

After a 15-hour flight from Iraq I was finally coming home. New Orleans here I come. I was coming home a day before Mardi Gras! I could not wait to be with my little sister and family going crazy on the streets and having fun. I was worried I wasn't going to make it back this in time for it, last year Avery was mad that I wasn't there and missed it, but it couldn't be helped. I was preparing to leave for my deployment at the time and she was mad and wouldn't talk to me until the day I left. I was worried about leaving her, but I knew I had to. I mean I knew my whole family and my friends were worried for me, but I was more worried for my sister. She was a firecracker. Loud and rebellions. Just like her older sister. I mean I did join the army. And now I am coming home after my first deployment and soon my four-year contract was going to be up. I was thinking about re-enlisting, but I wanted to be with my family and stay home. Don't get me wrong I love wearing this uniform but after a while the lifestyle can get to you. During my deployment, I saw some things that can truly mess you up. I was a combat medic and I've seen what happens to you firsthand when you step on an IED or get shoot at. Part of me will always be forever change by what I saw overseas.

But I couldn't stand still and think about what I've seen and done to protect myself and my brothers and sisters in arms. So, after a 15-hour long flight I was finally taxing into Louis Armstrong International Airport in my hometown or should I say city of New Orleans. I couldn't wait to get out of this plane and onto land. I turn my phone to see if my family was at the airport. I saw the text my mother sent me saying there waiting for their solider at the bag calm area. I smile at that then the flight attendant went on the coms and told us that we will be arriving at our gate in a minute or so and told us to have a good day.

After she got off the coms. the plane pulled into the gate and people to move and get their stuff from the overhead storage. I was happy. I was one of the first people off of the plane when I was gated to the terminal and made my way claim area to see my family and get my sack. It was a ten-minute walk to the claim area and the first person I saw my kid sister running up to me and jumping up into my arms for a hug. "Hey kid what's up" I ask Avery. "Nothing much loser I miss you" she said. I laugh and carry her to our parents. I put her down and waiting for my sack to come over. A few minutes later the alarm went off singling us that our bags were coming. Seconds later I saw my bag and grab it. my father offers to take the bag from me, but I held onto it. my sister kept talking about all the things she did for the past year and a half and I listened with a smile on my face. I was glad to be home. We went to the car and my mother said to me that we were going to my favorite place to eat. I couldn't wait. Then three days later it would be the biggest party in the south and I couldn't wait to spend it with my sister. We made our way home from the airport just listening to music and to my parent talk about what was going on with their lives and filling me in on the news since I've been away. It was nice and calming to listening to them talk. I just smile, then my little sister was holding my hand just humming along to the song that was playing on the radio.

Boy did I miss this. I just miss being with my family and soon we will be partying all day and night long and, in a few months, I'll be able to put this uniform away for good. Don't get me wrong I loved being in the Army, but I love my family more and I miss them so much. We pulled up to our home and I was more than happy I could feeling get out of this green uniform and into some shorts and a t-shirt and relax in bed all day long. But I knew I couldn't with my little sister around. She wanted me to go with her to the skate park to show off some new tricks she learned over the years and I couldn't wait for that. In two days were going to be painted up and deck out for the biggest party in the south was about to begin. Before that can happen, I needed to call and check in with my command sergeant and tell him that I will report for duty in one weeks' time after my leave and head out to front bless, El Paso Texas. After calling him and letting him know what was going on, I was dragged out the house my Avery. She had her helmet and skateboard with her, and we started the ten-minute walk to the park. She was to happy and so was I. I miss this kid more than anything else and I couldn't wait to see her on that four-wheel death trap. She went on and on about the people she met and the tricks she learnt, and I just couldn't stop smiling at her. This day couldn't get any better. After six more month I'll be home for good and I'll have all the time in the world for my family and maybe start one of my own.

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