The black fog is coming!" Then he started running where the wolves ran too.

Hearing Alex everyone else started to run with him and wishing they had a '4th leg' to run faster from the black fog.

Shoosh! Shoosh! Shoosh! Shoosh!


"Ahhhhh!! don't leave me I have a mom waiting at home for me Nooo!!! come back ahhhgrkk Noo! Please....help....me....please." One of the teens with the bow and arrow suddenly got shot 2 times from the right side of the Forest in the right leg and fell on the floor crying for the other 3 teens to help him but when the black fog got to him, his voice got cut off.

All the teens swallow their saliva nervously and thought.' At least it wasn't me.'

"Did you see where the arrows came from!?!" Alex yelled at the now 3 teens while running for his life.

"Yeah, it came from the right side I think!!" A teen with short black hair and brown eyes with black glasses yelled while running by him.

~Dungeon Master Control Room With Isaiah Lucifer~

We can see Isaiah see eating hot Cheetos and drinking Sprite sitting in his black game chair with sparkling eyes shining with interest.

"It's like I am watching an HD movie with war and drama and some unexpected romance." In the end, Isaiah looked a hologram showing two 18 years old a boy and a girl having some fun in a cave making him look at them with weird eyes.

"I Kidn-summoned a weird batch of people, didn't I?"

Isaiah said and pulled his head away from the hologram and went back to watching Alex with interest.

After some time watching them for a good while Isaiah said with an evil smile." Let's spice it up and make even more fun."

To Isaiah life...is a game. You can be a Player Or a Toy. Or as Adolf Hitler said." Life is like a game. There could be many players. If you don't play with them, they'll with you."

Back at Isaiah's homeworld people called him The Messiah, The Messenger Of God, Son Of God, Humanity's Light, and many more. It's quite ironic if you ask him as his name is Isaiah the Isaiah who was best known as the Hebrew prophet who predicted the coming of Jesus Christ to salvage mankind from sin. What is vastly noticeable about him is that he lived 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ.

What gave Isaiah a good laugh was that his last name is Lucifer as the Devil. But most people did not care as he is their Messiah. Yes most not all as some

people did attempt to mess with him but let's say, Isaiah always needs some live targets for experimenting for his new serum he made after reading Marvel a long time ago with his grandpa. He basically made the super-soldier serum that will give people "Peak-Potential" and with a 0.0001 to give them greater-mutations than peak human capabilities.

When Isaiah made the serum he gave it to people who can afford it. But what the world doesn't know is that he already made a 2.0 version of the serum for himself! Yes, people will call his selfish but isn't everybody/everything selfish in their own right?

Isaiah can be called a demon as morality restraining him and his actions being a true opportunist at heart, therefore, he is able to betray and sacrifice anyone at will, regardless of their supposed relationship, as long as this action benefits him and yields a greater gain. Compared to other characters who are influenced by compassion as to not take action against weaker opponents, Isaiah is more than willing to take them on, only if the enemy is beyond his strength or ability would he mindfully retreats.

Isaiah initially appeared to be a very kind, well-respected Hero and was looked up to by the whole world. However, this was just a mask to disguise his manipulative, and very dangerous, nature. In truth, he cares very little for anything and is willing to use everyone around him as pawns to achieve his goals. He is willing to stop at nothing to further his ambitions, including manipulating or killing anyone if he deems it to be necessary. He frequently toys with everyone and everything for amusement.

To Isaiah, the world is his very own playground for his boredom and amusement. He always thought that something or someone gave him the world to do what he pleased with it.

When Isaiah was younger he was better at anything he did to the point that people started calling him a "Monster" " Abnormal Genius" " He who Is Gifted By God" " One In A Million Years Genius".

His parents Were both scientists and doctors as they were geniuses in their own right. His Father Ezekiel Lucifer loves technology so that's what he usually works on. His Father stayed huddle in his lab for months on end to just get his work right, you can call him a perfectionist. He did anything 100% within his capabilities. His father quote was." If you can't do something absolutely right, then don't do it at all."

