
Dungeon God System-The God Of The Apocalypse

Isaiah Lucifer was a God-level strategist For a VRMMORPG Called Dungeon World Conquest or DWC for short in 2266. In DWC You can play as a Dungeon Master that makes Dungeons or you can play as a player and as a player, you go all around the virtual reality world conquering dungeons that The Dungeon Masters make. But Isaiah Lucifer worked for both sides as a strategist for Dungeon Master's that help's his/her to make his/her Dungeon stronger to take down by the players so they can not get the dungeon core Also, Isaiah Lucifer played as a strategist for players that help's them to beat the dungeon and get the dungeon core. When Isaiah Lucifer got done from one of his games and got out of the gaming capsule he was not in his room but he was in a Dark endless Void. In the Void, Isaiah Lucifer gets the Dungeon God System. So let watch as he goes to different worlds to open up dungeons like Gates to the World he is in. I am a beginner writer, so, please don't mind if there are some basic mistakes especially some grammar and sentence structure. Ps: I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. This is just a fanfiction:) I don't own the book cover, so if anyone has issues about it let me know :)

SniperHunter2003 · Fantasy
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Chapter - 4 (Part 1) The First Holy Battle Royale

In an opened grassland is a boy that looks around 16 with short Dark Blue hair that going to his shoulders with sky blue having a lean body wearing a black T-shirt that says 'Supreme' in red and black pants with some black and red Jordans.

The boy suddenly looked behind him and a Black wolf with red eyes growing at him show it's razor-sharp teeth walking to him slowly.

The Boy said in the most gentlest voice possible." I am not trying to kill you but they are." At the end, he pointed his finger to the location he heard the Battle Cry at.

The Black Wolf tilted its head to the right and then suddenly started shaking his head like it made a decision and ran at Alex.

Alex." FUCK!!!" He started running when he saw the wolf stop and dashed in the woods.

When he was running he suddenly saw an Arrow fly past his face and hit the wolf in the leg making it fall.

Male teen Voice." Come with me if you want to live!" A fat white guy with hazel eyes and a black military haircut in a cosplay military get up pulled Alex and started hauling ass the opposite direction of the wolf.

When Alex was being pulled he saw the guy and he looked around the same age as him wearing a cosplay military get up having a makeshift wood bow and Arrows on his back.

The male teen said while running." Hi, I am Jacob Woods!"

Alex said running getting out of Jacob's grip." Hi, I am Alex! and no it's not short for being Alexander it's just Alex for Alex." He said this, because he gets a lot of questions for his name.

~Sometime later in a rocky cave~

Alex and Jacob started telling their stories about how they got here.

Jacob said as he was in cosplay convention when he went to the restroom he was going to play a game on his phone while he use the restroom.

(Author note- come on guys and girls we all do this right RIGHT because I hope it's not just me or it will be awkward(Author going to the corner of his room and silently cried for being weird)

When suddenly a pop-up ad on his phone said if he wants to be a 'Conquer and win an otherworldly skill'. He was like Alex he thought it was one of his games so he put 'yes' and you know the rest.

After telling his story Jacob got some wood and started to try to make something.

This got Alex's attention so he said." Hey Jacob what are you doing?"

Jacob said without looking up." I am trying to make a bow and some arrows for you so you don't die."

Alex got curious and asked." Jacob, how do you know all this?"

Jacob suddenly stopped and looked at Alex and said with a smug and proud smile." My dad and mom love to go hiking so they drilled me some survival skills so I can't die and get lost."

Alex signed and laughed a little and said." Damn you have cool parents all I have is a dad that goes to work at his CEO office and a doctor mom that works as a Doctor for a slightly famous Hospital."

Jacob laughed embarrassingly and scratched the back of his head and said." Yeah, I know I get that a lot hahaha."

As Alex and Jacob were having a good laugh they did not see a yellow gold Eyeball moving around them sometimes.

~Dungeon Master Control Room with Isaiah Lucifer~

We can see Isaiah sitting on a chair eating popcorn and drinking Sprite watching Alex and Jacob conversation with sparkling eyes.

Isaiah Suddenly laugh like a maniac in an Evil and Sinister way and said." Let's take this up a notch."

Isaiah pressed a Red button and a Black Gas Suddenly came out of nowhere spreading around the dungeon making a circle like a Battle Royale game.

This Black Gas Is a gift the system gave him and it a poisonous Gas that will kill anything in Isaiah's mind so it will only kill the Humans he kidna-summoned and not the inhabitants of the dungeon.

Then he pressed a Bule button and 10 Black boxes fell from the sky on the floor.

In the Black boxes, they are steel weapons like swords, daggers, axes, Etc. And leather armor in them for the 'Players'.

~With Alex And Jacob In The Cave~

When Alex and Jacob went outside to see if it is safe but they saw a Black box 10 yards in front of them and a Black Gas in the air 50 yards away from them.

Jacob sprinted to the Black box and pushed open the top and pulled a steel bow and some steel arrows out and waived at Alex and said in a hurried tone." Alex! Come over here there are some steel weapons and leather armors!"

Alex."What!?!" He yelled in a happy tone and ran to the black box.

When he got to the black box he saw a lot of different medieval weapons and 4 Brown leather armors left. So he pulled a Steel sword and a short steel dagger and last but not least a full leather armor for himself.

When he pulled the steel sword he let out a laugh like a little girl with a big stupid smile.

Jacob laughed at Alex when saw him but he stopped laughing because he did it too.

After getting there gear they slowly walked to the middle of the circle because whatever that black gas is it's not good for them.

After walking for 10 minutes they heard sounds of fighting so they sneaked up over there to not make a lot of noise because they don't want whatever they hear suddenly run to them.

When they got to the noise they saw a scene that they will remember till their Deathbed.

They saw 4 Boys around the same age as them in the same school clothing fighting two wolves holding what look like new weapons they got in a box like them.

One boy had a bow and arrows. Another had two short daggers. and the last two had swords but the good thing is that they have on full leather armor on to protect them from the enemies.

Alex said looking at Jacob." Should we help them?"

Jacob said righteously holding his bow tightly." Yes, we should help them because we're all are humans like them after all."

Alex just signed and said squatting down." I agree but we need a plan."

Jacob said squatting down and putting his right hand on Alex's shoulder." Yes we do need a plan but what is it?"

(Word Count-1142)

Hi, It's the Author I hope you like what I'm writing and find it readable.

I hope you like my Battle Royale Novel hehehe.

Guys and Girls' place give me some skill ideas.

The Author still hiding in a corner because he's weird

Isaiah Lucifer said till patting the Author's back." Don't worry brother I will be weird with you because I do it to."(Trying to hold his tears at the end)

~Author out weebs~

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