
Chapter 9

I ducked under a blow from the Kobold leader and slashed open his back severing his spine before grabbing the landform weapon he dropped and throwing it at the dungeon lizard trying to ambush me from the ceiling.

The stone mace smashed into the creature's head causing it to lose its footing falling belly up in the floor where I could slash its neck open.

After three days of dungeon delving, I had gotten pretty good at spotting the things to the point they no longer provided any danger.

Looking towards the ceiling I thought about what awaited me up there in Orario and sighed, since meeting Loki three days ago I had managed to avoid encountering anyone from her familia again.

Loki hadn't really given me a time or a place to receive training and I wasn't about to march willing into the Twilight Manor if I could help it but I swear the little imp had been keeping an eye on me, I could even feel her stare from time to time while walking through the streets.

I knew she'd eventually track me down again but I was really not looking forward to it.

A chitering noise came from the hallway leading deeper into the fifth floor and made me focus back on the dungeon.

Rushing straight at me was what I could only assume was a killer ant, the insect was the size of a large dog with a reddish carapace and wicked sharp mandibles.

I smiled, facing a new monster would be interesting.

Making sure I was ready to receive its charge I considered just how I was going to kill the thing, aiming for an eye didn't seem like it would kill the thing and its exoskeleton looked tough enough to be armor.

Also, weren't ants able to lift 50 times their own weight or something? The creature rushing me seemed to be at least 20 kilos.

The Ant attacked, its sword like mandibles snapping closed on thin air as I dodged out of the way and struck at its head.

My sword hit its armor and actually bounced back, my hands becoming numb from the impact and almost making me drop the weapon.

Taking a few steps back I saw the ant stumble in confusion from the blow, a small dent in its head but otherwise perfectly okay.

Passing my sword from one hand to the other I shook my arms to stop the numbness and saw a large dent on my sword's edge which made me grimace.

Sharpening my weapon had turned out to be a pain and I never quite managed to make it as good as it had been on the first day, a dent like that would take me hours to fix.

The ant fully recovered and attacked again, my eyes were still unable to predict its movements and it was fast enough I barely managed to dodge its lunge.

Stepping to its side I stomped on one of the creature's legs and it snapped like twig but didn't affect its movements all that much, damn insect.

I'd probably have to break at least four of its limbs to fully disable the thing.

On the next attack I wasn't fast enough and the ant clamped its jaws around my ankle almost breaking my bones, with a twist of its head the monster pulled me off my feet and I couldn't resist as it dragged me through the floor and sent me flying.

I managed to keep my hold on the sword and, as the ant tried to bit down on my neck, twisted aside and shoved the tip at its neck digging deep on the gap between its head and chest.

Putting one foot at the creature's side I twisted the sword with all my strength using it as a lever to cut off its head sending it sprawling to the floor.

The insects body continued to move without a head, flailing about and stumbling as if drunk while its head continued to open and close its huge jaws.

Getting to my feet I relaxed for a few seconds, then remembered those creatures actually called out for help if they weren't properly finished off.

Stomping on its head did nothing so I grabbed my sword in a reverse grip and delivered a murder stroke with all of my strength, the edge cut deeply into my hand but my pommel broke through the creature's armor and pulped its brain.

"Fuck!" I screamed as my hands bleed all over the sword.

Pulling out a health potion I drank it and watched the cuts close, then I heard the chittering, seems I had taken too long to kill the damn thing.

From two different hallways I saw five ants rushing me, their mandibles snapping hungrily in the air.

Looking around in desperation I saw the Landform weapon from the Kobold I just killed had yet to dissolve so I hushed towards it, my eyes already spinning into the mangekyou in order to better see their movements.

Focusing on the hallway with three ants I kept them all in my vision and cast my illusion.

My first instinct was to try and make them see each other as humans but it did nothing to the monsters, it seems they could sense each other in some way and the difference was enough to immediately break my minor illusions.

I didn't dare use my pain illusion least they start calling for help again so I tried something new, taking over their sense of touch and vision I imagined pillars of stone rising from the floor like spikes and piercing right through their bellies, lifting them and making them stop

In a second the ants stopped and their limbs started flailing in the air as if they were trying to grip at something but finding no purchase.

Turning towards the two remaining monsters I lifted the stone mace and smashed it on top of the first ant with both hands causing it to explode like a watermelon, then I twisted aside and broke every leg on the second's right side, it still tried to crawl towards me but with only one side working I just squashed it.

From behind me two of the ants broke my illusion, they looked around for a brief moment of confusion and them rushed me.

With a snort I met one of their eyes and used a greater Illusion to activate a new ability I had been working on. I turned off the monster's perception of its own body.

For the time my illusion was in effect I tricked the monster's mind into thinking it had already sent its orders, I tricked the monster into thinking it was already moving.

The result was the ant flopping to the ground as if a puppet with its strings cut as it saw itself moving.

Used against a human I'd have to be good enough to predict his moves well enough he wouldn't be suspicious but, against a mindless ant, I could leave it there for an hour and it wouldn't regain its movements.

I quickly smashed all three remaining ants killing them before they could call for help and sighed.

Yep, the sharingan kind of made it all boring again.