His Mother Artemisia Lucifer real last name Seraphim before marriage. His Mother loves helping people in need or just people themselves so she became a doctor helping anyone that will reach to her in need. Everyone describes her as an angel descending from the heavens helping Humanity and guiding them. His Mother is what you call a ball of sunshine and energy, a mixture of an Extraversion and an Agreeableness. She loves talking, sociable, and can draw energy from crowds with just her angelic voice She tend to be assertive and cheerful in her social interactions. She's a warmth and a kind person. People say she is trusting, helpful, and compassionate to anyone. If Isaiah describes his mother he'll describe her as an Angel, innocent and kind, and sometimes naive. His Mother's quote is." Never example yourself to anyone. You don't need anyone's approval. Live your life and do what makes you happy."

After some thinking, Isaiah used his Telepathy link to his followers.

~Somewhere With The Chieftain Orc~

On a large black wolf with red eyes, there is an Orc with a tan muscular build with two tusks and light yellow eyes wearing a black wolf fur and a hide of a black bear like armor holding a big black ax with some weird red markings running along on it.

This is Krorzuk Bloodheart the Chieftain Orc of the new Eastern Orc tribe. Krorzuk was always the strongest Orc and the Best at anything that involves War and taming. Krorzuk became the new Chieftain Orc because the last one is getting too old with only a little bit of lifespan left.

The only thing downside about Krorzuk is that he is all muscle and no brain. He will always rush in the battle with his Ax killing anything and anyone that opposes him and his tribe with all his effort. So he has his brother Olurm Bloodheart a battle strategies an Orc that loves reading and Magic, because of that, he was bullied when he was younger but they stop after Krorzuk had a 'good talk' with them.

" Krorzuk get back here we're not done planning!!" A light tan athletic Orc with light blue eyes riding a big gray wolf with blue eyes wearing a black scholar robe with red Outlines holding a black staff with blood-red Vines running through it, on top of the staff is a bright blood red Crystal sitting on it shining in an ominous manner.

" Olurm we have a plan so good back read your books Our Creator gave you," Krorzuk said looking at Olurm with a smile on his face.

Getting his wolf by Krorzuk and opening a medium-sized black book with a red cross on it Olurm said shaking his head." Krorzuk killing every human that you see is not a plan, well it is a plan but not the best one. Just give me some time and I will create a better one for us with fewer casualties." At first, he said signing but then at the end, he said in confidence still looking at his book with a big smile making the Orc's behind them shiver in fright for a quick second.

Krorzuk laughed and said looking at Olurm." Ok, you have 2hr's and stop making that expression or my soldiers will not enough energy in them to fight to their heart's content."

All Olurm did was nod and started brainstorming a better plan.

Krorzuk just shook his head look at his brother and started thinking about something.

After some time he heard a calm and beautiful voice in his head making his feel at peace with everything.

" Krorzuk I shall bestow you my blessing to you if you bring peace back to our Holy Lands."

Looking around and seeing no one except his soldiers and his brother, Krorzuk said in his head." Creator is that you?"

He then heard a little chuckle in his head." Ho, as my fateful follows already forgotten me?"

Krorzuk said rapidly in his head." No, my Creator, we will never have forgotten have you who is our light in the dark lending our path to Victory and salvation to everything and everyone."

After saying that he and his Creator starting talking about his old world much to his enjoyment.

~SomeTime Later Still With The Orc's In A Forests~

In the forest, we can see an Orc's squad with around the 50ish Orc's, and Lending them is Krorzuk who is getting bored and Olurm still has his nose in the book chuckling evilly now and of them. The Orc's in the back got used to it so they didn't shiver this time...well some did if you can notice it.

Before Krorzuk can bug Olurm again a light middle-aged Gray Orc with hazel eyes came riding in on a gray wolf with light yellow eyes.

" Chieftain Krorzuk we found 10 humans about 30 minutes away running to the West in a haste." The middle-aged Gray Orc said respectfully with his head bowing a little in front of his Chieftain.

Without even saying anything Krorzuk started riding his wolf to the West. The rest of the orcs just gave a wry smile seeing their battle junkie Chieftain having a big smile.

Olurm said closing his book reluctantly." Brothers and Sisters let's go chase our Chieftain before he does something stupid." After saying that he said looking at his wolf." Let's go, Rina!"

"Awooooooo!!!" Rina gave out a howl agreeing to her master and started sprinting to wear Krorzuk went.

The orcs looked at each other smiling and ran following Their Chieftain and Co-Chieftain.

(Word Count - 1952)

Hi, It's the Author I hope you like what I'm writing and find it readable.

I hope you like my Battle Royale Novel hehehe.

Guys and Girls' place give me some skill ideas.

~Author out weebs~

SniperHunter2003creators' thoughts