
Dubois Insurgence

The Jazz Capital of the world will no longer sound the sounds of life but that of death. Days after Maria Dubois returns home from a 15-month deployment her beloved city is rock with explosions. Holding onto her little sister she runs for her life with her family behind her until they are separated. with just her kid sister in her arms, she desperately tries to find the mother and father. But hours later the dead come back. What will Dubois do to survive? how will she care for her sister with the dead up and about? How will her city survive? And what will the government, the people who sent her to a war-torn country do?

Jax9413 · LGBT+
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In the two days I was home I gain five pounds. My mother said I was too skinny and feed me like the southern that I am. I knew I was going to work off the weight when I left but for now, I love it. I miss eating my mother food and my dads' pies. They were the best cooks I know. However today was the day of marte Grau. I could not wait. I was going to wear my ADU, active-duty uniform, to get into clubs for free and get discount drinks. I know I was going to spend the first half of my night with my family the I was going to spend the other half of my night with some friends and catch up on everything I missed with them for being overseas. I've spent time with all my family and when it was time to party all day and night long, we left our home and marched into the French quarter. Nothing was better than spending time with my family in my city. The start of the day was rough but with some coffee I was feeling ready to run into trouble.

But let's hope not. The only trouble I can run into and not mind was at the end of a pretty girl. Pretty girls are my weakness, doesn't better if they are femme or butch, I love them. During the day I hung out with my family. Watching recorded footballs games with my old man and hearing my mother gossip about the others at church. I also sent sometime with Avery at the skate park where she shows off her skills. It was a good relaxing day to spend with my family. Fir a second it almost felt like I was whole again, but I knew I wasn't. an apart of me was taken in the middle east. I shook the thoughts from my head and force on today and the coming night. Today was nothing but family and friends and tonight one of the biggest parties in the state, marte gura.

After spending time with my kid sister and family I got ready for a night out with hem.

I haven't been home in so long that I forgotten how hot it can be, but my skins love these went heat more than anything else compare to the dry heat in the middle east. After spending the day with my family, it was time to let loose with them and some friends. Avery was in my care while I hung out with some old high school friends and there younger sibling, I didn't mind hanging out with them because I didn't want to drink, he night away, even if it's the biggest party in the south. After 15 months of being away and missing marte gura the year before I wanted to remember this year with people that more than just friends. I wanted to be here for my kid sister as well, leaving her was the hardest thing I've ever done.

After getting ready for a good time out my family went to our local church so they can pray for the people of New York city and California. while I was away some kind of virus whip out New York and is now a dead city, no one in or out with the army and navy doing combined measures to keep whatever is there insides the gray wall. Somehow that didn't work because shortly after the something happen on the west coast and the state was quarantine, in the spam of 15 months one of the greatest cities were burn to the ground never to be rebuilt again. New York city of dreams is now the city of nightmares, the sunny state of California is now the dimness of them all.

After praying for something to happen where we can help those trapped on something, we made our way to the French quarter where the arty was in full swing. My family and I wanted to do something together before I took Avery and did something together. My mother wanted us to see the floats and the bands march across our city. My father wanted to take us shooting, but something in me twisted at the thought of shooting. I had my fair share in the middle east.

Unlike my father I didn't want to hold any weapons for the next free weeks and rest. I wanted to spend time with my family and friends. "hey dad I know we go shooting but not this time," I said to him. At first, he gave me a loot but then he realized what I was asking for. He nodding his head and we went to see the floats and hear some music.

As the sun was setting the crowds grew larger and the music louder. More people showed up dress and had colorful mask on. People danced and drank in the streets as the marching band pass us, circling us with its cheerful sound. Avery was on my shoulders laughing at our parents dancing. Walking around with her and some friends watching what I was missing in the middle east brought me peace. Then it felt like the air was thick around me. I recognize this feeling just before the first popping sound stared.

I brought Avery off my shoulder and held tightly onto her hand. She was speaking to me, but I couldn't hear anything from her. It was all muffled as I wanted for this feeling to pass by, but it didn't. the feeling intensify and I instinctually picked up my sister and scan the area. I looked for our parents and saw them laughing about twenty feet away from us, but a sea of people were between us. I wanted to call out to them, but the feeling grew, and everything froze around me. I look over my parents and saw a white truck that I've notice before.

I realize something was going to happen. I yelled for my parent to run but it was too later. The sounds that I hear day in, and day out came rushing to my eyes and I ran with Avery in my arms hoping and praying that out parents were running as well. Even from this distance the heat of the blaze travel.