Without the illusions I'd probably have been overwhelmed by the insects and forced to run but, with the sharingan, they weren't even a challenge.

Ugh, I hate that I'm almost hoping I find something like a Vouivre again, who knew killing monsters would get so... repetitive.

Harvesting the creatures, I watched their bodies dissolve into dust and decided to call it a day, I had already used three health potions and it should be getting dark anyway.

By the time I finished climbing the floors the sun had already set so I made my way back to my room and spent half an hour separating whatever loot I had.

The item drops all went into my backpack so I could sell them to the tower tomorrow morning while the magic crystals were separated by type of monster and put into pouches, I'd have to find a way to sell those too before long, I had already gathered so many I was almost running out of room for it.

Another hour was spent trying to get rid of my swords' damage, I had been using it a little too carelessly and it had started to accumulate, another week and I'd probably have to get a new one from one of the blacksmith familias.

Hephaestus was the biggest and most well-known but I had seen their prices and, even now, I could barely afford them.

Using the Inn's bathroom, I took a quicky bath and called it a day.





"How very rude of you"

I woke up with a startle, there was someone in my room!

Grabbing my dagger from bellow my pillow I wiped my arm towards the voice on instinct and only them realized I just threw away my only weapon!

My heart hammering in my chest I rolled in the bed and threw myself towards my sword in a vain hope that I could get to it before whoever invaded my bedroom had time to kill me.

I made it! Unsheathing my weapon, I twisted around, my mangekyou already active and ready fight.

Loki sat backyards on a chair inside my room, her arms crossed on top of its back and an amused smile on her face, by her side Tiona held my dagger between her fingers.

"You know I was kind of mad you were avoiding me but now I think it was worth the wait" Slowly, the god started clapping "And your eyes can even change shape, is that some kind of skill?"

Adrenaline leaving my body I collapsed against the wall, go... no, just damn it!

"Loki, why are you in my room?"

"Well you did accept my offer of training, I got worried when you never showed up!"

"You never set a time or place" I said and pushed myself up, my chest still hurting from how hard my heart had been beating "

"Hmmm... anyway get up, we're going to the wall"

"Can I have a moment?" I released the sword and covered my face with my hand "I need to get dressed"

"You already had three days, come on, up, up!"

With another groan I managed to put on a shirt and some boots before Tiona physically dragged me out of the room and grabbed her signature weapon

"Come on Newbie-kun I'll make you into a hero in no time!" the strange fire in her eyes gave me a very cold feeling.

Nobody raised an eyebrow as a tiny amazoness eagerly dragged me through the streets of Orario followed by a whistling god.

"Just what did you say to her?" I asked Loki, there's only so much you can be scared of someone before you get used to it.

"Tiona always liked hero stories" Loki fake whispered, her voice loud enough for everyone around to hear "So I suggested she try making one, heroes always have strong mentors after all"

Well, at least the girl would be serious about training me.

Halfway to the wall Loki Jumped at my back and warped an arm around my neck "Ahhh... I'm tired from all this walking and searching for you, carry me"

The thought of carrying one of the Norse gods at my back made me swallow and try to drop her but the petite woman seemed to have become an octopus, her arms and legs warping around my body and holding on for dear life.

She's not going to backstab you in the streets Roland, endure it, endure it.

Reaching the top of the wall the little god finally jumped down and went to sit on the edge eating some kind of snack.

Turning to my new trainer I saw her pierce the ground with the tip of her double-bladed sword into the ground and start to stretch her arms and legs.

I took only a second to appreciate her form before my eyes went to her weapon and I gulped, a description from berserk came to mind.

Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron... times two for maximum edginess.

"Ah... how exactly are you going to train me?"

"Fighting!" Tiona said with eagerness "I always learned best when fighting"

Then she lifted the piece of metal heavier than me from the wall dragging pieces of stone up and spun it over her head causing it to whistle as it cut through the air before she got into a ready position.

"Wait!" I shouted, my eyes never leaving the giant thing "maybe we can start with hand to hand?"

"Eh?" Tiona asked turning her head sideways and pouting "Fine I guess, but you have to know your weapons if you want to beat a floor boss alone"

Woman, do you really want to kill me that much?

Though I do have the sharingan so it may be interesting to try.

Tiona gave one last sigh and dropped her weapon causing the ground to shake from its weight before she got into a fighting position

Shaking my head, I adjusted my stance and faced the girl.

"Alright can I start now?"


Then she kicked me in the face.

I mean there was no shadow to predict her movements, no sudden tension in her muscles, one moment she was standing five meters in front of me and the next I felt her feet kicking me in the head for a brief second before I went flying.

Bouncing off the floor twice I flopped like a broken doll, my head ringing.

"PFFFFFF! ahahahahahahahahahha!" From the top of the wall Loki burst out laughing.

It took me a full minute to regain my bearings enough I could push myself up in a sitting position.

"What... what happened?"

"Ah, newbie-kun you're alive!" don't sound so damn surprised! "Sorry, I did say I was bad at holding back"

Tiona scratched the back of her head sheepishly and avoided looking me in the eye.

