
Dune: The Holy Path

"Born as the project of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, raised on the wastelands of the Salusa Secundus, rose in the deserts of the Arrakis, and ascended in the Stars where destiny awaited. Vorian II. Atreides and his story is filled with dread, blood and death while at the same time it is filled with hope, life and happiness." - From the diaries of Princess Irulan Corrino, The Origins of Vorian II. Atreides

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Into the Stars

As Isha was distracting the remaining Sardaukar Troopers from what they were doing, he very quickly entered the outpost and sneaked upon the very first member of the Sardakar, stabbing him in the back.

When the first one was down, Vorian immediately moved to the second one, which was on the same floor as the first one, and managed to penetrate his shields, which were always activated quickly.

The last of the three Sardaukars was standing the guard on the top of the outpost, but fortunately enough, the outpost wasn't really tall, so he quickly reached the top of the outpost, where the last remaining Sardaukar was keeping the guard. 

Vorian didn't waste any time as he sneaked up on the man, stabbing him in the back and killing the last remaining of the guards.

'Come on Isha... we need to disappear as soon as possible... now that the entire Outpost is out, it would take the command approximately half an hour to figure that something is wrong and another twenty or fifteen minutes to send people to check on the status of the Outpost.'

Vorian said through the telepathic connection he had with his pet Grynix, as he started hurrying to the place which he got from Irula, where the starship was hidden. It wasn't really far from this place, but at the same time, it also wasn't close. 

Thus, the sole thing he could do was to run as fast as his physique allowed him to do... more than a decade of living on the Salusa Secundus and withstanding the brutal conditions of this hellish world allowed him to reach the pinnacle of the human physique without any additional augmentations.

He was stronger, faster, and physically superior to the people of the Old Earth. That was clear, but Vorian wanted to achieve more. 

Reach the heights of evolution that even Bene Gesserit, or the most brilliant scientist of the old humanity, could not ever reach.

The genetic memories of his ancestors from the times of the Olden Earth, albeit incomplete, were enough to tell him that once he could gain complete access to his genetic memories, he would be able to usher in an entirely new era.

Still... even though the technological limitations of this time were rather severe, the humanity of the Imperium managed to reach great degrees of technology, especially in genetic engineering; in some areas, it was even reaching the aspects of the Olden Age. 

Or even eclipsing it in certain areas. 


The starship that Irulan prepared for him didn't look anything special; it was a relatively small starcraft, capable of holding approximately 10 people or so. It was bearing the sigil Imperial House.

Irulan went even further and even charted the entire network of the space jumps that he needed to conduct before he reached Caladan. Even though instantaneous space travel was a thing in this age, the journey to the Caladan would take around one month.

The first thing he needed to do was to arrive at the other edge of the Imperium, where he would dispose of this spacecraft and take another one that was already prepared by Irulan.

He needed to destroy this one as it was bearing Imperial Sigil. Thus, it was a bit eye-catching. Irulan was very thorough when it came to this; she did everything in her power to cover his tracks so the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood wouldn't notice anything.

Piloting a spaceship wasn't something that he learned, but he could still delve into his incomplete genetic memories to get the crash course on the spaceship flight and navigate the dammed thing to the Guild Heighliner that was above the orbit of the Caladan. 

Officially speaking, the Guild was a neutral entity in the Imperium, providing services to everyone who paid, be it the Great Houses of the Landsraad, the Houses Minor, Smugglers, Space Pirates, independents, or practically everyone.

Though... Vorian knew better about the Guild and their power within the Imperium. 

The Guild itself was something that couldn't be allowed to exist.


Unknown Time Later, Unknown Place

The starcraft that Vorian was using right now was something rather unassuming and far less opulent and eye-catching than the previous Imperial Vessel that was unfortunately destroyed when two asteroids clashed against each other. 

For the past three weeks or so, Vorian had been living in the starships, jumping from one corner of the Galaxy to another, always paying in the Solaris, something that Irulan had prepared for him. 

One, would use the starship to cross several systems without using the Heighliner, as he didn't have Navigator in this ship, so he needed to use the Guild's Heighliner for most of the time.

Before the last step, he had something special prepared as he was flying through something that was considered a lawless star zone. Such places were not rare but they were not common either within the territories of the Imperium. 

It was a star system where no Great Houses, Imperial House, or anyone else really ruled, and the place was one huge mess filled with pirates and other types of scum of humanity. 

Vorian and Irulan planned to lure some of the pirates to board Vorian's ship... in which he would then board the ship of the pirates, use it to destroy his previous ship and then go through some more unsavory methods to the Caladan so he appeared like a smuggler.

And as expected, the plan went exceptionally well because it didn't take long to lure some of the pirates to attempt to rob his ship. The ship he was using was in far better condition than the rest of the spaceships that were being used by the pirates, so when they saw it, they instantly attempted to rob him...

Only to be cut in droves; none of them could fight even at a proficient level and were armed with relatively primitive laser weaponry.

When he took control of their spacecraft, he destroyed his previous one and used the pirate vessel to head to the star system that was located precisely 7 star systems away from the star system where planet Caladan was located.

From there, he would go at the ordinary sub-light speed, which would take a long time to arrive at the Caladan System. However, it was the most subtle method that he and Irulan could come up with to arrive at the place undetected. 

From there on, he only needed to be caught by the Atreides Fleet and brought back to the Caladan. Meeting the current Duke of the House Atreides, Leto Atreides, was a rather simple matter, as only one message needed to be delivered to the ears of the Duke.

Because Vorian was created by the Bene Gesserit, Bene Thleilax, and Space Guild mostly from the DNA and Genome of the Vorian Atreides, the founder of the House Atreides and Serena Butler, he had access to the founding secrets of the House Atreides, something that was passed from Patriarch to Patriarch. 


Delta Pavonis Star System, some time later

Not long after he entered the Atreides territory, he was immediately captured by the patrolling Atreides Navy and transported to the Planet Caladan. Apparently, the security around the Atreides territory was top-notch.

They always captured every single smuggler and pirate that even attempted to encroach on their territory.. the security was well done around the Atreides territories, mainly due to the fact that they were always in conflict with the Harkonnens...

Interestingly enough, because the majority of the genetic template that was used to "create" Vorian Atreides was from the original Vorian Atreides, he inherited a lot from the original Vorian Atreides, especially the deep hatred for the Harkonnens.

When he was being captured, he asked to pass the message to Duke Leto Atreides through a special codeword that was used by the Bene Gesserit to pass secret messages; he knew that this would catch the attention of his concubine, who was a member of the Bene Gesserit, which in turn would get him the desired meeting.

It didn't take long for him to be transported to the Planet Caladan, and as he predicted, when the spaceship carrying him landed down, he was welcomed by the military escort, vastly different from what would be afforded to any criminal.

The man that was in charge of the military escort was an elderly plump man with light tan skin or so... with white hair. When Vorian looked at him, he knew that the man was clearly a Mentat; as he was one himself, he could easily recognize another Mentat.

Thufir Hawat...

Throughout the Imperium, Hawat had a formidable reputation. He was known in the Landsraad to be both cunning and honorable. Indeed, other Great Houses coveted him for his abilities as a strategist, warrior, and trusted advisor.

For three generations, Hawat had been responsible for Atreides House security. This meant protection for Atreides family members, anti-espionage, risk management, and various aspects of kanly.

"Escort the guest to the prepared room..."

Thufir Hawat scanned the Vorian, who was wearing shabby clothes that made him appear even more like a smuggler. However, there was one thing that didn't escape the Hawat's look... 

Vorian's eyes...