"Here" Loki opened a huge backpack absolutely filled with rows upon rows of health potions and threw me a vial, it was far darker than the ones I used "I made sure I was ready before coming to get you"

Drinking the entire thing I felt a wave of relief wash over my body, with a groan I pushed myself up and tested my limbs to see if nothing was broken, then I eyed the nearly full backpack.

So, Loki had gotten a lot of high-quality potions, why didn't that fill me with relief.

"Alright I'll make sure to take it a little easier this time"

"No wa..."

I tried to say but Tiona was already attacking, her kick aimed at the same spot.

Her speed had gone from 'Teleportation' to merely 'blindingly fast' even to my vision and I only just managed to lift my arms before her kick hit, smashing into my forearms and sending me stumbling back.

A blur was my only warning as Tiona appeared at my side and punched me in the kidney before jumping up and delivering a hammer kick

I barely had time to tilt my head out of the way when her heel hit my shoulder.


I managed to keep myself from screaming... somehow, my arm hung limply by my side and Fiona jumped back allowing me enough room to breathe.

"Great! you held on for 2 seconds!"

Yes, great.

Loki snickered at my fate and threw me another potion.

Drinking it I felt a warm feeling covering my arm and, not even a minute later my bones were mended.

"ugh, just how many of those can I take?"

"Oh, don't worry those are high quality potions, you can take about fifty of them before e they start losing their effect."

Ahhh it was going to be a long day.

I dragged myself into the Hibschite bar and flopped bonellessly on top of Mord' table, every inch of my body was hurting and I didn't think there was a single bone in my body that hadn't at least cracked.

"Well you're looking chipper today" the large man said as he watched me.

Scott and Guille were also looking at my sorry form and almost managing to keep from laughing.

"Well Roland I didn't know you liked that kind of thing" Scott said "and to be so bold as to come out like this, mad respect"

"What are you talking about?"

Without a word Guile got up and found a portable mirror I could look into.

It seems the last potions I used had already started losing their effects and hadn't been able to heal everything, right there in my face was a huge purple bruise covering my nose and both of my eyes, perfectly in the shape of Tiona's foot.

"Damn amazoness, did she have to keep aiming for my head?"

"So, you like getting stepped on is it, and by an amazoness too, kinky"

"Shut up" I groaned "Loki wanted to thank me for saving some of her familia and, since my god's not present, she offered me some training"

"Wow, personal training from Loki familia, if it weren't for the number of bruises you're sporting, I'd almost be jealous" Mord ordered a drink for me and laid back "So, which one was it"

"Tiona, the younger level 5 amazoness"

"Ah.... so close, and to think that by one letter it could have been the older sister" Flushing, Mord made some obscene movements with his hands in front of his chest "I bet you'd like some personal time with Tione huh"

"Shut up" Scott slapped the back of his head "Small breasts are justice!"

Ah, perhaps I should rethink my association with those guys.

They traded a few blows before Guile punched both of their heads and they sat back down

"Anyway, you wanted to speak with us?"

"Yeah, you know I have been delving every day since the week started right"

"We noticed"

"Well, my god still didn't get in contact with me so the magic crystals have started to accumulate"

"Hmmm" Mord scratched his beard "You want a contact in the black market?"

"No, no, I just thought we could get to an agreement" I said and finally pushed myself up from the table, my arms screaming in pain "Nobody would think it weird if you guys were to sell one level 1's share of magic crystals to the guild"

"Ah, I guess we can do that, gonna cost you 20% though"


"You know we're not a charity" Mord sighed "And, with Scotts arm the way it is we need all we can get"

"Fine, 10%" I argued.

"18" Scott leaned over "you're still delving on the upper floors, anything less and it would not even be worth time used to count the crystals"

"15% come on I have almost 20k in crystals rotting in my room and, with training from Loki I should be able to get more every day"

"Fine but just because we like you"

We shook on it and I started drinking the ale, I had never really liked beer but Orario's ale was completely different, it tasted slightly of honey and was deceptively light making it far too easy to get drunk if I wasn't paying attention.

With the money from the magic crystal's coming in I'd be able to buy some better gear before going back to the dungeon and, who knows, I may even get a porter myself.

Even porters were able to choose their teams and it would be hard to show enough of my skills to attract a somewhat trustworthy one while keeping enough hidden I could easily defeat him in case he did decide to backstab me.

Fucking Loki coming into my room like that, now I'd have to pack my things and find somewhere else to stay.


(A/N: Hey guys so... I made a pat reon.

don't worry, all my content will continue to be free and there's no real benefit to supporting me but, if you like my stories and have a little extra money, I'd REALLY appreciate it.

I know my stories still have a lot of problems so I won't be charging for them or putting them on pat reon as early releases, it will just be a way for people to help me if they want...

Although, if someone on my pat reon asks me for extra chapters or for me to focus more on one story than the others I'm far more willing to listen because... well MONEY! Who doesn't like MONEY!

Just copy the link and delete the space in "pat reon" to find my page.

https://pat reon.com/user?u=80916156&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator)

A little shorter than usual but I thought it was a good moment to stop, hope you guys enjoy the chapter

CaptaoCavcreators' thoughts